Bovine Palpation Team
The most recent additions are found on K-State Online
Question and Answer
Anatomically Oriented Questions for the Bovine Palpation Team - All questions refer to the domestic bovine, unless otherwise specified
January 12, 2005 -
Answers for the Anatomically Oriented Questions for the Bovine Palpation Team - All questions refer to the domestic bovine, unless otherwise specified
January 12, 2005 -
Questions from the “Anatomy and Embryology of Bovine Palpation” - All questions refer to the ox (cow or bull)
10-20-05 -
Answers for “Anatomy and Embryology of Bovine Palpation” - All questions refer to the ox (cow or bull)
PowerPoint Presentations and Handouts - 2006
- Anatomy and Embryology of Bovine Palpation - Dr. Cash
- Estrous Synchronization Systems for Beef Heifers - Dr. Bob L. Larson
- Synchronization of Estrus - R.L. Larson
- The Bovine Estrous Cycle and Synchronization of Estrus - Dr. Bob L. Larson
- The Bovine Estrous Cycle and Synchronization of Estrus - R.L. Larson and R.F. Randle
- Reproductive Physiology of the Beef Heifer - Dr. Bob L. Larson
- Beef Cow Protocols
- Dairy Industry Overview - Management Practices - Critical Control Points - Diseases - Dr. Hans Coetzee
- Artificial Insemination - Semen Collection and Evaluation - Freezing AI Preparation/ Execution - Dr. Hans Coetzee
- Andrology of the Bull - Spermatogenesis/ Hormones/ Breeding Soundness - Dr. Hans Coetzee
- Embryo Transfer 101 with a Technical Slant
- Dystocia and Sequelae in Beef Cows - Dr. Brad White
- Abortion in Cattle - Dr. Jerome Nietfeld
PowerPoint Presentations and Handouts - 2007-2008
- Anatomy and Embryology of Bovine Palpation - Dr. Cash
- The Bovine Estrous Cycle - Dr. Bob Larson
- The Bovine Estrous Cycle and Estrous Synchronization - Dr. Bob Larson
- Andrology of the Bull - Spermatogenesis / Hormones / Breeding Soundness - Dr. Hans Coetzee
- Bovine Reproductive Diseases - Dr. Bob Larson
- Instrumentation: Tools of the Trade – Dr. Meredyth Jones
- The How & Why of Pregnancy Diagnosis - Dr. David Grieger
Links of Interest
The Drost Project Visual Guide to Bovine Reproduction