Brandon Fraser
Clinical Assistant Professor
Agricultural Practices
Phone: 785-532-5700
- Bachelor of Science: Colorado State University
- DVM: Colorado State University
- MS: Kansas State University
- Residency in Food Animal Medicine and Surgery: Kansas State University
- Internship: University of Illinois
- Food Animal Medicine and Surgery (4th year)
- Didactic lectures and laboratories (2nd and 3rd year)
- Food Animal Medicine - CS 712
- Clinical Skills - CS 742
- Veterinary Management of Sheep and Goats - CS 828
- Veterinary Care and Management of South American Camelids - CS 785
- Cardiac troponin I in cattle
- Bovine respiratory disease complex disease profiling and biomarkers
- High resolution digital infrared thermography
Clinical teaching of production animal gastrointestinal disease, lameness, dermatology, cardiorespiratory disease, and field ready surgery.
Selected Publications
Fraser BC, Anderson DE, White BJ, Miesner MD, Wheeler C, Amrine D, Lakritz J, Overbay T. Assessment of a commercially available point-of-care assay for the measurement of bovine cardiac troponin I concentration.
Am J Vet Res. 2013 Jun;74(6):870-3.
Osorio JS, Fraser BC, Graugnard DE, Singh SS, Drackley JK, Garrett EF, Loor JJ.
Corium tissue expression of genes associated with inflammation, oxidative stress, and keratin formation in relation to lameness in dairy cows.
J Dairy Sci. 2012 Nov;95(11):6388-96.