The Society of Phi Zeta Sigma Chapter
Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine
September 15, 1989, with de facto and editorial changes September 2000
By-Laws of Sigma Chapter of the
Society of Phi Zeta
Article I
Name and Object
Section 1:
The name of this organization shall be the Sigma Chapter of the Society of Phi Zeta
Section 2:
The object of the Society shall be to recognize and promote scholarship and research pertaining, to welfare and diseases of animals.
Article II
Section 1:
The membership of the Sigma Chapter of the Society of Phi Zeta shall consist of Active Members and Honorary Members, as provided for in the constitution of the Society.
Section 2:
The following are eligible for election as Active Members:
Any graduate veterinarian who has been a member of the faculty of the College of Veterinary Medicine, Kansas State University, for at least one year and has been in possession of his/her degree for at least two years and who has displayed ability of a high order in dealing with one or more phases of veterinary medicine.
Any graduate veterinarian who has been enrolled as a graduate student for at least one year in Kansas State University and has been in possession of his/her degree for at least two years and who has displayed ability of a high order in dealing with one or more phases of the science of veterinary medicine.
Any undergraduate student in the College of Veterinary Medicine, Kansas State University who has completed at least two years of his/her course of instruction and who meets the following requirements:
Shall have an acceptable personality, be of good moral character, and possess high ideals respecting professional service and conduct.
In the third year, the veterinary student must rank in the highest 10% of the class scholastically, as represented by the grades earned since matriculating as a veterinary student.
In the fourth year, the veterinary student must rank in the highest 25% scholastically of those in the class who are not already members of the Society. i.e. the 25% eligible includes the students that were eligible as 3rd year students and may already be members.
Section 3:
Those eligible to election as Honorary Members are:
Alumni of the College of Veterinary Medicine, Kansas State University who have been in possession of the veterinary degree for at least five years and who have rendered distinguished service to their profession.
Veterinarians and others who have rendered distinguished service in the advancement of the sciences relating to animal industry and particularly to animal diseases. Note: The constitution specifies that only under exceptional circumstances will more than two honorary members be elected in any one chapter in any one academic year. These members are not required to pay dues.
Section 4:
Active members of other chapters of the Society or any inactive members, coming to Kansas State University, may become active members of the Sigma Chapter by presenting satisfactory credentials and paying Chapter dues.
Section 5:
The right to vote on affairs of this Chapter and hold office shall be a right of the active members.
Article III
Section 1:
The officers of the Chapter shall be a president, president-elect, vice-president and secretary-treasurer. The vice-president shall be the fourth year student member with the highest grade point average at the time of election of officers. The executive committee will consist of the chapter officers.
The terms of office of the president, president-elect, vice-president and secretary-treasurer shall be for one year.
The officers shall be elected at the annual fall meeting of the Chapter. At least one month before the meeting the president shall appoint a nominating committee of three active members who shall submit to the Chapter at least one nomination for each office that is to be filled. Additional nominations will be received from the floor. Election shall be by plurality vote of the active members present at the fall meeting.
In case of vacancy of the office of president due to disability or resignation, the duties shall be assumed by the president-elect. Any vacancy in the office of secretary-treasurer shall be temporarily filled by an appointment by the president until such office is filled at the next regular meeting.
Section 2:
The executive committee shall be responsible for recommending the levying of fees, for considering and making recommendations for the general welfare of the Chapter, and for ordering all disbursements of funds.
Section 3:
The fiscal year shall extend from July 1st to June 30th inclusively. At the end of the year, the retiring officers shall pass to their successors all records, money or other property of the Chapter. A committee of two active members appointed by the president shall audit the books of the treasurer prior to July 1st.
Article IV
Section 1
There shall be two regular meetings during each year: one each during the fall and the spring terms. Special meetings shall be called at any time upon request to the president by five active members, at least one of who shall be a faculty member.
Announcement of the time, date and place of all meetings must be made five or more days prior to the meeting.
The members in attendance shall be considered a quorum.
Section 2:
The president or his/her appointee, with approval of the Chapter, shall be the delegate to the conventions of the Society.
Section 3:
The Sigma Chapter of Phi Zeta shall sponsor an annual veterinary student/graduate student/intern/resident research day to stimulate student scholarship and research. The program will be organized and directed by a special committee appointed by the executive committee. Prizes will be awarded for the outstanding presentations. The number and type of awards will be determined by the committee and approved by the executive committee.
Section 4:
The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the Chapter in all cases to which they are applicable, and in which they are not inconsistent with the Constitution of the Society or the By-Laws of this Chapter.
Article V
Election of New Members
Section 1:
- The executive committee shall act as a nominating committee, but nominations can be made from the floor at the fall meeting.
Section 2:
Election of new members shall take place at the regular fall meeting of the Chapter.
It is best if individuals nominated have given their approval prior to the meeting.
The manner of election shall be by show of hands unless two or more active members present at the meeting request a written ballot. Candidates receiving an affirmative vote from two-thirds of the votes cast shall be elected.
Those elected to membership shall be promptly notified by the Chapter secretary-treasurer.
Article VI
Dues and Expenses
Section 1
Each candidate upon accepting election to active membership shall pay the current National dues, Chapter dues (As specified in Art VI, Sec. 2), and the expense of a certificate of membership. Additional fees may be levied for Chapter banquets.
Section 2:
The annual dues for active members of Sigma Chapter shall be ten dollars ($10.00).
Section 3:
Any unusual expenses levied on the Chapter shall be met by assessment upon approval by the Chapter membership.
Section 4:
Active members failing to pay their dues for one year shall be dropped from membership, if after being notified in writing by the secretary-treasurer the obligation is not met in 30 days. The membership can be reactivated by the payment of the current dues.
Section 5:
Honorary members are not required to pay dues and the Chapter will defray their initiation expenses.
Article VII
Section 1:
These By-Laws may be amended by a three-fourths vote of those present at any regular or special meeting, notice having been given in writing by the secretary at least ten days prior to the meeting.