Gretel Tovar-Lopez

Gretel Tovar-Lopez

Assistant Professor, Zoo, Exotic, Wildlife and Avian Medicine & Surgery

MVZ, DACZM, DABVP (Avian Practice)
Board Certified Specialist in Zoological Medicine TM

Phone: 785-532-5690


  • MVZ (DVM): National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)
  • Small Animal Medicine and Surgery Rotating Internship: Washington State University
  • Avian, Exotic, and Zoological Medicine Internship: Colorado State University
  • Avian, Exotic, and Zoological Medicine Residency: Colorado State University
  • Specialty Certification: American Board of Veterinary Practitioners - Avian Medicine
  • American College of Zoological Medicine board certification


  • Exotic Animal, Wildlife, and Zoological Medicine (4th year)
  • Exotic Animal Medicine (3rd year)
  • Topics in Advanced Exotic Animal Medicine (3rd year)
  • Topics in Advanced Zoological/Wildlife Medicine (3rd year)


  • Clinical pathology for the development of normal reference ranges and the understanding of normal vs. disease
  • Pharmacology for the optimization of dosing strategies for medications used in clinical practice and the development and improvement of anesthesia and analgesia protocols
  • Comparative radiology for the understanding of variations in normal radiographic findings, disease prevalence, and imaging manifestations.
  • Emergency medicine for the development of evidence-based guidelines for triage and stabilization of non-traditional species
  • Stress markers for the improvement of captive management


  • As an enthusiastic academic and clinician, I am dedicated to training the next generation of veterinarians and veterinary specialists in the field of zoological companions, as well as zoo and wildlife species. Additionally, I am deeply passionate about guiding veterinarians, empowering them to deliver the highest standard of care to their patients and clients.

  • In the clinical setting, I enjoy medicine and surgery of zoological species
