Brandy Kastl

Brady KastlClinical Associate Professor
Clinical Pathology

BS 2005, Oklahoma State University
DVM 2010, Oklahoma State University
Diplomate ACVP, Clincal Pathology

Office: Mosier L221
Phone: 785-532-4453


I am the primary diagnostic clinical pathologist for the Kansas State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory providing cytology, hematology, and bone marrow evaluations for small and large animal veterinary practitioners from both the KSU Veterinary Health Center and private practices across the country. I also consult with veterinarians regarding clinical laboratory testing recommendations, sample handling techniques, and clinical interpretations of hematologic, serum biochemical, endocrine, and iron panel results. In addition, I am the supervising clinical pathologist for the KSVDL Diagnostic Medicine Interns.


Veterinary educational outreach is one of my greatest areas of interest. I love it all - from talking about being a veterinarian with gradeschoolers to providing high quality continuing education seminars in clinical pathology for other practicing veterinarians.


The majority of my teaching effort is dedicated to daily case-based clinical instruction of pathology residents, diagnostic medicine interns, small and large animal house officers, visiting scholars, and DVM students. I also deliver guest lectures on hematology, clinical chemistry, and bone marrow evaluation in various courses in the veterinary student curriculum.

Selected Publications

  • Kastl B, Peddireddi L, Rankink B, Almes K, Raskin R, Springer N. Pathology in Practice. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2020 Jun 15; 256(12):1331-1334. doi: 10.2460/javma.256.12.1331. PMID: 32459589
  • Kastl B, Cerezo A, Bell C, Springer N. What’s your diagnosis? Pericardial mass in a dog. Vet Clin Path. 2020(00):1-4. doi: 10.1111/vcp.12898
  • Schwartz D, Ali I, Roy S, Pohlman LM, Kastl B, Eshar D. Entamoeba sp. infection in a bearded dragon (Pogona vitticeps). Veterinarski Glasnik, 74(1), 77-84.
  • Kastl B. Beyond Cytologic Evaluation: Advanced Diagnostic Techniques for Canine Lymphomas. Adv Small Anim Med Surg. 2020 Aug 1. 33(8):1-3.