Lance Noll

Clinical Assistant Professor, Molecular Diagnosticslance noll

Section Head, Molecular Service & Foreign Animal Disease/Outbreak Kansas State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory

Ph.D., Kansas State University
M.S., Kansas State University
B.S., Kansas State University

159 CVM East/KSU-IC, Research Park
Phone: 785-532-5651


  • My laboratory provides PCR-based diagnostic testing and consultation services to clients and animal owners regarding disease detection, pathogenesis, and epidemiology, as well as emerging agents and their significance to clinical conditions in the field.

  • As a Level 1 member of the USDA National Animal Health Laboratory Network (USDA-NAHLN), my laboratory performs foreign animal disease investigation and surveillance testing for high-consequence disease agents that threaten U.S. animal agriculture. We also provide outbreak response testing upon recognition of an intentionally or accidentally introduced agent into animal populations in the U.S


  • VDMP902 Diagnostic Medicine: Senior/4th year veterinary student rotation


  • My primary research background is in development and validation of PCR-based detection and quantification methods, specifically for zoonotic and foodborne pathogens. I’ve also developed and validated culture-based detection methods for major foodborne pathogens, and have used whole genome sequence-based comparative genomics to further characterize the pathogenicity of major genotypes of interest. Currently, I support a variety of internal and external collaborative research projects.
