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One Health Newsletter

The One Health Newsletter is a collaborative effort by a diverse group of scientists and health professionals committed to promoting One Health. This newsletter was created to lend support to the One Health Initiative and is dedicated to enhancing the integration of animal, human, and environmental health for the benefit of all by demonstrating One Health in practice.

To submit comments or future article suggestions, please contact any of the editorial board members.

One Health Newsletter Volume 11, Issue 1

The One Health Newsletter is a collaborative effort by a diverse group of scientists and health professionals committed to promoting One Health. This newsletter was created to lend support to the One Health Initiative and is dedicated to enhancing the integration of animal, human, and environmental health for the benefit of all by demonstrating One Health in practice.

The theme of this issue is One Health Regulation and Policy. All of the articles below display exciting applications of the One Health concept. This issue of the One Health Newsletter was written by professionals, post doctoral associates, and graduate/veterinary students with the assistance of our faculty editorial board and guest contributors.

To submit comments or future article suggestions, please contact any of the editorial board members below.

Micro-Editorial: Policy Edition

The time has come to give to One Health its dimension in our societies, not only on the scientific ground
but also on the social and political grounds.

Modernizing the Public Health System

By Jason Orr

The need for change.

Services Model

Physicians welcome a veterinarian to problem-solve on tuberculosis:
One Health meetings in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1888

By Justin Kastner and Josh Haynes

The events of 1888 in Edinburgh, Scotland, are inspirational and represent some of the
earliest “One Health” inter-professional discussions of the modern era.


Examining One Health as a Political Priority

By Rebekkah Stuteville

The introduction of the U.S. Senate Bill 2615 has prompted questions about the salience of One Health as a policy issue. 

Capital building

Advancing Legislation on ‘One Health’ in the United States of America

By Bernadette Dunham and Bruce Kaplan

Abrief background on how to move a piece of legislation incorporating ‘One Health’ through Congress.

Services Model

Spring 2019 One Health Newsletter - Call for Articles 

The theme for the next One Health Newsletter is Field Work in One Health. We are calling all One Health professional and student advocates to submit article ideas to one of the editorial board members. The expected distribution for the next newsletter will be in May 2019.

For other One Health news and events, please visit...

 Image result for one health initiative Image result for one health commission


One Health Academy The One Health Academy supports a monthly seminar series that aims to enhance interdisciplinary collaborations, networking, and informal mentoring among health professionals, industry, and policy makers across various scientific topics that influence human, animal, and ecosystem health.

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Faculty Editorial Board

 Dr. Paige Adams
Paige Adams

College of Veterinary Medicine
Kansas State University

Dr. Jean Paul GonzalezJean Paul Gonzalez
College of Veterinary Medicine
Kansas State University

Dr. Ellen Mulcahy
Ellyn Mulcahy

Master of Public Health
Kansas State University

Helena ChapmanHelena Chapman
AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellow
NASA Applied Sciences Program


Micro-Editorial: Policy Edition

Editorial Board

Modernizing the Public Health System

Jason M. Orr, MPH  Analyst, Kansas Health Institute, Former Emergency Preparedness Coordinator for the Riley County Health Department

Physicians welcome a veterinarian to problem-solve on tuberculosis: One Health meetings in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1888

Justin Kastner, MSc, Ph.D.  Corresponding author and associate professor
Department of Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology, Kansas State University

Josh Haynes  Veterinary student, Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine, class of 2022

Examining One Health as a Political Priority

Rebekkah Stuteville, MA, Ph.D.  Assistant Dean of Academic Support Services, Teaching Associate Professor
Kansas State University - Olathe

Advancing Legislation on ‘One Health’ in the United States of America

Bernadette Dunham, DVM, Ph.D., Dipl. AVES (Hon.)Professorial Lecturer, Environmental and Occupational Health, Milken Institute School of Public Health at the George Washington University.

Bruce Kaplan, DVM, Dipl. AVES (Hon.) Contents Manager/Editor One Health Initiative Website
Co-Founder One Health Initiative team/website