Julia K. Ryseff


BS 2005, University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana
DVM 2009, University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana
MS 2012, Colorado State University
Diplomate ACVP

Phone: 785-532-4232
Email: jryseff@vet.k-state.edu


As a veterinary clinical pathologist at Kansas State University, I provide microscopic and data interpretations in the areas of cytology, hematology, clinical chemistry, urinalysis, coagulation, protein electrophoresis and bone marrow core biopsies to the Veterinary Health Center and referring veterinarians from the state and around the country via the Diagnostic Laboratory.


I am involved in the teaching of fourth year veterinary students during their Diagnostic Medicine rotation in the areas of cytology and hematology with an emphasis on sample collection and preparation and microscopic evaluation and findings. I also participate in the clinical pathology residency training program.

Selected Publications

Ryseff J, Kamstock D, Hassam K, Avery P. “Pathology in Practice”. J Am Vet Med2012 Oct 15; 241(8):1035-7.

Ryseff J, Bohn A. “Alkaline phosphatase detection on cytology slides previously stained with Wright-Giemsa and its usefulness in differentiating canine osteosarcoma from other mesenchymal tumors”. Vet Clin Pathol. 2012 Sept; 41(3):391-5.

Ryseff J, Olver C. “What’s Your Diagnosis? Ventral neck mass in a cat”. Vet Clin Pathol 2012 Dec; 41(4): 603-604.

Ryseff J, Avery P. “Gamma-Gandy bodies: a case of mistaken identity in the spleen of a cat”. Publication pending.