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July 2017 - Vol. 12, No. 7
Top Stories


1Data offers breakthroughs for One Health

University collaboration establishes a new standard for analyzing cross-species health information

Lady with pet dog

Human and animal health research is receiving a shot of adrenaline thanks to a collaboration with Kansas State University’s Olathe and Manhattan campuses and the University of Missouri-Kansas City.

The project — 1Data — is designed to accelerate breakthroughs in human and animal health by establishing a new standard for analyzing cross-species health information.



XIVth International Nidovirus Symposium spotlights Kansas State University expertise

Nido2017 - presenters

American’s city of fountains recently hosted more than 250 international scientists who all share a passion for a unique group of viruses called nidoviruses. The XIVth International Nidovirus Symposium was held in Kansas City, Missouri, while Kansas State University was well-represented, thanks to the efforts of Dr. Ying Fang, professor in the College of Veterinary Medicine, who chaired the symposium with her co-chair Dr. Susan Baker, a professor from Loyola University Chicago.



Dr. Susan Moore passes board certification for testing human rabies titers

Dr. Susan MooreThe Kansas State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory announces the certification of Susan Moore, director of the Rabies Laboratory at Kansas State University, to direct human clinical laboratory testing, including rabies titers. She recently passed certification testing administered by the American Board of Bioanalysis, which operates under the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments, or CLIA, and other federal requirements.



More Headlines


Dr. David Poole earns American Physiological Society’s distinguished lectureship award

Dr. David PooleDr. David C. Poole, professor of exercise physiology and co-director of the Cardiorespiratory Exercise Laboratory in the kinesiology (in College of Human Ecology), and in the Department of Anatomy and Physiology in the College of Veterinary Medicine, will receive the Edward F. Adolph Distinguished Lectureship Award from the Environmental and Exercise Physiology, or EEP, section of the American Physiological Society.



Food Armor Foundation appoints Dr. Brian Lubbers to board of directors

Dr. Brian LubbersDr. Brian Lubbers, director of clinical microbiology, has been chosen as a member of the Food Armor Foundation’s inaugural board of directors.

The Food Armor program grew out of an initiative started in 2012, when the Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association formed a Residue Task Force to develop an industry-based program to address dairy beef drug residues.




Bovine students


Kansas State University hosts inaugural conference for rural veterinary practitioners

An inaugural event in Manhattan, Kansas, has helped educate rural veterinarians on how to respond and work together in the event of a potential transboundary emergency situation.

Held June 4 at the Hilton Garden Inn, the Rural Veterinary Practitioner Conference was sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture with collaboration from the Beef Cattle Institute, Center of Excellence for Emerging and Zoonotic Animal Diseases, National Agriculture Biosecurity Center (NABC), College of Veterinary Medicine at Kansas State University and the Kansas Department of Agriculture.



DMP and VDL launch new staff council

Staff council picnicThe newly formed DMP/VDL Staff Council held its first event, a hot dog picnic, June 16 at locations on both the CVM main campus and at Research Park. A combined total of more than 200 people attended the event, braving 90-plus degree weather to come out for hotdogs, chips, veggies, dessert and drinks.

Picnic tables in the shade provided a relaxed setting for people to get out of the laboratories and offices to enjoy some fresh air and good company. Food was prepared by the staff council, with additional help from Kadence Orr.



VHC welcomes new interns

Staff council picnic
The Veterinary Health Center began orientation for a new group of interns in June. Back row, from left: Drs. Elizabeth Hyde, Beverly Finneburgh, Rob Browning, Shari Kennedy and Sarah Steen. Front: Drs. Allie Wingert, Erica Chavez, Jordan Roberts and Allison Wolfel.


CVM computer support specialist also supports national champion fishing team at K-State

Jeremy McDiffett

It sounds like a big fish story -- because it is a big fish story. This summer, Kansas State University landed its third national championship in the last five years in collegiate fishing. This year’s team has connections to the College of Veterinary Medicine that may come as a bit of a surprise. One of the competitors, Travis Blenn, is a student worker in facilities, and the K-State Bass Fishing Club adviser is Jeremy McDiffett, computer technology support specialist in the Computing and Technical Support (CaTS) office.



CVM hosts Tanzanian group for Twinning Project workshop

Dr. Rudovick Kazwala
Dr. Rudovick Kazwala, professor from Sokoine University, gives a faculty seminar on public health issues in Tanzania during a Twinning Project workshop at the CVM. Watch Lifelines next month for a video report on the workshop.



VHC Clinical Trials - CT Westie


Dr. Ellyn Mulcahy receives engagement incentive grant from K-State’s Center for Engagement and Community Development

Dr. Ellyn Mulcahy, director of the Master of Public Health program has been awarded a 2017 Engagement Incentive Grant in the amount $10,000 from Kansas State University’s Center for Engagement and Community Development (CECD) for the project “Engaging Public Health Practice and Academia: A Model for Public Health Partnership at Kansas State University.”



Regular features


Alumni Events, Development and Continuing Education

VMAA logo The Veterinary Medical Alumni Association organizes alumni receptions at several of the national annual conferences plus continuing education events and more. See the alumni and faculty awards that were presented at the 79th Annual Conference for Veterinarians plus pictures featuring some of the presenters from the College of Veterinary Medicine.




VHC Clinical Trials


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More activities and accomplishments in the College of Veterinary Medicine:

Dr. David Eshar became a European College of Zoological Medicine de facto diplomate in Zoo Health Management.

Dr. Mike Apley spoke at the Ruminant Veterinary Association of South Africa (RUVASA) May 30–June 2.

Dr. Elizabeth Santschi spoke at the ABRAVEQ (Association of Brazilian Equine Veterinarians) conference in Agua de Lindoia, Brazil, June 2-4. Lecture topics included radiography, orthopedic infection, stifle lameness and bone cysts.

Dr. Greg Grauer presented at the International Renal Interest Society (IRIS) Annual Meeting June 4-6 and the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine Annual Forum June 7-10 in Washington, DC. The topic of both presentations was upper urinary tract case discussions.

Dr. Thomas Schermerhorn attended the Society for Comparative Endocrinology Meeting June 4-6 in Alexandria, Virginia and the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine Annual Forum in Washington, DC, June 6-10. He presented an interactive session at the Society for Comparative Endocrinology meeting and a poster at the ACVIM Forum entitled Persistent hypertonicity in diabetic dogs.

Dr. Manuel Chamorro presented, “Maternally-Derived BVDV and BHV-1 Antibodies in Calves Born to Dams Vaccinated or Not During Gestation,” at the 2017 American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine Annual Forum in Washington, DC, June 6-10.

Dr. Bob Larson presented, “Why use literature to answer clinical questions?” at the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine Annual Forum in Washington, DC June 8-10.

Dr. James W. Carpenter presented lectures on exotic animal medicine at two veterinary colleges (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico [Mexico City] and the Universidad Popular Autonoma del Estado de Puebla) in Mexico, June 5-7. He was lead author on, “Single-Dose Pharmacokinetics of Piperacillin/Tazobactam in Hispaniolan Amazon Parrots (Amazona ventralis),” published in the June 2017 edition of the Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery.

Dr. Bob Larson spoke at the International Congress of Bovine Medicine in Pamplona, Spain June 28-30, 2017. Presentations were entitled, “Beef cattle reproduction: What can go wrong?, Vaccination to control BRD, and Treatment of BRD.”

Drs. James Roush and Walter Renberg published “Prospective Evaluation of Intra-Articular Dextrose Prolotherapy for Treatment of Osteoarthritis in Dogs,” in the Journal of American Animal Hospital Association May/June 2017 issue.

Drs. Omar Gonzalez, Walter Renberg, James Roush and Butch KuKanich published, “Pharmacokinetics of cefazolin for prophylactic administration to dogs,” in the American Journal of Veterinary Research June 2017.

Dr. Diane Mason was a contributing author on, “Assessment of agreement among diplomates of the American College of Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia for scoring the recovery of horses from anesthesia by use of subjective grading scales and development of a system for evaluation of the recovery of horses from anesthesia by use of accelerometry,” published in the AJVR June 2017.

Dr. Katherine Stenske KuKanich presented nine hours of infectious disease continuous education lectures at the Emerald Coast Veterinary Conference in Sandestin Florida

Nine students attended the 2-week Transboundary Animal Disease summer course held at the BRI, which included a necropsy session at the CVM conducted by Dr. Brtad Njaa. Dr. Alfonso Torres, professor emeritus of Cornell CVM, former director of Plum Island Animal Disease Center and former U.S. Chief Veterinary Officer, was the guest lecturer for the class. He presented the same topics he is known for presenting at Plum Island.

Vet Tech Zan BertolinoThe VHC is announcing a new veterinary technician intern, Zan Bertolino, who began in June He graduated in May 2017 with highest honors from the Brown Mackie Salina Veterinary Technician Program. Zan has two years of clinical experience; his interests include anesthesia, small animal emergency/critical care, and surgery.

Dr. David Eshar is in Israel this summer working on a project with the Jerusalem Zoo. They are testing the pharmacokinetics of an antifungal drug in red ear sliders.

Dr. David Eshar
(Left) Dr. Eshar administers a drug by an oral tube with the assistance of one of the zoo veterinarians, Dr. Avital Paz. In the right, he is showing a visiting veterinary student from the Dominican Republic how to draw blood from one of the turtles.

GROW visits EPTC in June

Dr. Beth Davis
Dr. Beth Davis works with students in the GROW (girls research our world) program in the new Equine Performance Testing Center.
GROW students with horse
Students get a hands-on experience with a horse.

Beef Cattle Institute offers new VFD Calculator mobile app to help you!

Available for Apple and Android. Click picture for more information.

BCI VFD Calculator - Mobile App


New Arrivals/Recent Departures


Lifelines is published each month by the Marketing and Communications Office at the College of Veterinary Medicine. The editor is Joe Montgomery,

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