April 2023 - Vol. 18, No. 4
< March 2023 | May-June 2023 >
Latest Headlines — College News Feed
Veterinary students provide care and training for service dogs, earn scholarships
Biosecurity Research Institute selects CVM's Dr. Waithaka Mwangi for research fellowship
Vet Med ROCKS camps at K-State to showcase veterinary student experience with hands-on learning
Veterinary students receive scholarships from Zoetis and American Association of Veterinary Medical Colleges Eight KSU veterinary students are receiving the 2023 Zoetis Foundation/AAVMC Veterinary Student Scholarship, which awards second- and third-year students from 36 colleges of veterinary medicine. From left: Dawson Black, Melissa Hill, Sierra Shelit, Catherine Rojas, Valerie Haskett, Traniesh Byrd, Sonia Moreno and Cayley Conrad. |
Alumni Fellow Dr. Jay Merriam '69 shares message of service to help others Dr. Jay Merriam, DVM class of 1969, delivered the annual All-College Convocation Lectures in April, representing the CVM as this year's Alumni Fellow. He talked about going to other countries to provide veterinary care for equids and to help others who are less fortunate. |
Dr. Frank Blecha to lead Core Research Laboratories in College of Veterinary Medicine
One-year master's program in biomedical science prepares students for professional schools
Zoetis Foundation supports US-China Joint DVM Program through grant program for advancing veterinary The Zoetis Foundation recently announced a series of grants totaling $5.3 million to support 21 initiatives impacting 15 countries that will help enable thriving professions and livelihoods for livestock farmers and veterinary professionals, including a grant for the the U.S.-China Center for Animal Health in the CVM. |
CVM faculty discuss veterinary health issues with local TVThe CVM's Dr. Kathryn Reif warns about Asian longhorn ticks, especially regarding the impact on cattle, in this recent news report from KSNT 27 News. Dr. Jessic Meekins joined the FOX43 AM live show to discuss the upcoming ACVO National Service Animal Eye Exam Event and her most memorable experiences as an ophthalmologist.
Agricultural Business Council to Honor Local Leaders Published by Drovers online ![]() Kudos to #KState veterinary alumna Dr. Marty Vanier. DVM class of 1981, who will be honored by the Agricultural Business Council of Kansas City May 18 with its Jay B. Dillingham Award for Agricultural Leadership and Excellence. Dr. Vanier is director of the National Agricultural Biosecurity Center (NABC) at Kansas State University. |
Dr. Gregg Hanzlicek shares tips to prepare cattle for summer K-State Research and Extension news service KSVDL veterinarian Dr. Gregg Hanzlicek urges beef cattle producers to review their herd’s vaccination and parasite control program as summer approaches. He said vaccinations should be given to protect cows against all the major reproductive infectious diseases before breeding season, including IBR, BVD, leptospirosis and campylobacter. |
K-State research uncovers method to detect liver abscesses in cattle By Wendy Barnes The CVM's Drs. Raghavendra Amachawadi and T.G. Nagaraja recently found biochemicals could be used as biomarkers in live cattle to detect liver abscesses, published as "Metabolome of purulent materials of liver abscesses from crossbred cattle and Holstein steers fed finishing diets with or without in-feed tylosin" in the Journal of Animal Science. |
K-State experts explain how embryo transfer and in vitro fertilization can fit into a cattle production system By Lisa Moser, K-State Research and Extension news service In vitro fertilization technologies can enable beef producers to maximize the genetic potential of their herd, say the experts at the Beef Cattle Institute. Speaking on a recent Cattle Chat podcast, the team joined with Dr. Clay Breiner, DVM class of 2002 and reproductive specialist with Cross Country Genetics, Westmoreland, Kansas. |
85th Annual Conference for Veterinarians |
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Alumni Events, Development and Continuing Education
The Veterinary Medical Alumni Association organizes alumni receptions at several of the national annual conferences plus continuing education events and more.
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A group of third-year students were selected for Junior Honors Awards in April by the Eta Chapter of Gamma Sigma Delta. Junior Honors are presented annually to all students with at least a 3.8 overall Kansas State University grade point average who are classified as juniors in each of the following groups: Colleges of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine; Departments David C. Poole, Departments of Anatomy and Physiology and Kinesiology, was invited to speak at the German National Academy of Sciences, in Leopoldina, Halle, Germany, this March. The apex physiology journal FUNCTION, editor–in-chief, professor Ole Petersen, targeted world-renowned scientists to unveil the latest discoveries in their field and identify future directions for research in physiology and pathophysiology. Dr. Poole’s presentation was entitled, “Capillary-mitochondria Oxygen Transport: Paradigm Shifts.” The German National Academy of Sciences dates back to 1652 — which predates even the British Royal Society (1660). Dr. Michael Apley finished 7½ years of service on the Presidential Advisory Council on Combating Antimicrobial Resistant Bacteria (PACCARB). "My last day with the Council was March 24, representing our 23rd public meeting. We finished by approving our 11th report, 'Preparing for the next bacterial pandemic. A report with recommendations.'” Dr. Apley said, "Tuesday of that week I presented a 'Beef 101' session to house staffers in the House Agricultural Committee chamber of the Longworth Office Building. The subject was antimicrobial use in cattle. On Wednesday I drove down to the Virginia Maryland Regional School of Veterinary Medicine and had a noon meeting with their food animal club on antimicrobial stewardship. It was my second time to catch the cherry blossoms in full bloom." Dr. Michael Apley, indicated by the arrow, is joined by the four retiring members who were with the Presidential Advisory Council on Combating Antimicrobial Resistant Bacteria when it started along with the designated federal official for the council. From left: Dr. Marty Blaser (chair), Henry Rutgers chair of the human microbiome, Rutgers University; Dr. Ramanan Laxminarayan, director and senior fellow, Center for Disease Dynamics, Economics and Policy; Dr. Jomana Musmar, designated federal official for the council; Dr. Helen Boucher, dean and professor of medicine, Tufts University; and Dr. Apley (vice chair). A full group shot of the Presidential Advisory Council on Combating Antimicrobial Resistant Bacteria. The arrow points to Dr. Apley. In March, he presented “Compounding and Regulatory Hot Topics” at the 5th Annual American Association of Swine Veterinarians in Denver; "Antimicrobials in Beef Cattle Production” at the NBCA Congressional Staff Seminar; and “Antimicrobial Stewardship” to Virginia Regional CVM students at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg. Dr. Danelle Okeson, DVM class of 1996, hosted Dr. James Carpenter’s Advanced Zoological Medicine class at the Rolling Hills Zoo on March 23. The students were able to perform a health exam on a coatimundi, tour the hospital and the Wildlife Natural History Museum. Dr. Beth Davis served on the Academic Leadership Pathways Panel Discussion at the AAVC Early-Career Faculty Professional Development and Leadership Conference on March 31, in Atlanta. Drs. Haileigh Avellar, Clay Hallman and Nate Kapaldo attended the full conference March 31-April 1. She was a contributing author on the publication, "Can Veterinary medicine Improve Diversity in Post-Graduate Training Programs? Current State of Academic Veterinary Medicine and Recommendations on best practices," that was recently published in the March edition of JAVMA. |
Dr. Carpenter publishes sixth edition of 'Exotic Animal Formulary'
The sixth edition of Dr. Carpenter’s "Exotic Animal Formulary was recently published; co-edited by Carpenter and Craig A. Harms, a professor of zoological medicine in the Center for Marine Sciences and Technology at North Carolina State University. This book is considered the most widely used veterinary reference on exotic companion and zoo animals worldwide. This textbook was created solely for the treatment of exotic animals and addresses the most common questions and medical situations encountered in clinical practice. The book provides current recommendations on drugs, indications, and dosages, and includes applications to birds, fish, invertebrates, amphibians, reptiles, rabbits, pocket pets, backyard poultry, and others. Dr. Carpenter has 48 years of clinical and research experience as a veterinarian in the field of exotic animal, wildlife, including endangered species, and zoo animal medicine. At K-State, he has trained 45 interns and residents, and is the author of numerous scientific papers, book chapters, and proceedings articles, including co-editor of another textbook: "Ferrets, Rabbits, and Rodents: Clinical Medicine and Surgery." He is also the former editor-in-chief of both the Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine and the Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery. |
Community Outreach team visits TopekaOur shelter medicine team spent a day in April at Mobile Access Partners in Topeka. This event helps serve "both ends of the leash" providing needed services for both pets and their owners. |
K-State Open House brings visitors to the veterinary collegeFirst-year students Jian-Yang (Joey) Huang and Victoria Jansen show a couple of youngsters how to use a stethoscope at the Kids Pet Clinic during K-State Open House held April 1. |
Breakfast for graduate studentsThe Graduate Student Association hosted a catered breakfast for graduate students April 3 during Graduate Student Appreciation week. "We wanted to show appreciation to the college's graduate students for all of their hard work and dedication," said Maria Lou, social chair for the GSA. "We are greatly thankful to the graduate students, who contribute to the many successes of research programs in the college." The breakfast was catered by the Little Batch Company, a local Manhattan bakery, who offered an assortment of breakfast tacos, sandwiches, turnovers, and danishes. |
Capitol gains research from K-State studentsIn March, Ph.D. student Dr. Kamilyah Miller presented her research at the Capitol Graduate Research Summit in Topeka regarding a tapeworm in humans and dogs being found in new areas of the United States. She's joined in the photo by undergrad assistant Briana Reyes and Principal Investigator Dr. Brian Herrin, parasitologist in the CVM. |
New Arrivals/Recent Departures
CVM News Feed is published each month by the Marketing and Communications Office at the College of Veterinary Medicine. The editor is Joe Montgomery, jmontgom@vet.k-state.edu.