September 2020 - Vol. 15, No. 9
Top Stories
Grant supports research to mitigate COVID-19 in meat and poultry processing facilities
A team of Kansas State University researchers is using a $1 million grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture — and an additional grant from the state of Kansas — to study how to effectively control the spread of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, in the nation's meat and poultry processing facilities.
CVM announces 2020 class of Early Admission Scholars in online ceremony
By Piper Brandt
An elite group of Kansas State University undergraduate students has the special opportunity to become veterinarians. The College of Veterinary Medicine recognized these students for being selected in its Early Admission Program during a virtual ceremony via Zoom on Aug. 21.
K-State research among first to analyze safety of industrial hemp as cattle feed
A pair of studies at Kansas State University is bringing new insight to farmers and producers seeking to incorporate industrial hemp in cattle feed. After the 2018 Farm Bill legalized hemp production in the U.S., interest has grown in industrial hemp as an agricultural commodity, including as feed for animals.
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CVM students participate in tortoise anesthesia research
By Piper Brandt
Students in the College of Veterinary Medicine are getting an inside look at how to provide good medical care to a four-legged animal that isn’t known for moving quickly. “Turtles and tortoises (known as chelonians) are often kept as pets and in zoological collections, but due to their shy nature, they can be very challenging to handle, even if sick,” said Dr. David Eshar, associate professor of exotic and zoological medicine.
First-year veterinary student receives scholarship from American Jersey Cattle Association
Jessica Marie Hanson, Ulysses, Kan., is the recipient of the $5,000 scholarship for advanced studies. She earned her undergraduate degree from Kansas State University (KSU) in 2019 and is now enrolled in the College of Veterinary Medicine in her first year of studies.
K-State beef experts offer advice for managing calves prior to weaning
By Lisa Moser
As college kids leave home for the first time, it is important that they transition with a plan that includes being current on immunizations, following good study habits, establishing self-control at the buffet counter and having financial support in place so they have the greatest chance for success in their new environment.
CEEZAD researchers receive two grants, totaling nearly $1.5 million, for work on SARS CoV-2 virus
The Center of Excellence for Emerging and Zoonotic Animal Diseases (CEEZAD) at Kansas State University has received a pair of grants totaling nearly $1.5 million for research related to SARS CoV-2. One of the grants, for $861,253, is from the Department of Homeland Security and will underwrite a study into preclinical animal models such as hamsters, mice and ferrets.
Regular features
Alumni Events, Development and Continuing Education
The Veterinary Medical Alumni Association organizes alumni receptions at several of the national annual conferences plus continuing education events and more. This month's section includes the monthly listings of recently departed alumni and links to their obituaries, plus a new link for submitting nominations for Alumni Recognition Awards.
News Ticker
More activities and accomplishments in the College of Veterinary Medicine:
The CVM and Veterinary Health Center welcomes its newest Clinical Sciences faculty members: Dr. Clay Hallman, assistant professor of Diagnostic Imaging; Dr. Shane Lyon, clinical associate professor of Clinical Skills; Dr. Bryan Weaver, clinical assistant professor of Livestock Services; and Dr. Cody Dressler, clinical assistant professor of Shelter Medicine. Several Clinical Sciences faculty members provided presentations for the Virtual Vet Med ROCKS Summer Camp: Drs. James Carpenter, Elizabeth Davis, Sarah Kaufman, Kate KuKanich, Jessica Meekins, Matt Miesner and Melissa Upchurch. Sessions from the Summer Camp can be accessed online on the Vet Med ROCKS Facebook page. Drs. Butch KuKanich, Kate KuKanich and David Rankin are contributing authors on, “Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of a novel analgesic with a deterrent to human opioid abuse (methadone-fluconazole-naltrexone) after oral administration in dogs,” that was published in the American Journal of Veterinary Research August 2020 edition. Drs. James Carpenter and Tess Rooney darted a 40-kg pregnant chimp (Nia) for transportation to the Oklahoma City Zoo so that she could deliver her baby while associated with an older, experienced female chimp. Dr. Brian Lubbers was part of a team that worked for a year and a half with the AVMA’s Committee on Antimicrobials to produce “Antimicrobial Resistant Pathogens Affecting Animal Health in the United States,” a comprehensive report detailing the impact of antimicrobial-resistant bacteria on different animal species in the United States. The AVMA has developed a webpage highlighting certain aspects of the report at Dr. Chris Blevins organized an alternative Dodge City Rodeo rotation experience in response to COVID-19 related restrictions. Students met with KDA members, the secretary and under secretary of agriculture, completed media training, had Zoom sessions with Large Animal Rescue Training and Zoom sessions with American Royal Veterinarian Dr. Brian Hodes (KSU DVM '11). Hands-on laboratories included tying rope knots, learning casting positions rope throwing. The group toured Cico Park rodeo grounds and developed their own SOP for veterinarians at a horse show/rodeo, and emergency scenario discussion and lab.
A Day in the Life of a K-State Veterinarian
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Lifelines is published each month by the Marketing and Communications Office at the College of Veterinary Medicine. The editors are Joe Montgomery,, and Piper Brandt,