Dr. Andrew P. Gray
1985 E.R. Frank Award
Dr. Andrew P. Gray received the first E.R. Frank Award in 1985. After graduation in 1953 he became a veterinary practitioner in Worthington, Indiana, until 1961. He returned to K-State in 1961 to complete his M.S. and PhD degrees in pathology in 1963 and 1966 respectively. Dr. Gray worked as a Diagnostic Pathologist at K-State from 1966-86. Then in 1986 he retired and became an Emeritus Professor at Kansas State University.
Dr. Gray was the recipient of a National Defense Education Act Fellowship in 1961, and a National Institute of Health Fellowship from 1964-1966.
Dr. Gray was involved in Sigma Xi, KSU; Gamma Sigma Delta, KSU; Phi Zeta, KSU; Chamber of Commerce, President, Worthington, Ind. 1959-61; NDEA Fellowship, 1961; Special NTH Fellowship, 1964-66; Veterinary Medicine Alumni Award, 1985.
An Army Veteran, Dr. Gray served during World War II in Alaska, the Aleutian Islands, and the European theater. He was awarded the American Defense Service Ribbon and a Good Conduct Medal.