Patricia A. Payne
Associate Professor
BS 1969, Kansas State University
DVM 1971, Kansas State University
PhD 2000, Kansas State University
Phone: (785) 532-4604
I am a dedicated teacher and a Wakonse Teaching Fellow. Dr. Dryden and I team up to present the Clinical Veterinary Parasitology Course in the fall of the 2nd year of the professional veterinary curriculum. I am the course co-ordinator for Integration III also taught in the fall of the second year curriculum. The Parasitolgy review session for 4th year students rolls around every 3 weeks were we present current parasitology information including new parasiticides and hot topics.
I am the Supervisor for the Diagnostic Parasitology Laboratory for the KDVDL and the Veterinary Health Center. I serve as Student club advisor for both the Canine Club and Small Ruminant Practitioners. I have made presentations at the College Veterinary Technicians Conference and the June Conference for Veterinarians as well as at National meetings including AAVP, NAVC and WVC. I am on the American Heartworm Society Board of Directors.
As a personal service project I have been involved with the KSDS, Inc. Puppy in Training Program since June 10, 2003. Our first pup Maize, came to KSUCVM as a 10 week old female yellow Labrador puppy, in June of 2003. She stayed by my side until the spring of 2005. She attended classes and seminars throughout KSUCVM and could be found snoozing under my desk in Coles 333. Maize put smiles on the faces of faculty, students and staff daily. She was available for post exam hugs at all times. She was returned to KSDS early in the spring of 2005 for further evaluation and training. She passed the rigorous health exam and went on to be a partner for a disabled person. She will always carry part of my heart and will be missed by all of her friends here at the college. Since then Asheni, Tinsel, Calais, Barstow and Champagne have followed in her paw prints bringing joy and humor into the lives of students and faculty alike.
I am a 1971 KSUCVM graduate who practiced small animal medicine in Virginia for 23 years before returning to earn my PhD in Insecticide Resistance in Fleas. This insecticide resistance research continues today. Current research projects still evolve around fleas but now also include ticks, Giardia spp. and Tritrichomonas foetus in cats and bulls
Selected Publications
P. A. Payne and R. K. Ridley. 1999. Strategic use of ivermectin during pregnancy to control Toxocara canis in greyhound puppies. Vet. Parasitol. 85:305-312
M.W. Dryden, C.M. McCoy, P.A. Payne. 2001. Speed of flea kill with nitenpyram tablets compared to imidacloprid Spot on and fipronil Spot on in dogs. Compend Contin Educ Pract Vet 23(3A), 24-27
B.L. Blagburn, T. Bach, D.L. Bledsoe, I. Denholm, M.W. Dryden, O. Hansen, N. Hinkle, T. Hopkins, D.E. Jacobs, H. Mehlhorn, N. Mencke, P.A. Payne, M.K. Rust, M.V. Vaughn. 2001. Advantage® International Flea Susceptibility Monitoring Initiative – A 2001 Update. Compend Contin Educ Pract Vet 23(4A) 4-7
P. Payne, M. Dryden, V. Smith, R. Ridley, 2001. Effect of 0.29%w/w Fipronil Spray on Adult Flea Mortality and Egg Production on Three Different Cat Flea Strains Infesting Cats. Vet. Parasitol. 2001 Dec 28;102(4):331-40
P.A. Payne et. al. 2002. Efficacy of a combination febantel-praziquantel-pyrantel product, with or without vaccination with a commercial Giardia vaccine, for treatment of dogs with naturally occurring giardiasis, JAVMA,Vol. 220 (3):330-333
Rust MK, Waggoner M, Hinkle NC, Mencke N, Hansen O, Vaughn M, Dryden MW, Payne PA, Blagburn BL, Jacobs DE, Bach T, Bledsoe D, Hopkins T, Mehlhorn H and I. Denholm. 2002. Development of a Larval Bioassay for Susceptibility of Cat Fleas to Imidacloprid. J. Med Entomol. Vol 39, no 4, 671-674
P.A. Payne. 2003. Variety of producers help in ectoparasite control. DVM Best Practices March pp 22-25
P.A.Payne. 2003.New Information sheds more awarness on canine ehrlichiosis. DVM Best Practices June pp 3-6
P.A.Payne and M.W.Dryden. 2003 Feline flea control. Clinical Edge™ Feline Parasites: What you need to know. June pp 10-14
Schroeder I, Blagburn BL, Bledsoe DL, Bond R, Denholm I, Dryden MW, Jacobs DE, Mehlhorn H, Mencke N, Payne P, Rust MK, Vaughn MB. Progress of the international work of the "Imidacloprid Flea Susceptibility Monitoring Team". Parasitol Res. 2003 Jul;90 Suppl 3:127-8. 2003
Akers J, Payne P, Holcomb CA, Rush B, Renter D, Moro M, Freeman, L. Public Health Education at Kansas State University. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education. 35 (2): 187-193, 2008
Dryden M, Payne P, McBride A, Mailen S, Smith V, Carithers D. Efficacy of Fipronil (9.8% w/w) + (S)-Methoprene (8.8% w/w) and Imidacloprid (8.8% w/w) + Permethrin (44% w/w) against Dermacentor variabilis (American Dog Tick) on Dogs. Vet Ther. 9(1):15-25, 2008
Dryden M, Payne P, Lowe A, Mailen S, Smith V, Rugg D. Efficacy of a topically applied spot-on formulation of a novel insecticide, metaflumizone, applied to cats against a flea strain (KS1) with documented reduced susceptibility to various insecticides. Vet Parasitol. 151(1):74-79, 2008.
Payne PA, Artzer A. The Biology and Control of Giardia spp and Tritrichomonas foetus. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice Volume 39, Issue 6, Pages 993-1007 (November 2009) Small Animal Parasites: Biology and Control Edited by David S. Lindsay, Anne M. Zajac
Dryden MW, Payne PA. Fecal Examination Techniques—What Is the Gold Standard? Clinician’s Brief 8(4): 13-16, 2010.
Rust MK. Denholm I, Dryden MW, Payne P, Blagburn BL, Jacobs DE, Bond R, Mencke N, Schroeder I, Weston S, Vaughn M, Coleman G, Kopp S. Large-scale monitoring of imidacloprid susceptibility in the cat flea, Ctenocephalides felis. Medical and Veterinary Entomology (2010), doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2915.2010.00934
Dryden MW, Payne PA, Smith V, Ritchie D, Allen L. Evaluation of the Ovicidal Activity of Lufenuron and Spinosad on Fleas’ Eggs from Treated Dogs. Intern. J. Appl. Res. Vet. Med. 10(3):198-204, 2012.
Dryden MW, Payne PA, Vicki S, Kobuszewki D. Efficacy of Topically Applied Dinotefuran Formulations and Orally Administered Spinosad Tablets Against the KS1 Flea Strain Infesting Dogs. Intern J Appl Res Vet Med 9(2): 123-128, 2011.
Dryden MW, Payne PA, Vicki S, Riggs B, Davenport J, Kobuszewski D., Efficacy of dinotefuran–pyriproxyfen, dinotefuran–pyriproxyfen–permethrin and fipronil–(S)-methoprene topical spot-on formulations to control flea populations in naturally infested pets and private residences in Tampa Florida. Vet Parasitol 182: 281– 286, 2011
Dryden MW, Payne PA, Smith V and Hostetler J. Efficacy of Imidacloprid + Moxidectin and Selamectin topical solutions against the KS1 Ctenocephalides felis flea strain infesting cats. Parasites & Vectors 4:174, 2011.
Hanzlicek AS, Harkin KR, Dryden MW, Chun R, Payne PA, Nietfeld JC, Debey BM. Canine Schistosomiasis in Kansas: 5 cases (2000-2009). (J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 2011; 47:e95–e102. DOI 10.5326/JAAHA-MS-5580).
Last year's Presented Papers with Abstracts:
Michael W Dryden, Patricia A. Payne.Further evaluation of fecal examination techniques for the recovery of Toxocara canis, Trichuris vulpis and Ancylostoma caninum eggs. Am. Assoc. Vet. Parasitol. 57th Annual Meeting, 4-7 August 2012, San Diego, CA. P.74
Patricia A. Payne, Ectoparasites of Dogs and Cats: Beyond Fleas and Ticks. AVMA Convention San Diego California July 2012
Patricia A. Payne, Diagnostic parasitology - what's new, what's old and what works? AVMA Convention San Diego California July 2012