Student Financial Assistance

Powercat Financial

Powercat Financial provides free financial counseling to K-State students. Their staff is prepared to support an array of financial planning needs and is trained to support veterinary medicine students with projecting costs to complete their degree and to understand student loan repayment options at graduation.

Meet your Peer Financial Counselor, Brenton Wilden.

brenton wilden Brenton Wilden

Brenton will hold office hours in Trotter on Thursdays from 12:00-3:00 p.m. All confidential client sessions will take place in room Trotter 112 (in the 1st floor Student Success Center).

When not in sessions, Brenton can be found at one of the tables in the 1st floor Student Success Center. Please feel free to come up and ask them any questions during their office hours.

If you need to schedule a client session outside of his office hours, other peer counselors are available in other locations across campus or via Zoom.

We encourage you to schedule an appointment through Navigate (instructions provided through this link), but you can always stop by Trotter Room 109 (Student Success Center).

Powercat Financial is a part of the Financial Futures collaborative, which offers financial literacy education opportunities across campus through workshops, presentations, and peer financial counseling. Financial Futures presentations are embedded into veterinary medicine program curriculum.

Get more information:

If you have any questions, please contact:

Telephone graphic785-532-2889