July 2023 - Vol. 18, No. 7
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Latest Headlines — College News Feed
Dr. Jishu Shi heads new research center focused on animal vaccine development and addressing usage needs The new Center on Vaccine Evaluation and Alternatives for Antimicrobials, or CVEAA, has been launched to support animal vaccine development and usage. Dr. Jishu Shi, professor of vaccine immunology and one of the university's leading researchers on infectious swine diseases, will serve as the center's director and one of three primary faculty members. |
Veterinary student receives research fellowship to show how healthy cattle reduce greenhouse gas emissions
Hanna Westermier receives American Kennel Club scholarship By the American Kennel Club
Dr. Raghu Amachawadi "battles" antimicrobial resistance in cattle with USDA grant
Rabies Laboratory modernizes pet travel through online submission portal for FAVN test The release of a newly enhanced online portal at the Kansas State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory will help expedite submissions for the Fluorescent Antibody Virus Neutralization, or FAVN, test and improve pet travel practices. This diagnostic test is commonly used for dogs and cats traveling internationally to ensure imported animals are free from the rabies virus. |
Summer heat underscores need to keep pets properly hydrated
Annual homecoming brings together US and Chinese DVM students
Dr. Tony "Poyu" Lai earns recognition for manuscript at AVMA Convention By JAVMA
College of Veterinary Medicine mourns passing of professor and equine surgeon Dr. Warren Beard Long-time Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine professor and equine surgeon Dr. Warren Beard passed away unexpectedly Monday, July 24, 2023, in Olsburg, Kansas. Plans for a memorial service will be announced at a later date. A bio is posted at the link. |
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Alumni Events, Development and Continuing Education
The Veterinary Medical Alumni Association organizes alumni receptions at several of the national annual conferences plus continuing education events and more.
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Retirement ceremonies for Drs. Carpenter and ChengappaDr. Jim Carpenter retired from the exotic pet, wildlife and zoological medicine section after 34 years of service to K-State. Several of his former interns showed up by surprise to say thanks and to share memories of their time at the VHC with Dr. Carpenter as a mentor. Top right: Dr. Carpenter poses with fourth-year students Shannon Lloyd, Rachel Kuehl and Hannah Barber. Bottom: A group of former students/interns/residents/colleagues — from left: Drs. Allison Jeffrey, Danelle Okeson, Jasmine Sarvi, Julie Swenson, James Carpenter, Jennifer D’Agostino, Cornelia Ketz, Gretchen Cole, Rodney Schnellbacher and Ted Mashima. Dr. M.M. Chengappa served the College of Veterinary Medicine for than 35 years, including as department head for Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology from 1998-2016. Afterwards, Dr. Chengappa served as supervisor of the Bacteriology Lab as well as instructor for bacteriology and mycology courses. Top right: Dr. Chengappa is congratulated by Drs. Jürgen Richt and Harish Minocha. Bottom: A slide showing Dr. Chengappa as a student in India and Michigan. |
VHC says farewell to group of residents ...The Veterinary Health Center held a special recognition ceremony for its outgoing residents on June 28. Top left: Dr. Walter Renberg presents the Resident Seminar Award to Dr. Matt DiFazio. Right: Dr. Emily Reppert gives a backpack to Dr. Anne Lovett, in addition to the plaque that the residents receiving when completing their residencies. Middle: Drs. Kenneth Harkin and Thomas Schermerhorn teamed up to recognize small animal medicine reisidents Drs. Michelle Riehm and Megan Kelley. Background image: Dr. Trenton Shrader shares some anecdotes of appreciation about Dr. Jasmine Sarvi on the completion of her residency in zoological medicine. ... and welcome to new interns and residentsTop picture, from left to right: New VHC interns Dr. Sarah Gruber, radiology; Dr. Ana Towe, exotics; and Dr. Tori Trumble, exotics. Bottom photo: New VHC residents (and intern, as noted): Dr. Alexandra Locke, small animal medicine; Dr. Morgan Clark, oncology; Dr. Betsey Daly, small animal surgery; Dr. Rachel Uyehara, oncology intern; Dr. Sandra Martinez Saldivar, equine medicine; and Dr. Molly Murphy, equine surgery. |
Visitors get hands-on opportunities during fellowship programThe College of Veterinary Medicine's Admissions and Recruitment team hosted 16 K-State Research and Extension Fellows from across the country, through a partnership with Dr. Zelia Wiley, director of diversity programs and assistant dean at the College of Agriculture. The students were treated to an immersive day in the Veterinary Health Center and Clinical Skills classroom. The summer research fellowship is an eight-week paid fellowship designed for undergraduate students from land-grant colleges and universities. The program seeks to prepare students representing underrepresented groups for the dynamic and demanding work of graduate school in agriculture-related fields of study. Thanks to the CVM's Dr. Shane Lyon and Susan Rose for their collaboration and to Dr. Michael Kleinhenz and Mikaela Weeder for hosting one of the students on a research project. |
The BCI podcast, Cattle Chat, crossed the 5-year mark in June. The experts, Drs. Brad White, Bob Larson, Phillip Lancaster, Bob Weaber and Dustin Pendell shared how the podcast got started, what they have observed and learned over the years as well as reminiscing together. Congratulations to Dr. Brad White of the BCI and Dr. Dave Renter of CORE who are making contributions to the Collaborating Center for the Economics of Animal Health supported by the World Organization for Animal Health. The 5-year project goal is to create tools and enhance communication to determine the economic impacts of animal disease across the Americas. Dr. Mike Apley presented, “Putting antimicrobial stewardship in swine into the context of other veterinary species and human efforts,” at the 2023 Iowa State University James D. McKean Swine Disease Conference on June 28. Distinguished Professor Emeritus Dr. Jim Riviere, who retired from the CVM in 2017, was selected by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) for this year's Lifetime Research Award. A story and video are posted here. In early June, a showcase of shelter medicine's outreach event with the Pet Resource Center of Kansas City was provided by David Shapiro. Check out the blog, a podcast interview and full photo gallery covering the event! https://prckc.org/blog/kstate/
Joe Montgomery was part of a three-person "campfire" presentation at the Association of Veterinary Advancement Professionals Conference July 13 in Denver, Colorado. The title of the presentation was "Faculty Communications Techniques." The other panelists were Aaron Phaneuf, senior director of development at Colorado State University, and Melissa Headrick, director of advancement at the University of Florida. Katie Rothstein, director of development for the Veterinary Teaching Hospital at CSU, served as the moderator. |
New Arrivals/Recent Departures
CVM News Feed is published each month by the Marketing and Communications Office at the College of Veterinary Medicine. The editor is Joe Montgomery, jmontgom@vet.k-state.edu.