2019-2020 SAVMA Executive Board
SAVMA Officer and Committee Chair Descriptions and Benefits:
- Preside over SAVMA Executive Board Meetings and Student Chapter meetings as Chief Executive Officer.
- Attend KVMA meetings as a representative of KSU-CVM and SAVMA.
- Act as the voice of SAVMA when requested or needed in interaction with faculty, administration, staff, and/or other students.
- Appoint all regular and special committees, and promptly fill vacancies in the membership of the committees and Executive Board.
- Work with the President-elect on all of the duties of the office of President.
- Benefits:
- Gain valuable experience in leadership and working together with others in running an organization.
- Build contacts with veterinarians and professionals.
- Develop good interpersonal skills in interactions with faculty, administration, and students.
- Work with the president to learn all duties of the office of President
- Benefits:
- Will automatically become SAVMA President the following year.
- Preside over SAVMA Executive Board Meetings and Student Chapter meetings in the absence of the President.
- Aid and assist the other officers of SAVMA in every way possible.
- Schedule and organize guest speakers and/or entertainment of all-school meetings of SAVMA.
- Provide refreshments for Executive Board and Student Chapter meetings.
- Prepare and file a brief summary and evaluation of programs conducted by SAVMA.
- Benefits:
- Gain valuable experience in leadership and working together with others to run an organization.
- Build contacts with veterinarians and professionals.
- Attend all meetings of the Executive Board and Student Chapter, record and read all minutes, report correspondence, and keep attendance.
- Supply the AVMA with any requested information.
- Maintain the SAVMA webpage and update with all business of the Student Chapter.
- Send thank you notes to speakers at Student Chapter meetings and to funding sources of SAVMA.
- Benefits:
- Gain valuable experience in working with a team to lead an organization.
- Develop good organizational skills.
- Build contacts with veterinarians and professionals.
- Develop an extensive knowledge of all aspects of KSU-CVM and SAVMA.
- Be the sole custodian of the financial resources of the Student Chapter.
- Keep a careful account of all income, expenses, and assets of the Student Chapter, and make such disbursements as the Student Chapter may direct.
- Be responsible for payment of dues to SAVMA prior to the AVMA deadline each year.
- Attend all meetings of the Student Chapter and the Executive Board, and report on the financial accounts of the Student Chapter.
- Be responsible for the preparation of the budget for the fiscal year following completion of their term ending May 31st.
- Work with the Treasurer-elect on the duties and responsibilities of Treasurer.
- Benefits:
- Gain valuable experience in working with a team to lead an organization.
- Develop good organizational and money handling skills.
- Build contacts with veterinarians and professionals.
- Work with the Treasurer to learn all duties of the office of Treasurer.
- Benefits:
- Will automatically become Treasurer the following year.
- Attend and represent KSU-CVM at all SAVMA meetings at the SAVMA House of Delegates.
- Report on SAVMA meetings and activities, and pass on information from SAVMA to SAVMA and appropriate parties.
- Organize student attendance of SAVMA Symposium, including housing, transportation, and registration.
- Maintain a file of SAVMA committee reports, minutes, and other pertinent information for reference and information.
- Meet with curriculum committee and any necessary faculty for scheduling conflicts.
- Attend all SAVMA Executive Board and Student Chapter Meetings
- Serve a term of two years, beginning as a sophomore.
- Benefits:
- Gain a wide network of student and veterinary contacts throughout the United States.
- Be able to attend various Veterinary Conferences throughout the US as a representative of KSU-CVM.
- Build valuable leadership and team skills.
- Chair the fundraising committee, with members to be selected by the fundraising chair.
- Organize events to raise money for SAVMA.
- Be in charge of the care package program each year.
- Submit any money made from such events to the Treasurer for deposit.
- Attend all SAVMA Executive Board and Student Chapter Meetings.
- Benefits:
- Gain valuable experience in working with a team to lead an organization.
- Build contacts with veterinarians and professionals.
- Develop good organizational skills.
- Chair the intramural committee, with members to be selected by the intramural chair.
- Organize and oversee intramural athletic events through the KSU recreational facilities.
- Keep track of athletic games and events, and post such events on the bulletin boards for the students.
- Maintain a roster of intramural teams, and win/loss history.
- Attend all SAVMA Executive Board and Student Chapter Meetings.
- Benefits:
- Build valuable leadership and team skills.
- Develop good organizational skills.
- Gain a good working knowledge of the athletic events around KSU.
- Work with the Hill’s student representative to advance the relationship between Hill’s and SAVMA.
- Collect money at all Hill’s food loading dock student handouts to be given over to the Treasurer.
- Attend all SAVMA Executive Board and Student Chapter Meetings
- Benefits:
- Gain valuable experience in working with a team to lead an organization.
- Develop good organizational skills.