Graduate Student: Scholarships & Funding
Application process
Students properly enrolled in a graduate program in the College of Veterinary Medicine are eligible to apply for graduate scholarships. Information may be requested from the applicant’s department to determine if he/she meets the criteria for the scholarship and provide additional information to assist in funding successful applications (e.g. reimbursement for expenses, scholarship, tuition and awards). Applicants are encouraged to read the criteria for each scholarship carefully to make sure their application is complete. Requests for scholarships should be submitted to Barb Turner by 5:00 PM, February 17.
Review process
The review committee will complete its review process, and applicants will be notified regarding funding decisions in March.
Ways to use graduate student financial assistance
If the request is for research supplies, meeting registration or travel, a request form with receipts must be submitted to the CVM Business Office before being forwarded to KSU Foundation.
A stipend must be payable to Kansas State University. The recipient will be placed on the payroll and will receive the stipend as a state check with taxes withheld from each check. It is recommended that awards/scholarships be given as described in (1) rather than a stipend since the payroll process is more complex.
If assistance is requested in the form of either tuition or a scholarship, a scholarship form must be completed and approved through Student Financial Assistance.
Criteria for Graduate Student Scholarships
A.S.R. Ganta Memorial Award
The purpose of this award is to recognize a graduate student who has demonstrated his/her competence in research by publishing a first author research paper (or manuscript accepted for publication). Criteria: applicants should include a reprint of the publication/manuscript, use of funds, dates funds are required, and a letter of nomination by the major advisor with the application form. The advisor's letter of support should describe the student’s contributions to the publication and strength as an independent investigator. Recipient will receive an award of $100 at the Phi Zeta Research Day.
Dr. Embert Coles Memorial
The purpose of this award is to provide financial assistance for graduate students focusing in clinical pathology in the College of Veterinary Medicine. Criteria: A brief letter written by the student or trainees describing his/her intended use of these funds and the date funds will be required and needs to be returned with this form. An endorsement from the student's graduate degree program advisor must also be included.
Dr. Frederick W. Oehme Toxicology Scholarship
The purpose of this scholarship is to provide assistance to graduate students doing research specific to toxicology in the Departments of Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology or Anatomy & Physiology. Criteria: submit an essay about research/work intentions along with the application form. An endorsement from the student's graduate degree program advisor must be included.
Dr. G. Roger and Irene J. Spencer Award
The primary purpose of this award is to provide financial assistance for graduate students enrolled in dual degree programs (DVM/MS) in the College of Veterinary Medicine. Criteria: A brief letter written by the student describing his/her intended use of these funds and date funds will be required is to be returned with the application form. An endorsement from the student’s graduate degree program advisor must also be included.
Dr. Harish C. and Ved K. Minocha Scholarship
The purpose of this scholarship is to provide financial assistance to graduate students, with an emphasis in virology, enrolled in a graduate program of the College of Veterinary Medicine at Kansas State University.
Dr. Horst W. and Elizabeth A. Leipold Award
The primary purpose of this award is to provide financial assistance for graduate students studying genetic pathology, specifically hereditary and congenital pathology, in the College of Veterinary Medicine. Criteria: A brief letter written by the student describing his/her intended use of these funds and date funds will be required, is to be returned with the application form. An endorsement from the student’s graduate degree program advisor must also be included.
Dr James E. and Muriel F. Cook Scholarship
The purpose of this scholarship is to provide financial support for graduate students in Pathobiology in the College of Veterinary Medicine.
Dr. John L. and Patricia L. Noordsy Graduate Student Award for Proficiency in Food Animal Veterinary Medicine
The purpose of this award is to provide financial assistance to students properly enrolled in the graduate programs in the College of Veterinary Medicine. Criteria: The recipient(s) of this award will be a student(s) who is properly enrolled in a graduate program in the KSU CVM who is pursuing a PhD degree. Preference shall be to a DVM (degree can be received from any accredited veterinary college) who has practice experience serving the livestock industry. The student’s research shall be focused on a topic relating to meat producing animals. The award will be renewable as long as the recipient meets the eligibility requirements.
Dr. Joseph E Smith Clinical Pathology Award
The purpose of this award is to provide financial assistance to a Clinical Pathology graduate student for travel expenses incurred while attending conferences or to help with unexpected expenses.
Dr. Marcus D Morris Scholarship
The purpose of this scholarship is to provide financial assistance to a graduate student properly enrolled in the College of Veterinary Medicine at Kansas State University. First preference shall be given to a student with financial need with interest in large animal medicine.
Dr. Samuel M. Kruckenberg Scholarship
The purpose of this scholarship is to provide financial assistance to graduate students properly enrolled in a CVM Graduate program. Primary use shall be to facilitate graduate study in Pathobiology in the Department of Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology.