Veterinary Medical Library Hours (2025-2026)

The complex of the College of Veterinary Medicine is secured and locked and access into Trotter Hall is restricted to CVM students, faculty, and staff via CVM badges. Public and non-university patrons may gain access via doorbell and assistance.

Electronic services including correspondence with staff, item retrieval, Interlibrary Loan services, and reference services are available to all K-State student, faculty, and staff, and the general public via email at: For other library information, please visit:

Regular Library Hours
Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00p.m.
Saturday-Sunday CLOSED
Exceptions to our Regular Hours
Martin Luther King JR Day - Monday, January 20 CLOSED
Memorial Day - Monday, May 26 CLOSED
Juneteenth - Thursday, June 19 CLOSED
Independence Day - Friday, July 4 CLOSED
Labor Day - Monday, September 1 CLOSED
Veterans Day - Tuesday, November 11 Limited Operations
Thanksgiving - Thursday, November 27 - Friday, November 28 CLOSED
Winter Holidays - Thursday, December 25 - January 1, 2026 CLOSED