"Lifelines" is published around the 10th of each month by the Marketing and Communications at the College of Veterinary Medicine.
Editor is Joe Montgomery, jmontgom@vet.k-state.edu
Current Issue - August 2024 — Vol. 19 No. 8
Hill’s Pet Nutrition donates $1 million to K-State clinical nutrition professorship
K-State researchers continue battling MERS and related bat coronaviruses of pandemic potential
Veterinary Research Scholars Program recognizes scholars and mentors
Vet Med ROCKS invites elmentary, middle school and high school students to annual day camp
Crush is Crushing it! | A Success Story from the Canine Blood Donor Program
Canine Blood Donor Program The role of a veterinary social worker at the Veterinary Health Center
Third-year student travels abroad for unique experience in South Asia