October 2022 - Vol. 17, No. 10
<September 2022 | November 2022>
Top Stories
Meet Snyder and Ohlde: CVM welcomes KSDS service dogs for training
Two puppies in training, named for Kansas State University athletics legends, are being welcomed at the College of Veterinary Medicine — although not as patients in the Veterinary Health Center. In cooperation with Kansas Specialty Dog Service (KSDS) Assistance Dogs Inc., the two service dogs, Snyder and Ohlde, are part of a new student community service initiative.
CVM receives 2022 Health Professions Higher Education Excellence In Diversity (Heed) Award
For the second year in a row, the College of Veterinary Medicine at Kansas State University has been recognized for its efforts to enhance diversity in its academic environment. The college received the 2022 Health Professions Higher Education Excellence in Diversity (HEED) Award from INSIGHT Into Diversity magazine, the oldest and largest diversity-focused publication in higher education.
Extra pair of students join Veterinary Training Program for Rural Kansas
Recent legislative changes in Kansas are bolstering a long-running, successful program at the College of Veterinary Medicine at Kansas State University. Increased funding by the state of Kansas for FY2023 and beyond allows for the selection of additional annual loan recipients and an increase in the funding of all students currently in the Veterinary Training Program for Rural Kansas, or VTPRK.
More Headlines
Dr. Hans Coetzee receives 2022-23 Distinguished Graduate Faculty Award
Internationally recognized Kansas State University graduate faculty Dr. Hans Coetzee, University Distinguished Professor and head of anatomy and physiology department, joins Yoonseong Park, professor of entomology as one of two university-wide recipients of the 2022-2023 Commerce Bank and W.T. Kemper Foundation Distinguished Graduate Faculty Award.
Chengappa publishes fourth edition of 'Veterinary Microbiology'
The fourth time is a charm for Dr. M.M. Chengappa, University Distinguished Professor and former head of the Department of Diagnostic Medicine and Pathobiology.
The newest and fourth edition of "Veterinary Microbiology" just arrived off the printing presses.
Third-year veterinary student receives Amstutz Scholarship at AABP
Paige Schmidt, third-year veterinary student at Kansas State University, Medina, North Dakota, is one of nine students selected nationally for the prestigious Harold E. Amstutz Scholarship. Schmidt received a one-time $10,500 scholarship from the American Association of Bovine Practitioners, or AABP. She is working concurrently on a master’s degree in veterinary biomedical sciences and is the president of the K-State student chapter of the AABP.
Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory develops new test for cattle diseases
The Kansas State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory has developed a new test for two major blood-borne diseases in cattle. The laboratory's Molecular Research and Development section, led by Dr. Jianfa Bai, clinical professor of diagnostic medicine and pathobiology, has developed a unique polymerase chain reaction, or PCR, bovine test specific for the endemic disease anaplasmosis and the emerging disease Theileriosis.
Scholarship grant supports public health workforce training for Kansas, nation
A new grant leverages expertise in public health education at Kansas State University to promote the expansion of public health systems and workforce through strategic scholarships. The U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration approved a three-year $1,486,217 grant for the program Ready to Serve: Building a Day-1-Ready Public Health Workforce for Kansas and Beyond.
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Alumni Events, Development and Continuing Education
The Veterinary Medical Alumni Association organizes alumni receptions at several of the national annual conferences plus continuing education events and more.
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More activities and accomplishments in the College of Veterinary Medicine: |
Congratulations to Drs. Erica Chavez-Peon and Erin Hennessey for passing the American College of Veterinary Radiology (ACVR) board exams. Also, congrats to Dr. Matt DiFazio for successfully passing the ACVR preliminary examination. Congratulations to Drs. Maggie Ewald and Jordan Roberts (former ophthalmology residents) who passed their American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologist boards. Congratulations to Dr. David Upchurch who received his Masters of Veterinary Education, or MVetEd, from the Royal Veterinary College. Dr. Michael Kleinhenz received $24,540 as the American Association of Bovine Practitioners Foundation Cattle Welfare Grant winner for his project, “Evaluation of pain associated with scours in calves.” Dr. Chris Blevins had an article, “Making health care part of the routine,” in the Ranch Horse September issue of the Kansas Stockman. Several faculty members participated in the 2022 American Association of Bovine Practitioners Annual Conference in Long Beach, California, Sept. 22-24 with several presentations.
Dr. Ken Harkin provided continuing education seminars at the Southwest Veterinary Symposium in Fort Worth, Texas Sept. 23-24, His presentations included:
Dr. Mike Apley presented three sessions at the Iowa State Veterinary Medical Association Annual Meeting in Ames Sept. 29-30. His presentations were titled:
Dr. Thomas Schermerhorn served on the Boehringer Ingelheim Diabetes Advisory Panel held Sept. 30. Dr. Roman Ganta, university distinguished professor and director of the Center of Excellence for Vector-Borne Diseases at K-State veterinary college, made a visit to his home country of India that included a series of scientific lectures at several top universities. See full story in K-State Today. |
K-State Olathe features professional development in animal health topics
Advanced Animal Pharmaceutical | Nov. 9-10
Roadmap to Market: Supply Chain in Animal Health | Dec. 8 |
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New Arrivals/Recent Departures
Lifelines is published each month by the Marketing and Communications Office at the College of Veterinary Medicine. The editors are Joe Montgomery, jmontgom@vet.k-state.edu.