Elva Cha
Research Assistant Professor
D.V.M. 2007, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia
B.Sc. (Veterinary) 2006, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia
Ph.D. 2013, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
Post-Doctoral Associate 2008, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
Phone: (785) 532-4604
Email: echa@vet.k-state.edu
My research is on the optimization of animal health decisions through economic modeling and statistical analysis of population data and assessing the value of information when making optimal decisions. Current work includes determination of risk factors for the effective risk classification and treatment of cattle with Bovine Respiratory Disease. I integrate my experience from the pharmaceutical industry, and training in economics, epidemiology, and biostatistics, toward the evaluation of clinical trial, observational, and synthesis research data. I mentor graduate students in food safety and collaborate with faculty who need expertise on study design and statistical analyses. I am a primary faculty member of the Center for Outcomes Research and Education (CORE) where I have developed economic models for pharmaceutical companies and businesses which estimate the value of services and the economic impact of products in animal health. I am a lecturer in the DMP 708 Veterinary Epidemiology course for first year DVM students.
Selected Publications
Kessels, J.A., Cha, E., Johnson, S.K., Welcome, F.L., Kristensen, A.R. and Gröhn, Y.T. 2016. Economic comparison of common treatment protocols and J5 vaccination for clinical mastitis in dairy herds using optimized culling decisions. J. Dairy Sci. 99, 3838-3847.
Cha, E., Hertl, J.A., Schukken, Y.H., Welcome, F.L., Gröhn, Y.T. 2016. Evidence of no protection for a recurrent case of pathogen specific clinical mastitis from a previous case. J. Dairy Res. 83, 72-80.
Cha, E., Kristensen, A.R., Hertl, J.A., Schukken, Y.H., Welcome, F.L., Gröhn, Y.T. 2014. Optimal insemination and replacement decisions to minimize the cost of pathogen-specific clinical mastitis in dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci.97, 2101-2117.
Cha, E., Hertl, J.A., Schukken, Y.H., Welcome, F.L., Gröhn, Y.T. 2012. The effect of repeated episodes of bacteria specific clinical mastitis on mortality and culling in Holstein dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 96, 4993-5007
Cha E., Bar, D., Hertl, J.A., Tauer, L.W., Bennett, G., González, R.N., Schukken, Y.H., Welcome, F.L., and Gröhn, Y.T. 2011. The cost and management of different types of clinical mastitis in dairy cows estimated by dynamic programming. J. Dairy Sci. 94, 4476-87
Cha, E., Hertl, J.A., Bar, D., Gröhn, Y.T. 2010. The cost of different types of lameness in dairy cows calculated by dynamic programming. Prev. Vet. Med. 97, 1-8
Cha, E., Toribio, J-A.L.M.L., Thomson, P.C., Holyoake, P.K. 2009. Biosecurity practices and the potential for exhibited pigs to consume swill at agricultural shows in Australia. Prev. Vet Med. 91, pp. 122-129.