Howard H. Erickson

Howard H. EricksonProfessor (Emeritus) of Physiology

DVM, Kansas State University
PhD, Veterinary Physiology, Iowa State University

Phone: 785-532-4541

I teach an elective on the history of veterinary medicine in the fall semester. My research and scholarly interests are in cardiopulmonary physiology, exercise physiology, and the history of veterinary medicine.


Selected Publications

Erickson, HH. The Kansas City Veterinary College (1891-1918): The Foundation of the Kansas City Animal Health Corridor. Proceedings, XXXIX International Congress of the World Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine (In Press).

Hedlund, HE and HH Erickson. History of the Green Acre Animal Clinic, Wahoo, Nebraska. Nebraska Veterinary Medical Association Veterinary Views, July/September 2011.

Poole, DC, HH Erickson. Highly Athletic Terrestrial Mammals: Horses and Dogs. APS Handbook, Comparative Physiology, Volume 1:1-37, 2011.

Erickson, HH. Historical transitions for women in veterinary medicine. AVMA Conv Notes. 2010.

Erickson, HH. The Kansas City Veterinary College: 1891-1918. Proc. Annual Conf. Vet. 71:535-548, 2009.

Erickson. HH. Dykstra, Ralph R. (First Dean of Veterinary Medicine at Kansas State University). Hist. Med Vet 34(1): 33-35, 2009.

Epp, TS, P McDonough, DE Meyers, DJ Carlin, BJ Behnke, CA Kindig, DC Poole, HH Erickson. The Effectiveness of Immunotherapy in Treating Exercise-Induced Pulmonary Hemorrhage. J Equine Vet Sci 29:527-532, 2009.

Epp, TS, KL Edwards, DC Poole, HH Erickson. Effects of conjugated estrogens and aminocaproic acid on reducing exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhage EIPH. Proceedings, AAEP Proc 54:14-15, 2008.

Epp, TS, B Szladovits, A Buchannan, L Gates, P McDonough, DS Padilla, DC Poole, HH Erickson. Evidence supporting exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhage in racing Greyhounds. Comparative Exercise Physiology 5:21-32, 2008.

Epp, TS, KL Edwards, DC Poole and HH Erickson. Effects of conjugated oestrogens and aminocaproic acid upon exercise-induced pulmonary haemorrhage (EIPH). Comp Exer Physiol 5: 95-103, 2008.

Erickson, HH, TS Epp, and DC Poole. Alternative therapies for EIPH. Havemeyer Foundation Monograph 20:37-39, 2008.

Poole, DC and HH Erickson. Cardiovascular function and oxygen transport responses to exercise and training. In: Equine Exercise Physiology, Ed: KW Hinchcliff, AJ Kaneps, RJ Geor, WB Saunders, 2008.

Epp, TS, HH Erickson, J Woodworth, DC Poole. Effects of oral L-carnitine supplementation in racing Greyhounds. Equine and Comparative Exercise Physiology 4:141-147, 2007.

Erickson, HH and DC Poole. Exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhage: current concepts. In: Lekeux P. (Ed). Equine Respiratory Diseases. Ithaca: International Veterinary Information Services ( 2007; Document No. B0320.0102.

Erickson, HH, TS Epp, and DC Poole. A review of alternative therapies for EIPH. Proc Am Assoc Eq Pract 53:68-71, 2007.

Poole, DC, TS Epp, HH Erickson. Exercise-induced pulmonary haemorrhage (EIPH): mechanistic bases and therapeutic interventions (science overview). Equine Vet J. 39:292-293, 2007.

Erickson, HH. History of horse-whims, teamboats, treadwheels and treadmills. Equine Vet J Suppl 36:83- 87, 2006.

Epp, TS, P McDonough, DJ Padilla, JM Gentile, KL Edwards, HH Erickson, and DC Poole. Exercise- induced pulmonary haemorrhage during sub-maximal exercise. Equine Vet J Suppl. 36:502-507, 2006.

Epp, TS, P McDonough, DJ Padilla, JH Cox, DC Poole, HH Erickson. The effect of herbal supplementation on the severity of EIPH. Equine and Comparative Exercise Physiology 2:17-25, 2005.

Elmore, RG and HH Erickson. A century of excellence: Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine. The Donning Company. 2005.

Erickson, HH. Heart sounds and murmurs. In: Dukes' Physiology of Domestic Animals, 12th ed. WO Reece, editor, Comstock Publishing, 2004.

Erickson, HH and DK Detweiler. Regulation of the heart. In: Dukes' Physiology of Domestic Animals, 12th ed. WO Reece (editor), Comstock Publishing, 2004.

Erickson, HH and DK Detweiler. Control mechanisms of the circulatory system. In: Dukes' Physiology of Domestic Animals, 12th ed. WO Reece (editor), Comstock Publishing, 2004.

Erickson, HH and DK Detweiler. Microcirculation, lymph, and edema. In: Dukes' Physiology of Domestic Animals, 12th ed. WO Reece (editor), Comstock Publishing 2004.

Erickson, HH, DC Poole and DK Detweiler. Pulmonary circulation. In: Dukes' Physiology of Domestic Animals, 12th ed. WO Reece (editor), Comstock Publishing 2004.

Erickson, HH and DC Poole. Exercise physiology. In: Dukes' Physiology of Domestic Animals, 12th ed. WO Reece (editor), Comstock Publishing 2004.

Erickson, HH and ML Weiss. Pain, Animal. Encycopedia of Neuroscience, 3rd ed, George Adelman and Barry H. Smith (eds), CD-ROM, Elsevier. 2004.

McDonough, P, CA Kindig, TS Hildreth, DJ Padilla, BJ Behnke, HH Erickson, DC Poole. Effect of furosemide and the equine nasal strip on exercise-induced pulmonary haemorrhage and time-to-fatigue in maximally exercising horses. Equine and Comparative Exercise Physiology 1(3):177-184, 2004.

Poole, DC and HH Erickson. Heart and vessels: function during exercise and response to training. In Equine Sports Medicine and Surgery, KW Hinchcliff, AJ Kaneps, and RJ Geor (eds). Elsevier Health Sciences. 2004.

Nagl, L, R Schmitz, S Warren, T Hildreth, HH Erickson, D Andresen. Wearable sensor system for wireless state-of-health determination in cattle. Proc 25th Ann Int Conf of the IEEE Engin in Med and Biol Soc. 25:3012-3015, 2003.

Warren, S, L Nagl, R Schmitz, J Yao, T Hildreth, HH Erickson, D Poole, D Andresen. A distributed infrastructure for veterinary telemedicine. Proc 25th Ann Int Conf of the IEEE Engin in Med and Biol Soc. 25:1394-1397, 2003.

Erickson, HH. Pioneer veterinarians at Kansas State Agricultural College. Proc. 64th Annual Conf for Veterinarians 64:103-114, 2002.