Dr. Ellen Puré, of the University of Pennsylvania, received a plaque from Dr. Hans Coetzee on Nov. 16 following her talk at the College of Veterinary Medicine on the KSU campus in Manhattan. Dr. Puré is a Grace Lansing Lambert Professor, past chairwoman of Biomedical Sciences and Professor of Systems Pharmacology and Translational Therapeutics at the University of Pennsylvania. She is Associate Director of the Cancer Research Institute and serves on editorial boards of the Journal of Clinical Investigation and Matrix Biology and is Founding Senior Editor of Cancer Immunology Research. View Dr. Pure's seminar presentation here: 2023 Clarenburg Lecture
The Rudy Clarenburg Lecture Series
The Rudy Clarenburg Lecture Series was established in 1996 to honor the late Rudolf Clarenburg, Professor of Anatomy and Physiology. The Lecture Series brings nationally and internationally acclaimed scientists to Kansas State University to discuss their research interests with students and faculty throughout the University.
Dr. Rudolf Clarenburg joined the Department of Anatomy and Physiology in October, 1966. He received his Doctor of Sciences in 1965 from Netherlands State University, Utrecht, Holland. Dr. Clarenburg was a Research Assistant/Associate in the Department of Physiology, University of California, Berkeley from 1959 to 1966. At K-State he taught courses in physiological chemistry, intermediary metabolism and veterinary physiology. In 1983 Dr. Clarenburg received the Norden Distinguished Teacher award for distinguished teaching in the field of veterinary medicine.
The Dr. Rudolf Clarenburg Lectureship is made possible by the generous support received from Mrs. Margalith Clarenburg and her family. Mrs. Clarenburg passed away on April 10, 2002, following a long battle with cancer. She is deeply missed by her family and friends, but her legacy and support for the Clarenburg Lecture Series will continue for many years to come.