Caryl Lockhart
Research Associate Professor

DVM(1991 - 1997)., Universidad Agraria de la Habana(UNAH),
Havana, Cuba;MSc(1998 - 1999) Tropical Animal Production,
Dominican Republic;PhD Veterinary Epidemiology (2005 - 2008).,
Massey University, New Zealand.
Office: 785 532 3019
My research focuses on the epidemiological methods/tools and their practical application to emerging and endemic animal and zoonotic pathogens particularly in developing countries. Areas of interest include disease surveillance, risk assessment, spatial epidemiology, infectious disease modelling, animal movements and value chains. My current work on avian influenza is focused on identifying factors (including the role of live animal markets) associated with H5N1 HPAI virus persistence in endemic areas of Indonesia. My research on transboundary animal diseases such as Peste de Petite Ruminant, foot and mouth disease examines national and global control options via modelling. Another area of research focuses on best practice approaches for early warning and risk assessment for animal diseases in developing countries.
Epidemiology; Social Network Analyses (SNA);Risk Analyses;Spatial Epidemiology.
Selected Publications
Farnsworth,M.L., Fitchett,S.,Hidayat,M.M.,Lockhart, CY, Hamilton-West,C.,Brum,E., Angus,S., Poermadjaja,B., & Pinto,J. (2011) Metapopulation dynamics and determinants of H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza outbreaks in Indonesian poultry. Preventive Veterinary Medicine,102,206- 211 (Available at : );
Ohlson A.,Heuer,C.,Lockhart,CY.,Traven,M.,Emanuelson,U.,& Alenius,S.(2010) Risk factors for seropositivity to bovine coronavirus and bovine respiratory syncytial virus in dairy herds. Veterinary Record,167(6),201-6 (Available at :;
Lockhart, CY., Stevenson, MA., Rawdon,T.G., Gerber,N.,& French, NP. (2010) Patterns of contact within the New Zealand poultry industry. Preventative Veterinary Medicine,9(3-4),258-266. (Available at: );
Lockhart, CY., Stevenson, MA.,& Rawdon, TG. (2010). A cross-sectional study of ownership of backyard poultry in two areas of Palmerston North, New Zealand. New Zealand Vet J, 58(3 - 4),155-9. (Available at :;
Pegram R. G., Wilsmore A. J., Lockhart CY.,Pacer R. E., Eddi C.S. (2007). The Caribbean Amblyomma Eradication Programme: Sucess or failure? In M. J. B. Vreysen, A.S. Robinson, J. Hendrichs (Eds), Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests - From Research to Field Implementation (pp 709- 720). Available from 65#page-1)