June 2019 - Vol. 14, No. 6
Top Stories

Following a national search, Bonnie Rush has been selected as the new dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine at Kansas State University.
Dr. Rush, who has been serving as interim dean of the college since 2017, was appointed by Charles Taber, Kansas State University provost and executive vice president. Her appointment begins June 16.
"Dr. Rush emerged as the clear leader following a competitive national search process. With her strong history of leadership for the College of Veterinary Medicine, Dr. Rush is the right choice to lead this college and its vital teaching, research, service, and outreach programs into the future," Taber said. "The college not only supplies the state of Kansas, the nation and the world with highly trained and skilled veterinarians, it is also a leader in infectious disease research that affects both animals and humans."
As dean, Dr. Rush will be charged with leading the college on a variety of fronts, including program development, faculty and student development, research, teaching and extension, program accreditation, diversity and the 2025 plans for both the college and the university.
The college has three academic departments, two service units — the Veterinary Health Center and Kansas State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory — and is home to a number of prestigious research centers and units, including the Center of Excellence for Emerging and Zoonotic Animal Diseases, Beef Cattle Institute, Center of Excellence for Vector-Borne Diseases and the U.S.-China Center for Animal Health. The college's professional degree program provides broad training opportunities across a comprehensive range of companion and exotic animals, and livestock species.
"It has been an honor to serve as the interim dean," Dr. Rush said. "The students, faculty and staff of the College of Veterinary Medicine are tremendously talented and committed to advancing the missions to strengthen animal health and well-being through research, education and service. I look forward to honoring the traditions of the college, while working together to create new opportunities for the future."
A professor of internal equine medicine, Rush's area of clinical expertise is equine respiratory disease with an emphasis on respiratory physiology, immunology and aerosol drug therapy. She co-authored the book "Equine Respiratory Diseases" with Dr. Tim Mair from the Bell Equine Clinic, Kent, U.K.
Dr. Rush began her career as a faculty member at Kansas State University in 1993. She served as the head of the clinical sciences department from 2006 to mid-2017. She has been a core course coordinator, led curriculum reform and maintained responsibility for clinical outcome assessment. She is committed to the scholarship of teaching and has authored or co-authored more than 20 manuscripts in the Journal of Veterinary Education on effective instructional practices, communication training, and student welfare.
The recipient of the President’s Award for Outstanding Department Head in 2014, Rush also earned the 1996 and 2003 Carl J. Norden Distinguished Teacher Award, the 2002 Pfizer Award for Research Excellence, the 2004 Outstanding Woman Veterinarian of the Year and the 2009 Distinguished Alumni Award from Ohio State University.
Dr. Rush earned her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from Ohio State University in 1989, completed internship training at North Carolina State University in 1990 and equine internal medicine residency training at Ohio State University in 1993.
THE HOT ZONE connects with university's long history as 'Silicon Valley for biodefense'

For more than 150 years, Kansas State University has been a national leader in animal health, biosciences and food safety research. The College of Veterinary Medicine has played an instrumental role in all three areas.
The mission harkens back to the university's land-grant beginnings and it is a mission that former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle highlighted in 2017 when he described Kansas State University as the "Silicon Valley for biodefense."

A K-State team attends BSL-4 training in the BSL-4 simulator at the National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratory. From left to right) Victoria Ayers, Dr. Rachel Palinski, Laura Constance, Dr. Greg Peterson and Christian Rittman.
The university and its leaders have again been recently highlighted for their biodefense efforts. Two Kansas State University veterinarians and leaders — Drs. Nancy and Jerry Jaax — and their response to an Ebola-related outbreak inspired the recent National Geographic limited series, THE HOT ZONE.
"Nancy and Jerry Jaax are leaders who expanded the university's land-grant mission through their work and expertise in biodefense," Ron Trewyn, the university's NBAF liaison said. "From their work with the U.S. Army at Fort Detrick to their work with researchers in Manhattan, Nancy and Jerry helped make K-State the 'Silicon Valley for biodefense.'"
In 1999, Jerry helped Kansas State University publish the "Homeland Defense Food Safety, Security, and Emergency Preparedness Program." The 100-page document — informally called "The Big Purple Book" — outlined the university's infectious disease research programs and the need for a facility to address three major infectious disease components: plant pathology, animal health and food processing.
That led to the creation of Kansas State University's biocontainment facility called the Biosecurity Research Institute, or BRI, at Pat Roberts Hall. Both Jerry and Nancy played key roles in the development of the institute and Nancy inspired the need for a training lab based on her experience with Ebola.
Jerry and Nancy also assisted in winning the national competition for the federal National Bio and Agro-defense Facility, or NBAF, which is under construction north of the university's Manhattan campus and will replace the aging Plum Island Animal Disease Research Center in New York. Once NBAF becomes operational in 2022-2023, it will be America's foremost animal disease research facility.
As the "Silicon Valley for biodefense," Kansas State University maintains numerous facilities, research collaborations and academic programs devoted to agrodefense and biodefense, including the following list:
• The College of Veterinary Medicine.
• The College of Agriculture.
• The National Agricultural Biosecurity Center, or NABC.
• The U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Center of Excellence for Emerging and Zoonotic Animal Diseases, or CEEZAD.
• The Food Animal Residue Avoidance Databank, or FARAD.
• The K-State Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab, part of the Great Plains Diagnostic Network.
• The Biosecurity Research Institute, or BRI.
• The federal National Bio and Agro-defense Facility, or NBAF.
• The Kansas Department of Agriculture.
• The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Center for Grain and Animal Health Research, which is home to several research units in Manhattan: the Arthropod-Borne Animal Diseases Research Unit, the Grain Quality and Structure Research Unit and the Hard Winter Wheat and Genetics Research Unit.
Learn more about Kansas State University as the "Silicon Valley for biodefense."

New findings by researchers at the Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine suggest potential pain relief for piglets by administering medicine through the act of nursing.
The scientific methodology is formally referred to as “transmammary delivery.” The basic concept involves injecting a sow with pain-relieving medicine which can be ingested by the sow’s piglets through the milk.

New research led Dr. Hans Coetzee suggests NSAIDs can be administered to a sow and then delivered to piglets, via nursing, as a way to alleviate pain while processing the piglets.
Dr. Hans Coetzee, head of anatomy and physiology at Kansas State University and his collaborator, is the principal investigator of a multi-institutional research team.
“In the swine industry, piglets regularly undergo painful procedures during process, such as tail docking and castration, which has become an emerging animal welfare concern,” Dr. Coetzee said. “We hypothesized that transmammary delivery of a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) – in this case, firocoxib – would reduce pain associated with processing in piglets. Our findings indicated this technique may safely reduce processing-induced stress and enhance production by increasing weaning weights.”
Dr. Coetzee’s research was funded by the National Pork Board (grant No. 16-118) and resulted in the publication of the study, as well as a provisional patent application. His team consisted of researchers from Kansas State University’s Institute of Computational Comparative Medicine and Department of Mathematics, Iowa State University and Midwest Veterinary Services Inc., the latter of which is operated by Dr. Kelly Lechtenberg, a 1987 alumnus of the College of Veterinary Medicine.
In addition to pain-relief benefits for the piglets, Dr. Coetzee contemplates a potential benefit for the mothers.
“Additional large-scale studies could focus on changes in feed intake, bodyweight and milk composition of sows medicated with firocoxib,” Dr. Coetzee said. “By doing so, we could determine whether the NSAID improves the welfare of the sows in addition to impacting the welfare of the nursing piglets.”
The study was published in the Journal of Animal Science under the title, “Transmammary delivery of firocoxib to piglets reduces stress and improves average daily gain after castration, tail docking, and teeth clipping.”
More Headlines
Communications team wins national award from AAVMC

The communications program at the Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine — consisting of Joe Montgomery, director of communications, and Audrey Hambright, public information officer — has been recognized with the Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges' 2019 Communications Excellence Award.
K-State's program was praised by judges for comprehensive program excellence that advanced the college's strategic plan.

The marketing and communications team of Audrey Hambright and Joe Montgomery will receive the 2019 AAVMC Communications Excellence Award in Washington, D.C. Aug. 1.
"Communications excellence is fundamental to institutional advancement," said Andrew T. Maccabe, the association's chief executive officer. "We congratulate our colleagues at Kansas State University for earning this distinction, and appreciate the role their work is playing in advancing the overall interests of academic veterinary medicine."
Following the completion of a new strategic plan at the college, the communications team consolidated two magazines into one new College of Veterinary Medicine-themed magazine called Wildcat Veterinarian. The new magazine was created to advance understanding and support for key initiatives and priorities in the strategic plan, which include building awareness for their outstanding food animal programs, as well as their responsive and collaborative research and service programs.
"We really appreciate the Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges for its support of this award and its support of the communicators who have some unique challenges in promoting veterinary medical education and the veterinary profession," Montgomery said. "We had a third member on our team, Shelby Mettlen, who left our college this spring. Shelby played a significant role in designing and contributing content to the inaugural issue of Wildcat Veterinarian. This award is truly the result of a team effort made possible by the outstanding accomplishments and achievements of our college's faculty, students, staff and alumni, who gave so much great content for our publications and communications."
Judges also recognized their portfolio of communication strategies and tactics, including media relations with the veterinary and scientific trade press, broad-based and creative use of social media, strong collaboration with Hill's Pet Nutrition in coordinating the announcement of the largest gift in the history of the college, and providing support for the Kansas State University Diagnostic Laboratory.
The judging team consisted of communication professionals representing member organizations of the Federation of Associations of Schools of the Health Professions in Washington, D.C. Judges scored nominations from five competing schools using an empirical process that assessed criteria such as quality and scope of the program, leadership and innovation in program development, strategic orientation and other factors.
The award includes a $1,000 honorarium, a commemorative, and public recognition. It will be formally presented during the annual meeting of the Association of Veterinary Advancement Professionals, at 8 a.m. Thursday, Aug. 1, at the Courtyard Washington/Convention Center in Washington, D.C.
The Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges board of directors established the Communications Excellence Award in 2013 to recognize the important role of communications in advancing academic veterinary medicine and the profession, inspire higher level of performance and foster collaboration among member institutions.
The association is a nonprofit membership organization working to protect and improve the health and welfare of animals, people and the environment around the world by advancing academic veterinary medicine. Members include 49 accredited veterinary medical colleges in the United States, Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean, Europe, Australia and New Zealand.

The College of Veterinary Medicine hosted its annual Senior Honors Banquet on May 16 at the Hilton Garden Inn. Faculty, staff, students, family members and donors celebrated the college’s award recipients.
The college recognized the senior class of students on their receipt of $187,590 in scholarships through 61 different scholarship awards.
Small Animal
Award |
Recipients |
Internal Med
ACVIM Clinical Excellence Award
Leah Soderman
Dominika Okroj
American Association of Feline Practitioners
Daniel Lee
Curd - Paul and Phyllis Curd Memorial Awards
Dominika Okroj
Sarah Johnson
Megan Kelley
Caitlin Diggs
Danielle Hollenbeck
Nick Hayes
Jennie Kim
Beth Lazano
Rada Ganeson
Annie Sheu
Kara Parsons
Danielle Windle
American Academy of Veterinary Dermatology
Stan Warcholek
Abbott Animal Health-VECCS Award
Brett Montague
Mohr - Marie Mohr Memorial Award
Beth Lazano
Budge - Melba Cornwell Budge Memorial Award
Daniel Lee
Bogue - Dr. Joseph A. Bogue Memorial Award
Amanda Steele
Nestle Purina Award for Excellence in Companion Animal Nutrition
Maggie Belshaw
Chun - Dr. Ruthanne Chun Oncology Scholarship
Brian Meyer
Mosier - Dr. Jake and Betty Mosier Award
Nicole Grevers
Veterinary Cancer Society Student Award (Bob Rosenthal Senior Student Award)
Brian Meyer
American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists Award
Jessie Schulteis
Luke Fry Memorial Award
Leah Soderman
Anesthesia Excellence Award
Matthew Reed
American College of Veterinary Radiology Award
Michael Schettler
Kansas City Veterinary Medical Association Award
Holly Galusha
Small Animal Surgery
American College of Veterinary Surgeons Small Animal Award
Danielle Hollenbeck
Irwin - Dr. William F. and Helen R. Irwin Memorial Award
Katherine McIver
Carpenter - James and Terry Carpenter Scholarship in Excellence in Zoo, Wildlife, and/or Exotics
Kacey Solotoff
Mayo - Dr. and Mrs. Nelson S. Mayo Memorial Exotic Animal Award
Danielle Windle
Shelter Medicine
Mellenthin-Chapman Shelter Medicine Scholarship
Christine Austin
Jason Banning
Dr. Matt Miesner (far right) presents the Dr. Wayne and Druecillia Burch Memorial Award to Kotie White, Elizabeth Minnix, Haley DeLong, Callie Kubick, Jordan Gebhardt, Joyce Osgood, Jessie Schulteis, Kyle Stromgren, Isabelle Withrock-Davis and Kara Mauch.
Large Animal
Internal Medicine (Food Animal and/or Equine)
ACVIM Clinical Excellence Award
Megan Gargas
Domer - Dr. R.R. and Karen Domer Award
Miles Barber
Franklin - Dr. O.M. Franklin Memorial Theriogenology Award
Jemma Pipkin
Plumlee - Irene and Marsh Plumlee Award
Samantha Boyajian
Rains - Jerry Rains Scholarship
Mark Spare
Society for Therio - Proficiency in Theriogenology Award
Kathleen Flanagan
Food Animal specifically
Burch - Dr. Wayne and Druecillia Burch Memorial Award
Kara Mauch
Joyce Osgood
Jordan Gebhardt
Elizabeth Minnix
Jessie Schulteis
Koti White
Kyle Stromgren
Isabelle Withrock-Davis
Callie Kubick
Hayley DeLong
Mayo - Dr. and Mrs. Nelson S. Mayo Memorial Food Animal Award
Miles Barber
Michum - Dr. J. Sidney Michum Memorial Award
Megan Ewell
Feedlot Medicine
Anthony - Dr. Harry D. and Alberta F. Anthony Award
Samantha Boyagian
Olson - Dr. Jay Richard Olson Memorial Award
Eric Diehl
Koen - Dr. John S. Koen Memorial Award
Jordan Gebhardt
Mixed Practice
Gruber - Chris Gruber Memorial Scholarship in Veterinary Medicine
Callie Kubick
Wempe - Luckeroth Family Award
Samantha Pearson
Equine specifically
Marsh - Dr. James T. Marsh Memorial Award
Karsen Brown
Mayo - Dr. and Mrs. Nelson S. Mayo Memorial Equine Award
Emily Cary
Teagarden - Dr. Glenn Ray Teagarden Memorial Award
Paige Fleming
Wempe - Dr. Albert Francis and Clara I. Wempe Memorial Award
Clara Seiwert
Reed - Mary J. Reed Equine Compassion Award
Rena Heimsoth
American College of Veterinary Surgeons Large Animal Award
Avery Lloyd
Jernigan - Dr. L. Derald and Mary Ellen Jernigan Award
Natalie Greco
Koss - Francis Lucille Koss Memorial Award
Katherine McIver
Public Health
Franklin - Dr. O.M. Franklin Memorial Epidemiology and Public Health Award
Stephanie Campbell
Diagnostic Medicine and Pathobiology
Dr. Michael Dryden Clinical Veterinary Parasitology Award
Cara Bocon
Stanislaw Warcholek
Dillman - RC Dillman Award
Kotie White
Morgan - Rodney K. Morgan Memorial Award
Stephen Mercer
Rust - Dr. John and Mary Jo Cortelyou Rust Avian Pathology Award
Lisa Tenney
Trotter - Donald and Marilyn Trotter Award
Michelle Liu
Rust - Dr. John and Mary Jo Cortelyou Rust Laboratory Animal Pathology Award
Mollie Burton
Franklin - Dr. O.M. Franklin Memorial Toxicology Award
Mark Spare
Minocha - Dr. Bishan Das and Ram Bai Minocha Memorial Award
Stephen Mercer
Practice Management
Howell - Dr. and Mrs. Gordon C. Howell Memorial Award
Kaylee Terrill
Moynagh - Dr. F.P. and Jane Moynagh Award
Erin Barber
Kimbell - Dr. Kenneth R. Kimbell Memorial Scholarship
Katie Kramer
White - Stephen White Scholarship
Allie Schmidtberger
Debowes - Dr. Richard and Pam DeBowes Professional Leadership Award
Brett Montague
Hoppas - Douglas Hoppas Memorial Award
Mark Spare
Johnson - Dr. Jody Johnson Veterinary Medical Leadership Award
Arkady Lake
Spangler - Dr. Don Spangler Memorial Award
Danielle Hollenbeck
Evans - Dennis A. Evans Memorial Award
Karsen Brown
Dr. Steven Joseph Compassionate Animal Care (funded by KCVMA)
Rhonda Hull
Pet Tribute Awards (6 recipients)
Hillary Hensley
Taylor Young
Kala Hille
Katherine Fiedler
Jonathan Bycroft
Jimmy the Cat
Drawn on the night.
Kind Touch
Erin Barber
Jemma Pipkin
Elizabeth Minnix
Jessie Schulteis
Nicole Winegarner
Morgan Schmidl
Emily Cary
Miles Barber
Katelyn Ingram
Leah Soderman
Stephen Mercer
Anthony Schmidtberger
Chiyu Guan
Jordan Gebhardt
Elizabeth Minnix
Second-year student chosen for American Kennel Club scholarship

Emily Eppler, second-year veterinary student, was one of 15 students nationwide chosen for an American Kennel Club scholarship.
The American Kennel Club (AKC), which is the world’s largest purebred dog registry and advocate for all dogs, makes an annual commitment to students pursuing their education in veterinary studies through the AKC Veterinary Outreach Scholarship program.

Second-year student Emily Eppler hopes to be a veterinary orthopedic surgeon. Her receipt of the AKC Veterinary Outreach Scholarship provides a welcome dividend toward paying for her education.
This scholarship is designed to support individuals with a background of participation in AKC events and programs, who seek to promote animal health and medicine. A total of $35,000 in scholarship money was awarded.
“I am blessed and honored to be awarded the AKC Veterinary Outreach Scholarship,” Emily said. “These funds will help support my academic goals of becoming a veterinary orthopedic surgeon as I head into my second year of veterinary curriculum at K-State. As the AKC Student Ambassador at K-State, I look forward to exploring the opportunities available with this new relationship between the AKC and K-State.”
“The recipients of this scholarship are truly dedicated to the world of purebred dogs and the health and well-being of animals. They have worked hard to balance their demanding school schedules with participation in AKC events,” said Mari-Beth O’Neill, vice president of sport services. “We are very proud of them and look forward to seeing their impact on the future of veterinary medicine.”
National Livestock companies selects third-year student for scholarship

Braxton Butler, third-year veterinary student from Virgil, Kansas, has been awarded a $5,000 scholarship from the National Livestock Companies consisting of National Livestock Credit Corporation and National Livestock Commission Association.
The award was presented to Braxton at the National Livestock Annual Meetings in Oklahoma City in March.

Third-year student Braxton Butler aims to work for a rural practice where he can interact with National Livestock and their clients.
Overall, National Livestock presented two veterinary medicine scholarships and 22 undergraduate agriculture scholarships, totaling $54,000, were presented this year to deserving current college students and/or high school seniors.
“I am very honored to have received this scholarship from National Livestock,” Butler said. “After school I plan on locating to a rural practice where I can work alongside National Livestock and their clients in a relationship that will hopefully benefit both local producers and the beef industry as a whole.”
To be eligible for the annual scholarships, students must be attending or planning to attend an accredited university pursuing a degree program in agriculture or an agriculture-related program. Students must also be a family member of a customer of the National Livestock Companies or be recommended by a customer of the National Livestock Companies. A minimum grade point average of 2.75 must be maintained.
For more information on the National Livestock Companies Scholarship Program, visit our website at www.nationallivestock.com.
K-State to host international Rabies in the Americas conference
We’re "‘jazzed" to host this year’s Rabies in the Americas (RITA) conference in Kansas City! The committee is planning an informative program with innovative technology, intriguing research, and updated protocols and procedures, with activities to highlight what Kansas City has to offer. We want to make the 30th RITA extra special! Mark your calendars for Oct. 27-Nov. 1, 2019. You can now visit our website for additional information. We’ll continue to publish information online as we get closer to conference time. Registration will open soon! Don’t miss out on this year’s RITA Conference!
Dr. Megan Niederwerder speaks at International ASF Forum as expert panelist
By Brenna Leahy

Dr. Megan Niederwerder, assistant professor in diagnostic medicine and pathobiology, delivered a talk entitled "Risk of African Swine Fever Virus (ASFV) in Feed" at the International ASF Forum in Ottawa, Canada, April 30 - May 1.
Her talk was part of the Enhancing Biosecurity at the Border session, where she served as an expert panelist.
Dr. Megan Niederwerder shares information about her research on the potential spread of ASFV in feed and feed ingredients at the International ASF Forum in Ottawa, Canada. Below she was part of an expert panel with chief veterinary officers and other experts.
The forum was designed to bring together government and industry leaders to discuss the threat of ASFV to the Americas. Chief veterinary officers from Canada, United States and Mexico led this forum in an attempt to support international collaboration that will increase biosecurity and make it more difficult for ASFV, which is a contagious and deadly disease, to spread throughout the Americas.
"African swine fever is currently the most significant threat to worldwide swine production,” Dr. Niederwerder said. “Protecting the North American swine industry from ASF is of critical importance for animal health and producer livelihood. With no effective vaccine or treatment, preventing introduction of the virus is the primary goal of countries free of the disease.”
This was an invitation-only event with approximately 150 participants. Dr. Niederwerder was one of two university academic researchers invited to give a presentation and participate as an expert panelist. Dr. Niederwerder leads a team that investigates the risk and mitigation of the current circulating strain of ASFV spreading in feed and feed ingredients. Their work has demonstrated that ASFV is capable of surviving in feed exposed to transboundary shipment conditions and can be transmitted through the natural consumption of contaminated feed. “ASF is a devastating transboundary animal disease of global concern,” Dr. Niederwerder said. “The forum provided the opportunity for individuals from the Americas, as well as others from around the world, to come together and exchange ideas on addressing this international disease threat.”
The forum was co-chaired by Dr. Jaspinder Komal and Dr. Jack Shere, chief veterinary officers for Canada and the United States, respectively. Greg Ibach, the undersecretary of agriculture for the U.S. Department of Agriculture, provided opening remarks on the importance of the forum for protecting North American pork production.
Regular features
Alumni Events, Development and Continuing Education
The Veterinary Medical Alumni Association organizes alumni receptions at several of the national annual conferences plus continuing education events and more. This month's section includes news and photos from the Alumni Reunion Weekend and 81st Annual Conference for Veterinarians, plus updates on recently departed alumni.
Highlights from Alumni Reunion Weekend
Upper left, honorees Dr. M.M. Chengappa, Dr. Jim Dale and Dr. Cameon Ohmes. Upper right: Class of 1959 and spouses. Bottom right: Mingling at the evening banquet (photos by Evert Nelson - prints can be purchased at: https://evertnelson.photoshelter.com/gallery/20190601-Vet-Med-Reunions/G0000_C_QOgU9cDA/1/C0000WeZM922zQpk)
Upper left: Class of 1994. Upper right: Class of 1979
Awards brunch: Upper left, Dr. Cameon Ohmes accepts the Outstanding Young Alumnus Award. Upper right: Dr. Cristin Reese, DVM class of 1999, shows off her T-shirt at the brunch.
Dr. Cameon Ohmes receives Outstanding Young Alumnus Award during Reunion Weekend
Dr. Cameon Ohmes, De Soto, Kansas, is the recipient of the 2019 Outstanding Young Alumnus Award for her notable achievements since graduating from Kansas State University. The award was presented by the K-State College of Veterinary Medicine and the K-State Veterinary Medical Alumni Association during the Awards Brunch at the Reunion Weekend held June 1.
Dr. Ohmes received her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree from Kansas State University in 2009, a master’s degree in biomedical science from Kansas State University in 2014, and a Master of Business Administration from the Kelley School of Business, Bloomington, Indiana, in 2017.
Dr. Ohmes’ training included an internship and residency in large animal internal medicine at Rood and Riddle Equine Hospital, Lexington, Kentucky, and Kansas State University leading to her board certification by the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine. Upon completion of her residency, she joined the Veterinary Technical Services team at Bayer Animal Health to further her passion of influencing the health and well-being of animals on a large scale. Dr. Ohmes supports the marketing team and leads the post-approval research for the farm and companion animal businesses and also serves as an adjunct professor at the Lincoln Memorial University College of Veterinary Medicine, Harrogate, Tennessee, mentoring students through their clinical rotations.
Read more about Dr. Ohmes
Family night at the Sunset Zoo highlights 81st Annual Conference for Veterinarians
Attendees of the 81st Annual Conference for Veterinarians had an opportunity to tour Sunset Zoo and enjoy a picnic. Pictured above, from top left: Professor Emeritus Dr. Howard Erickson (right with golf hat), Dr. Chuck Dodd (center), CVM outreach director, meets with alumni; Dr. Sara Mark and Dr. Kate KuKanich; Dr. KuKanich and Dr. John Hall; Dr. Joe Fakler, Dr. KuKanich, fourth-year student Emma Winkley, and Ms. Kim Bruns lead a panel discussion on improving accessibility for clents with disabilities within Kansas veterinary hospitals; and background photo: Drs. Gregg Mantz and Butch KuKanich.
In Memoriam - Recently Departed Alumni
Dr. J. Alan Bradbury, DVM 1944
May 8, 2019
Dr. John Raymond Markley, DVM 1957
May 22, 2019
Dr. Martin Lester Hoffman, DVM 1972
Feb. 12, 2019
Questions about Alumni or CE events?
Ashley McCowan Alumni and Events Coordinator 785-532-4833
Dana Parker Program Assistant 785-532-4528
News Ticker
More activities and accomplishments in the College of Veterinary Medicine:
Dr. Mike Apley attended the American Association of Bovine Practitioners Executive Committee Legislative Fly-In meeting in Washington, D.C., with the AVMA Government Relations Division offices. This is a venue that provides updates from key federal agencies and an opportunity to visit the offices of U.S. senators and representatives.
Dr. Liz Santschi provided surgical and lameness consultation support to the Kentucky Horse Racing Commission for the week leading up to the Kentucky Derby and Kentucky Oaks races.
Drs. Walter Renberg and Raghavendra Amachawadi took 10 students to Bangalore and Mysore, India May 18-29 as part of the CS 825 International Veterinary Study Tours course. This is a faculty-led trip for students to explore veterinary medicine in a foreign country.
Drs. Melissa Nau and David Eshar's journal article, entitled "Rostral mandibular fracture repair in a pet bearded dragon (Pogona vitticeps)"(Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 252.8 (2018): 982-988) has been highlighted in a commentary by Dr. Adolf Maas in the most recent issue of Clinician's Brief.
Dr. Brad Crauer will represent the College of Veterinary Medicine for coordination with University, Riley County and State Emergency Operations Centers for emergency animal sheltering and transport.
Congratulations to Dr. Robert DeLong for being selected for the 2019 Big 12 Faculty Fellow. Dr. DeLong will receive $1,907 in support of his visit to University of Kansas.
Congrats to second-year/doctoral student MaRyka Smith. The KSU Veterinary Research Scholars Program received $5,000 in funding from the American Society for Investigative Pathology for MaRyka to work with Dr. Sally Davis this summer.
Left: Dr. Tom Schermerhorn receives the Award for Excellence in Resident/Intern Mentoring. The purpose of this award is to recognize faculty members that have demonstrated a commitment to the professional growth of residents/interns with less experience. Dr. Schermerhorn was nominated by Dr. Olga Norris. Right: Dr. Matt Miesner receives the Award for Excellence in Young Faculty Mentoring. The purpose of this award is to recognize senior faculty members that have demonstrated a commitment to the professional growth of junior faculty with less experience. Dr. Miesner was nominated by Dr. Emily Reppert. Dr. Lisa Pohlman was presented with the Zoetis Distinguished Veterinary Teacher Award, while Dr. Kara Berke accepts the Pet Tribute Faculty Award at the Senior Honors Banquet held May 16. Dr. Brett Montague (right), 2019 class president, presents Pet Tribute House Oficer Awards to Drs. Lauren Aldrich and Adam Hunt, while Jeff Volz was chosen for the Pet Tribute Veterinary Nurse Award, which were all awarded during the Senior Honors Banquet.
Class of 2019 goes through commencement exercises
Congratulations to the 112 graduates of the K-State DVM class of 2019. Sophia Pipkin, daughter of Dr. Jemma Pipkin, sings the National Anthem and Dr. Bob Larson, Edgar E. and M. Elizabeth Coleman Chair Food Animal Production Medicine, delivers the address to the graduates. Video from this year's commencement can be seen online.
Vet Med ROCKS opens registration for summer camp
Vet Med ROCKS, the Recruitment and Outreach Club of Kansas State, is going to be holding summer day camp from Aug. 2-6, for high school, college, middle school and grade school students (see registration page for detailed schedule and additional information).
VHC welcomes new interns
The VHC welcomes its new class of interns: Back row (left to right): Drs. Jason Banning, Michael Schettler, Tess Rooney, Caitlin Moreno and Katie Mitchell. Front: Drs. Diana Montano Reynoso, Andrea Montano Hernandez, Nalani Yamada and Emily Benfield.
Back row: Lee Hecke, Gerit Garman, Steve Cramer and Tom Orazem. Front row: Dr. Elizabeth Davis, Shirley Arck, Molly Carstenson, Landa Colvin-Marion, Dean Bonnie Rush
Molly and Landa cut the ribbon. The ceremony was held May 22.
New Arrivals/Recent Departures
Welcome to:
Dr. William Whitehouse, Clinical Sciences, Assistant Professor
Paige Hess, Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, Research Assistant
Catherine Kasper, Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, Laboratory Client Services Assistant
Dr. Gleyder Roman Sosa, Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology, Fellow (Post Doc)
Bryon Nelson, Veterinary Health Center, Veterinary Nurse II
Kirsten Chapman, Veterinary Health Center, Veterinary Nurse I
Farewell to:
Rachael Talbott, Dean of Veterinary Medicine, Human Capital Specialist I
Rebecca Bacon, Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, Intern
Anna Romme, Veterinary Health Center, Client Services Assistant
Jordyn Kovach, Veterinary Health Center, Veterinary Assistant
Benjamin Wiens, Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, Research Assistant
Kirsten Chapman, Veterinary Health Center, Veterinary Assistant
Argine Cerezo, Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology, Medicial Resident Year 3
Lifelines is published each month by the Marketing and Communications Office at the College of Veterinary Medicine. The editors are Joe Montgomery, jmontgom@vet.k-state.edu and Brenna Leahy, leahy@vet.k-state.edu.
Lifelines index
Download Lifelines LITE (this is a condensed legal-sized PDF and has less information than above)
Note: File is in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format.