Dr. Marvin Lee Olmstead - DVM 1972
1995 Distinguished Alumnus Award
Dr. Marvin Lee Olmstead started his advanced education with the Hutchinson Community College receiving an associate's degree in arts in 1967. He then earned a bachelors of science degree, a doctor of veterinary medicine degree, and a master's degree from K-State between 1970-75. Olmstead's activities included every possible thing involved with being a veterinary educator. He was chairman, co-chairman and/or coordinator of 45 continuing education courses, and presented at 95 venues throughout North America.
Dr. Marvin Olmstead was a distinguished educator and researcher in the field of veterinary and comparative orthopedics. He has served with distinction as a Diplomate in the American College of Veterinary Surgeons. Dr. Olmstead participated as a North American Representative for the AO-VET in Davos, Switzerland from 1987 through 1994. He is also a member and President-Elect of the AO-VET International, member of the Ohio Veterinary Medical Association, American Veterinary Medical Association, American Animal Hospital Association, Orthopaedic Research Society, American College of Veterinary Surgeons, and Phi Zeta.
Throughout his career Dr. Olmstead has been a clinical instructor at Fort Collins, Colorado. from 1972 to 1973; Clinical instructor at Manhattan, Kansas. from 1973 to 1975; Assistant Professor, KSU 1975-1976; Asst. Professor, Ohio State University (OSU) 1976-83; Associate Professor, OSU, 1983-89; Professor, OSU, 1989 to present.
Dr. Olmstead is the author/co-author of 36 journal articles; 10 book chapters; 83 abstracts with 9 more articles or chapter submitted; editor of three textbooks; reviewer for four professional journals; professional presentations: 55 international, 95 in USA; State of the Art Lecturer, World Small Animal Veterinary Association, 1991; Orthopaedic Research Society; Phi Zeta; Veterinary Orthopaedic Society. His national and international reputation is one that K-State can point to with pride.