January 2022 - Vol. 17, No. 1
<December 2021 | February 2022>
Top Stories
CVM team collaborates to improve COVID-19 vaccine stability
Researchers at Kansas State University in the College of Veterinary Medicine are expanding on an industry partnership to increase stability in mRNA vaccines — including those against COVID-19 — during transport and storage.
Kansas State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory exercises readiness for African swine fever outbreak
On Jan. 24-25, the Kansas State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, or KSVDL, and the Biosecurity Research Institute, or BRI, conducted a functional, collaborate exercise focusing on surge capacity testing for African swine fever.
K-State recognizes third-year veterinary student for diversity efforts
Shumin Li, third-year veterinary medicine student, is one of two individuals being honored as recipients of the Commerce Bank and W.T. Kemper Foundation Presidential awards for diversity excellence at a virtual reception Jan. 25.
More Headlines
Veterinary student among group of 27 campuswide chosen for cancer research training award
The Johnson Cancer Research Center at Kansas State University recently selected 27 undergraduate students for its Cancer Research Award program, which provides faculty-mentored research training and monetary awards. Among this group was a a second-year veterinary student, Grace Calo, and an undergraduate student, Morgan Phillips, who both mentor under Dr. Masaaki Tamura, professor in anatomy and physiology.
KSVDL's Dr. Gregg Hanzlicek reviews steps for cattle producers before and after calving
By Shelby Varner
Kansas State University veterinarian Dr. Gregg Hanzlicek said being prepared ahead of calving season is the best way for producers to assure they will bring home the newborn calves successfully.
Frontier students re-enact microbiological mystery in Council Grove
Parts of story reprinted with permission from the Council Grove Republican
A group of students hit the road this past fall in an effort to solve a great public health mystery. Dr. Justin Kastner, associate professor in diagnostic medicine and pathobiology, played a leading part while the community of Council Grove, Kansas, served as the backdrop for an unique re-enactment exercise.
Regular features
Alumni Events, Development and Continuing Education
The Veterinary Medical Alumni Association organizes alumni receptions at several of the national annual conferences plus continuing education events and more. This month's section includes the monthly listings of recently departed alumni and links to their obituaries, plus a new link for submitting nominations for Alumni Recognition Awards.
News Ticker
More activities and accomplishments in the College of Veterinary Medicine: |
Welcome to Dr. Anamarie Weber, urgent care clinician, who started on Feb. 14. February is Pet Dental Health Month and Dr. Marjory Artzer, dentistry and primary care clinician, shared some tips on dental care that is often overlooked. Tips were posted on the VHC website as well as Facebook. She also shared information on the KMAN morning talking show, In Focus. Drs. Mike Apley (PI), David Amrine and Dustin Pendell received $350,000 in funding from Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research for their project, “Antimicrobial Use Monitoring and Benchmarking in U.S. Feedyards.” Dr. James W. Carpenter (PI), and co-investigators Drs. Mike Kleinhenz, Geraldine Magnin and Thomas Tully, Jr. (LSU) received $8,190 in funding from CannaCompanion for their study, “Pharmacokinetics of Cannabinoids Administered Orally with and without Food in Hispaniolan Amazon Parrots (Amazona ventralis).” Dr. Will Whitehouse received $123,603 in funding from Nestle Purina PetCare Global Resources, Inc. for his study, “Targeted metabolomics, circulating biomarkers, DNA, and microbiome assessments in cats with and without chronic kidney disease.” Drs. Warren Beard, Chris Blevins, Leslie Weaver, Pearce Sloan and Maria Granello along with several fourth-year veterinary students, served as the veterinarians for the 2022 KSU Rodeo event Feb. 18-20. Dr. Mike Apley attended the 2022 National Cattlemen’s Beef Association Convention in Houston, TX Feb. 1-3, where he also chaired the Task Torce on Antimicrobial Resistance Policy. Dr. Robert Larson attended the 2022 National Cattlemen’s Beef Association Convention in Houston, TX Feb. 1-3, where he attended the Cattle Health & Well-Being Committee meeting and participated in the Beef Cattle Herd section. Dr. Brad White presented at the American Associate of Bovine Practitioners Recent Grad Conference on Feb. 19 in New Orleans, LA. He presented, “Different Animal Identification Methods and its Application in an Infectious Disease Outbreak.” Dr. Brad Crauer was the guest on The Abundant Bean podcast for a segment called, "Running a Phenomenal Veterinary Practice,” on Feb. 22. Dr. Mike Apley presented at the 53rd American Association of Swine Veterinarians Annual Meeting Feb. 26-28, in Indianapolis, IN. He presented, “Pivot points for antimicrobial decisions in swine, Making sense of antimicrobial susceptibility testing in swine, and What is in the antimicrobial pipeline?” Dr. Chris Blevins co-instructed seven lectures and two labs (one cadaver, one live horse) with Dr. Bruce Whittle (MU) for the American Association of Equine Practitioners Dental Workshops held at Utah State University Feb. 25-27. Lecture titles:
Staff Spotlight: Lance Noll
Lance is an avid turkey and white-tail hunter. He also enjoys fishing for trout. A fun fact about Lance: “My wife, two daughters and myself are working feverishly to finish construction on a chicken coop for our 14 hen chicks that are quickly outgrowing their brooder.” |
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New Arrivals/Recent Departures
Lifelines is published each month by the Marketing and Communications Office at the College of Veterinary Medicine. The editors are Joe Montgomery, jmontgom@vet.k-state.edu, and Piper Brandt, pnbrandt@vet.k-state.edu.