Sunday, June 4, 2023
9:00 AM - 9:50 AM Compounding and ELDU
9:50 AM Break |
10:30 AM - 11:20 AM Pharmacology of Antimicrobials I Heather Kynch, DVM, PhD, Professor in Clinical Veterinary Pharmacology, Head of Pharmacology Section, K.L. Maddy Equine Analytical Pharmacology Laboratory at School of Veterinary Medicine Unversity of California Davis |
11:30 AM - 12:20 PM Pharmacology of Antimicrobials II Heather Kynch, DVM, PhD, Professor in Clinical Veterinary Pharmacology, Head of Pharmacology Section, K.L. Maddy Equine Analytical Pharmacology Laboratory at School of Veterinary Medicine Unversity of California Davis |
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM Lunch and Presentation
1:30 PM - 2:20 PM Analgesic Pharmacology and Pain Management
2:30 PM – 3:00 PM Break |
3:00 PM - 3:50 PM NSAIDs in Horses I
4:00 PM - 4:50 PM NSAIDs in Horses II
Large Animal
9:00 AM A Regulatory Update on Food Animal Drugs The most immediate change is the transition of the remaining over-the-counter antimicrobials to prescription. Other considerations are updates on veterinary feed directives, using the website animal drugs@FDA to find Bluebird feed labels and other drug information, the relationship of generic drugs to the original proprietary drug, and the status of antimicrobial use monitoring in the U.S. and other jurisdictions.
9:50 AM Break |
10:30 AM Novel Strategy to Mitigate Stress and it’s Deleterious consequences in Cattle Fear is the cause of >95% of stress in cattle. Fear triggers the activation of the Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA axis) causing the release of epinephrin and cortisol which wreaks havoc in the animals metabolism and immune system. A novel pheromone known as Maternal Bovine Appeasing Substance (MBAS) can down regulate the fear driven activation of the HPA axis, modulating behavior, decreasing stress, and normalizing DMI and health. This lecture will cover novel findings about the benefits of decreasing stress with MBAS
11:30 AM Ins & Outs of the USDA Veterinary Medical Loan Repayment and Veterinary Services Grant Programs The Veterinary Medical Loan Repayment program is a federal program that provides student loan forgiveness for veterinarians working in qualified areas. This presentation will discuss how the program works, who should apply and how to write a competitive application.
12:30 PM Lunch and Presentation
1:30 PM Frequency of Pulmonary Lesions in Feedlot Mortalities This presentation will give an overview on a feedlot necropsy project performed in the summer of 2022. The presentation will demonstrate the overall demographics of cattle necropsied, along with the common lesions evaluated. We will also discuss in depth the three major respiratory lesions bronchopneumonia (BRD), acute interstitial pneumonia (AIP), and bronchopneumonia with an interstitial pattern (BIP) and the diagnostic comparison between gross and histopathological diagnosis.
2:30 PM – 3:00 PM Break |
3:00 PM Penile Lesions Resulting in Bull BSE Failure and Options for Resolution Semen quality may be adequate and a bull may have strong libido, but often we discover problems with the bull penis during the soundness exam that need to be addressed. Common lesions include papilloma and scar tissue. Both can be frustrating and technical to resolve. We’ll discuss frustrations with papilloma structure and variation as well as tips to address restrictive scar tissue and frenula.
4:00 PM Bovine Theileriosis: An Update Current knowledge concerning this disease in addition to a summary of KSVDL's Theileria Kansas surveillance program. Gregg Hanzlicek, DVM, PhD, Associate Director of Kansas State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory |
Small Animal
9:00 AM Antimicrobial Stewardship & Small Animal Gastrointestinal Disease: Balancing Patient Outcomes & One Health Antimicrobials are commonly prescribed to dogs and cats with both acute and chronic GI disease. While the underlying etiology or systemic consequences of GI disease may warrant antimicrobial treatment, there are broader impacts of antimicrobial therapy to consider. |
9:50 AM BREAK |
10:30 AM Case Management Rounds: Perioperative Decision Points The audience will have the opportunity to ask questions relevant to the practice of general anesthesia in specific cases or more general quality of care or standard of practice questions pertinent to their respective clinics/hospitals. The audience will be provided a link to submit questions (anonymously) prior to the presentation and we will go through the questions successively. Any questions not covered during this period will be distributed along with answers following the presentation. Nathaniel Kapaldo, DVM, MPH, Diplomate ACVAA - Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine |
11:30 AM Feline House Soiling and Marking-“Make it Stop Doc" In this discussion, a general practitioner’s step-by-step logic to unraveling the mysteries of feline unacceptable elimination will be covered. We will discuss how to identify marking vs. house soiling, litter box preferences, tools for case management, as well as feline anxiety management in both the clinic and home setting. Free and readily available resources will be discussed, including how to use them to reduce the veterinarian’s workload in history collection and treatment planning, while improving client education and compliance. Drug and non-drug therapies will be provided to help reduce the frequency and/or eliminate house soiling as these cats test the human animal bond.
12:30 PM Lunch and Presentation
1:30 PM When Separation Leads to Anxiety in our Companions This presentation will focus on identifying the clues and making the diagnosis of separation anxiety along with how to manage this frustrating condition. As many of our clients are unwilling (or unable) to seek care from a board-certified veterinary behaviorist, we will discuss the steps primary care veterinarians may utilize to manage the multitude of dogs (and cats) who are silently, or not so silently, suffering with this condition. Given the mental and physical ramifications for affected pets, it is crucial we understand how to lessen or alleviate suffering along with the associated risk of relinquishment or euthanasia.
2:20 PM - 3:00 PM Break |
3:00 PM Optimizing our use of antibiotics and stewardship in small animal medicine This presentation will give tips and strategies for best practices for prescribing antibiotics to dogs and cats.
4:00 PM What's new with managing companion animal respiratory infections? This presentation will review diagnostic procedures and treatment strategies for common dog and cat respiratory infections. We will talk about how to perform a tracheal wash, the pharmacology behind why some antibiotics work better than others, and the infectious disease consensus recommendations.
Monday, June 5, 2023
8:00 AM - 8:50 AM Orthopedic Infection: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Recent Literature This session will review orthopedic infection in foals and adults. We will discuss a variety of diagnostic techniques, treatment modalities, and outcomes following treatment. Recent literature regarding orthopedic infection will also be discussed.
9:00 AM - 9:50 AM Management of equine heel bulb lacerations This session will cover the common presentations for equine heel bulb and pastern lacerations, the approaches to managing them, and outcomes following treatment. The discussion will cover common configurations, diagnostics to perform, wound closure/management options, and the application of a foot cast.
9:50 AM - 10:30 AM Break |
10:30 AM - 11:20 AM Field Management of Equine Fractures This session will review established techniques in the management of equine fractures in a field service setting. Recent research in this area will be discussed and optimal splinting strategies for various fracture configurations will be presented.
11:30 AM - 12:20 PM Common Equine Toxins
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM Lunch and Presentation of Alumni Awards
1:30 PM - 2:20 PM High-Impact Equine Diseases in the U.S. National Veterinary Accreditation Program, Module 31 Appreciate how equine regulatory disease outbreaks can lead to significant economic and trade impacts affecting the U.S. equine industry; identify the principles of equine biosecurity; recognize the recent high-impact equine diseases in the U.S.; and understand your role in response to these diseases.
2:20 PM - 3:00 PM Break |
3:00 PM - 3:50 PM Respiratory disease of foals - Part One This session will discuss upper and lower respiratory diseases of foals, with a focus on infectious causes of respiratory disease. Using a case-based approach, clinical signs, differential diagnoses, diagnostics, treatments, preventative strategies, and updated information from the recent literature will be discussed. Katherine Delph Miller, DVM, MS, DACVIM-LAIM, Clinical Assistant Professor in Equine Internal Medicine, Kansas State University, College of Veterinary Medicine |
4:00 PM - 4:50 PM Respiratory disease of foals - Part Two This session will discuss upper and lower respiratory diseases of foals, with a focus on infectious causes of respiratory disease. Using a case-based approach, clinical signs, differential diagnoses, diagnostics, treatments, preventative strategies, and updated information from the recent literature will be discussed. Katherine Delph Miller, DVM, MS, DACVIM-LAIM, Clinical Assistant Professor in Equine Internal Medicine, Kansas State University, College of Veterinary Medicine |
Large Animal
8:00 AM Update on management of calf scours
9:00 Developing a customized vaccination protocol for each cow-calf client One of the building blocks of a herd health program is the vaccination protocol. Studies show that producers want a plan that is customized to their herd. We will discuss what most would consider "core" vaccinations along with those that may be "optional". We will also examine recent research on MLV vs. killed vaccines.
9:50 AM Break |
10:30 AM Reproductive success is an accumulation of little successes Herds that achieve reproductive success do many ‘little’ things correctly. We will discuss those evidence based keys to reproductive success that are proven to work in many instances. We will also discuss cases of reproductive failure in what many would deem a well-managed herd.
11:30 How to become more of an asset to your clients through consultation The key to becoming an effective beef cow-calf consultant is not knowing an answer to every question. The key is asking great questions and taking an interest in the client’s business. We will discuss how to position yourself to become an asset or ‘partner’ in your client’s business.
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM Lunch and Presentation of Alumni Awards
1:30 PM Open forum on workforce issues We read it, we hear it all the time, “I am too busy and I cannot find an associate veterinarian. Drs. White and Larson will join me in a discussion of this topic where there will be minimal or no PowerPoint slides. We want to facilitate a thoughtful discussion on this timely subject.
2:20 - 3:00 PM Break |
3:00 PM Feeding Cows Consuming Dormant Low-Quality Forages: How, When, What? The presentation will cover the basic nutritional concerns with cows consuming low-quality forage. It will discuss types of carbohydrates and proteins that should be used in different situations and effects with different forage species. It will cover formulating rations, frequency of supplementation, and fetal programming aspects.
4:00 PM BLV Prevalence in North-East Kansas Beef Herds This presentation will review the results of a beef BLV prevalence study completed by Kansas State University in the fall of 2021. This presentation will cover the prevalence numbers found in that study, both ELISA and PCR. BLV prevention and eradication strategies will be reviewed as well.
Small Animal
8:00 AM - 8:50 AM Anesthesia in dogs & cats with cardiac disease Anesthesia in patients with cardiac disease can be challenging. Due to their cardiovascular dysfunction, these patients are at an increased anesthetic risk. This lecture will review the pathogenesis of some of the most common cardiac disorders in small animal veterinary medicine, discuss the cardiovascular effects of drugs used for premedication, induction, and maintenance of general anesthesia, and highlight specific anesthetic management goals regarding individual cardiomyopathies.
9:00 AM - 9:50 AM What's New in Brachycephalic Syndrome- Part 1
9:50 AM Break |
10:30 AM - 11:20 AM What's New in Brachycephalic Syndrome- Part 2
11:30 AM - 12:20 PM Cystotomy and Perineal Urethrostomy- Easier Said than Done? Tips for Success and When to Refer
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM Lunch and Presentation of Alumni Awards
1:30 - 2:20 Thoracic Trauma- Triage and Stabilization
2:20 Break |
3:00 - 3:50 Thoracic Trauma- Perioperative Consideration and Planning
4:00 - 4:50 Thoracic Trauma- Post-Surgical Decision-Making, Care, and Prognosis
5:30 PM-7:30 PM
Family Night - Flint Hills Discovery Center
Tuesday, June 6, 2023
8:00 AM - 8:50 AM Backyard Poultry From small hobby flocks to show and small production, backyard poultry has become an increasingly prominent part veterinary medicine. These seminars review common topics affecting the backyard poultry owner and veterinarian with a focus on field investigation, ducks and waterfowl, chickens, and quail. This seminar looks at basic nutrition, housing, handling, submitting samples to the diagnostic lab, and key poultry diseases.
9:00 AM - 9:50 AM Backyard Poultry From small hobby flocks to show and small production, backyard poultry has become an increasingly prominent part veterinary medicine. These seminars review common topics affecting the backyard poultry owner and veterinarian with a focus on field investigation, ducks and waterfowl, chickens, and quail. This seminar looks at basic nutrition, housing, handling, submitting samples to the diagnostic lab, and key poultry diseases.
9:50 AM Break |
10:30 AM - 11:20 AM Backyard Poultry From small hobby flocks to show and small production, backyard poultry has become an increasingly prominent part veterinary medicine. These seminars review common topics affecting the backyard poultry owner and veterinarian with a focus on field investigation, ducks and waterfowl, chickens, and quail. This seminar looks at basic nutrition, housing, handling, submitting samples to the diagnostic lab, and key poultry diseases.
11:30 AM - 12:20 AM Backyard Poultry From small hobby flocks to show and small production, backyard poultry has become an increasingly prominent part veterinary medicine. These seminars review common topics affecting the backyard poultry owner and veterinarian with a focus on field investigation, ducks and waterfowl, chickens, and quail. This seminar looks at basic nutrition, housing, handling, submitting samples to the diagnostic lab, and key poultry diseases.
Practice Management
8:00 AM - 8:50 AM 2023 DVM Graduate Expectations for Salaries and Contracts The most recent salary and employment data from the 2022 AVMA surveys and the 2023 K-State graduates will be presented.
9:00 AM – 9:50 AM Practice Tips and Understanding Your Value Proposition
10:30 AM - 11:20 AM Practice Tips and Understanding Your Value Proposition, Part 2
11:30 AM - 12:20 AM State of the Rural and Food Animal Animal Veterinary Workforce