Kelli M. Almes

Kelli AlmesClinical Associate Professor

BS 2003, Kansas State University
DVM 2005, Kansas State University
Diplomate ACVP
Phone: 785-532-3995


As a diagnostic pathologist I provide necropsy, biopsy, and consultation services for referring veterinarians and owners from the state of Kansas and numerous other locations, as well as the KSU Veterinary Health Center. I also perform histological evaluation for other outside parties for research purposes and serve as the supervisor for the Necropsy and Receiving areas at the Kansas State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory.


I assist with instruction of the fourth year veterinary students on the Diagnostic Medicine rotation which encompasses whole animal and gross tissue evaluation, sample collection for diagnostic testing, necropsy techniques, and analysis of findings.

Selected Publications

PubMed search for Dr. Almes

Foley A, Grady J, Almes KM, Davis E, Patton K. Cerebellar abiotrophy in a six year old Arabian mare. Eq Vet Ed. 23(3):130-4, 2011.

Almes KM, Janardhan KS, Anderson J, Hesse RA, Patton KM. Fatal canine adenoviral pneumonia in two litters of Bulldogs. J Vet Diag Invest. 22(5):780-4, 2010.

Patton KM, Almes KM, de Lahunta A. Absence of the dens in a 9.5-year-old Rottweiler with non-progressive clinical signs. Can Vet J. 51:1007-10, 2010.

Ameri M, Wilkerson MJ, Stockham SL, Almes KM, Patton KM, Jackson T. Acute megakaryoblastic leukemia in a German Shepherd dog. Vet Clin Path. 39(1):39-45, 2009.

Almes KM, Heaney AM, Andrews GA. Intracardiac ectopic thyroid carcinosarcoma in a dog. Vet Pathology. 45(4):500-4, 2008.

Wood C, Almes K, Bagladi-Swanson M, Debey B, Andrews G, Nietfeld J, Wilkerson M. Sézary syndrome in a cat. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc. 44(3):144-8, 2008.