April 2021 - Vol. 16, No. 4
Top Stories
CVM's Zoetis research award goes to Dr. Butch KuKanich
The College of Veterinary Medicine at Kansas State University presented its highest research award during its annual Phi Zeta Research Day activities on March 2: The 2021 Zoetis Animal Health Award for Research Excellence. Dr. Butch KuKanich was chosen as this year’s recipient. He is a professor and assistant department head in the Department of Anatomy and Physiology.
College of Veterinary Medicine presents third annual staff awards
By Piper Brandt
Amidst the challenges of the pandemic over the past year, a select group of 20 College of Veterinary Medicine staff members stood out as they rose to meet those challenges.
From this group of nominees, eight awardees were honored and presented with one of three different awards at a staff luncheon on April 5.
Study finds reduction in milk production among anaplasmosis-infected cattle
Researchers at the Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine have published new data suggesting a negative effect on a dairy cow's milk production because of bovine anaplasmosis, a globally widespread livestock disease.
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One-year master's program provides path for professional biomedical studies
Kansas State University continues to fulfill its land-grant mission through new programs that help serve unique educational needs. Launched in summer 2020, the new one-year master's degree in biomedical science program is attracting a broad mix of students to the College of Veterinary Medicine, serving as a bridge for opportunities both inside and outside of the veterinary medical curriculum. Part of the appeal lies in the program only requiring a yearlong commitment for completion of a master's degree.
New publication summarizes potential for African swine fever to spread through feed
Eight years of extensive research, including work at Kansas State University, has led to a disquieting scenario for swine producers: Feed and feed ingredients could potentially serve as means for the introduction and transmission of foreign animal diseases of swine.
Dr. Susan Nelson shares tips on dog bite prevention
As the weather warms up, it's common to see dogs and their owners outside getting some fresh air and exercise. But, with this increased exposure of dogs to other people and other dogs comes an increase in the cases of dog bites.
College of Veterinary Medicine launches new database for listing externship opportunities
A new tool at the Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine will make it easier for veterinary practices and related pet health companies to connect with veterinary students who are seeking externship opportunities.
Regular features
Alumni Events, Development and Continuing Education
The Veterinary Medical Alumni Association organizes alumni receptions at several of the national annual conferences plus continuing education events and more. This month's section includes the monthly listings of recently departed alumni and links to their obituaries, plus a new link for submitting nominations for Alumni Recognition Awards.
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Congratulations to the faculty above on their recent promotions: (Top row, from left) Promotion to Professor: Dr. Kate KuKanich, Clinical Sciences; Promotion to Clinical Professor: Dr. Chris Blevins, Clinical Sciences; Promotion to Clinical Associate Professor, Dr. Jason Grady, Clinical Sciences, and Dr. Cathryn Sparks, Anatomy & Physiology; Promotion to Associate Professor with Tenure: Dr. Natalia Cernicchiaro, Diagnostic Med/Pathobiology; Zhoumeng Lin, Anatomy & Physiology; and Raelene Wouda, Clinical Sciences. Congratulations to Dr. Kara Berke on becoming board certified by the American College of Veteinary Surgeons and to Dr. Leslie Wagner for becoming board certified by the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine-Large Animal. Congratulations to the new and re-elected CVM faculty senate representatives: Amy Brusk and Dr. Justin Kastner were newly elected and Drs. Mary Lynn Higginbotham, Tom Schermerhorn and Justin Thomason were re-elected. Amy Rankin, Emily Reppert and Brooke Davis received the “Caring for Others Award,” presented by counseling service for their acts of kindness to others. Thank you to all the Clinical Sciences faculty that contributed to 2021 SAVMA Symposium that was hosted virtually by K-State’s College of Veterinary Medicine: Drs. Mike Apley, Marjory Artzer, Mary Bagladi-Swanson, Chris Blevins, James Carpenter, Brad Crauer, Elizabeth Davis, Katie Delph-Miller, Ronnie Elmore, David Eshar, Sara Gardhouse, Jason Grady, Ken Harkin, Mary Lynn Higginbotham, Sam Hocker, Kate KuKanich, Robert Larson, Dylan Lutter, Matt Miesner, Thomas Schermerhorn, Justin Thomason, David Upchurch, Brad White and Doug Winter. Dr. Elizabeth Davis participated in the American Association of Equine Practitioners Virtual Roundtable, serving on the panel on March 10, 2021. This included an interactive discussion to help implement an effective vaccination program to keep clients’ horses safe. Thank you to Drs. Amy Rankin, Jessica Meekins, Jordan Roberts and Kate KuKanich for their presentations and participation in the 38th Annual Frank W. Jordan Seminar on March 21. Drs. Matt DiFazio, David Biller, T. D. Henrikson and Nicky Cassel published, “Application of the “Humanoid” Ventrodorsal Thoracic Radiographic View for improved Cranial Thoracic Assessment,” with Ivis. |
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New Arrivals/Recent Departures
Lifelines is published each month by the Marketing and Communications Office at the College of Veterinary Medicine. The editors are Joe Montgomery, jmontgom@vet.k-state.edu, and Piper Brandt, pnbrandt@vet.k-state.edu.