Seminars - Sponsored by CVM International Programs
KSU CVM International Programs
Presentation Title/Presenter/Organization | ||
"OIE Veterinary Education Establishment Twinning Project" Keith Hamilton KSU CVM International Programs |
"OIE Veterinary Education Establishment Twinning Project" Tesfaalem Sebhatu KSU CVM International Programs |
Careers in International Veterinary Medicine
"The Role of a Veterinarian in the 2014 Ebola Outbreak" Erin Casey Merial, Formerly Dept. of State |
“The Road Less Traveled” (PDF) Liz Mumford WHO |
"Working in the United Nations - A veterinary epidemiologist's perspective" (PDF) Caryl Lockhart KSU CVM, Former FAO Epidemiologist |
“The Current State of Veterinary Medicine in Italy” (PDF) Martina Fabbi Visiting Postdoc |
Student Travel Abroad
Student Travel Awards Presentations 2016 Marie Keith, Sohaila Jafarian, Leah Freilich KSU CVM Students |
"Student Life at Sokoine University of Agriculture" Dominica Genda, Raymond Fanuel Visiting students from Morogoro, Tanzania |
Animal Diseases and Zoonoses of International Importance
"Clinical Case Presentation - Newcastle Disease" Raymond Fanuel Visiting student from Sokoine University of Agriculture - Morogoro, Tanzania |
"Animal and Human Anthrax Cases in Tanzania" Dominica Genda Visiting student from Sokoine University of Agriculture - Morogoro, Tanzania |
"FMD Vaccine Matching" Tesfaalem Sebhatu KSU CVM International Programs |
" FMD: Global Situation and Potential for Spread" Tesfaalem Sebhatu KSU CVM International Programs |
"Working Together to Address Global Challenges" Alex Morrow International Research Consortium on Animal Health |
"International Efforts to Fight Rabies" Gregorio Torres OIE |
"FMD Epidemiologic Situation in Africa" Tesfaalem Sebhatu KSU CVM International Programs |
"Social Network Analysis (SNA) in animal health" (PDF) Caryl Lockhart KSU CVM, Former FAO Epidemiologist |
"Drivers of Infectious Disease: Connections Matter" (PDF) William Karesh EcoHealth Alliance |
“Challenges Conquered and the Role of Vaccination in International Disease Eradication and Control Efforts" (PDF) Keith Hamilton KSU CVM International Programs |
"Countering Biological Threats " Andy Weber Former Assistant Secretary of Defense |
" UK International Biological Security Programme: animal health sector engagement " Dave Elliot UK Cooperative Threat Reduction Program |
Global experts visit K-State College of Vet Med 1350 KMAN |
"Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Terrorism – efforts to reduce the threat" Ambassador Bonnie Jenkins Department of State |
Sustainable Crop-Livestock
"Sustainable Food and Agriculture: Work in progress" Henning Steinfeld |