Master's in Biomedical Sciences
Anatomy and Physiology Area of Emphasis
The Anatomy and Physiology Area of Emphasis is administered by the Graduate Faculty and Ancillary Graduate Faculty in the Department of Anatomy and Physiology.
The primary goal of graduate study in the Anatomy and Physiology Area of Emphasis is to prepare students for academic positions in various health science-related institutions such as Colleges of Veterinary Medicine and Schools of Medicine and Dentistry, as well as positions in industry and agribusiness. Epithelial physiology, stem cell biology and cancer, cardiopulmonary physiology, immunophysiology, neuroscience and pharmacology are major themes of research in the department. Specific areas of interest include
- comparative exercise physiology
- food animal immunophysiology
- molecular biology of membranes
- molecular genetics and gene mapping and expression
- neural control of cardiovascular function
- ion channel structure and function
- transport processes and pathophysiology of microcirculation
Research laboratories are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, equipment, and instruments to provide excellent opportunities for basic and applied research. Adjunct faculty members from other departments comprise a strong ancillary support group.
Graduate Faculty in the Anatomy and Physiology
Course Requirements
Anatomy and Physiology Seminar (AP 803) for two semesters. (1 credit hour per semester)
Additional courses according to the desires of the student, the major professor and the student’s supervisory committee.
Seminar Requirements
The student will present two seminars in addition to his or her oral defense/examination. The seminars will provide partial fulfillment of the course requirements for Anatomy and Physiology Seminar (AP 803).
Area of Emphasis contact
Dr. Peying Fong
Anatomy and Physiology
College of Veterinary Medicine
Kansas State University
129 Coles Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506