Veterinary Biomedical Sciences Master's Degree Program
Pathobiology Area of Emphasis
The Pathobiology Area of Emphasis is administered by the Graduate Faculty and Ancillary/Adjunct Graduate Faculty in the Department of Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology.
The primary goal of graduate study in the Pathobiology Area of Emphasis is to prepare students for careers in teaching, research, or service in academic institutions, industries, or in state and federal agencies. The graduate study in Pathobiology is an interdepartmental and interdisciplinary program with faculty involved in the study of the
- epidemiology,
- diagnosis,
- pathogenesis, and
- prevention/control of infectious, metabolic, and parasitic diseases of animals and humans.
In addition, the program has faculty with expertise in topics related to food safety and security, public health and zoonosis, and cancer biology.
Opportunities exist to work towards the Master’s degree in the areas of
- bacterial and viral pathogenesis,
- clinical and anatomic pathology,
- epidemiology,
- immunology,
- parasitology,
- toxicology,
- cancer biology, and
- food safety and security.
The Pathobiology graduate program is sufficiently diverse to provide the critical mass and cross-disciplinary interactions necessary to offer high quality graduate training, yet focused to avoid dilution of resources and conflicts with other graduate programs. The scope and flexibility of the graduate program are notable strengths. Research laboratories are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, equipment, and instruments to provide excellent opportunities for basic and applied research.
The Diagnostic Laboratory, housed in the department, is fully accredited by the American Association of Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory Diagnosticians. The Diagnostic Laboratory is internationally recognized for its diagnostic capabilities for many important diseases of food and companion animals. Laboratories and support staff address all aspects of diagnosis from necropsy and histopathology, clinical pathology, serology, toxicology and detection of infectious agents.
Graduate Faculty in the Pathobiology Area of Emphasis
Course Requirements
Pathobiology Seminar (DMP 870) for two semesters (1 credit hour per semester). One of the seminar courses, with the permission of the student’s supervisory committee, could be taken from a different program or department.
Additional courses according to the desires of the student, the major professor and the student's supervisory committee.
Seminar Requirements
The student will present two seminars in addition to his or her oral defense/examination. The seminars will provide partial fulfillment of the course requirements for Pathobiology Seminar (DMP 870).
Dr. T.G. Nagaraja
College of Veterinary Medicine
Kansas State University
305 Coles Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506