2022 Senior Honors Banquet
The 2022 banquet was held May 10 at the Hilton Garden Inn in Manhattan. More than $160,000 in scholarships were presented to the senior students as listed below. Plus several special awards were presented to faculty, house officers and staff.
ACVIM Clinical Excellence Award
Presented to two students who have demonstrated a sincere interest in small animal internal medicine and outstanding didactic and clinical expertise in internal medicine that emulate the mission of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine.
Awarded To:
Ellie Holtaway
Brandon Verkinderen
ACVIM Clinical Excellence Award
Presented to one student who has a sincere interest in large animal internal medicine and outstanding didactic and clinical expertise in internal medicine that emulates the mission of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine.
Awarded To:
Zackery Bieberly
American College of Veterinary Surgeons Small Animal Award
Is for academic and clinical proficiency in small animal surgery & aptitude and interest in surgery.
Awarded To:
Iulia Osipova
American College of Veterinary Surgeons Large Animal Award
Is for academic and clinical proficiency in large animal surgery & aptitude and interest in surgery.
Awarded To:
Colter Haman
Excellence in Anesthesia Award
Presented to a student with exemplary clinical performance in anesthesia
Awarded To:
Hannah Grosko
Abbott Animal Health - Veterinary Emergency Critical Care Society Award
Awarded to a student who has demonstrated extraordinary commitment and exceptional proficiency in caring for emergency and critical care patients (regardless of species). A special consideration is given to students who have been active and productive members of the local chapter of the Student Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society.
Awarded To:
Cassandra Kroncke
American Academy of Veterinary Dermatology
For a student who has demonstrated excellence in clinical dermatology.
Awarded To:
Jesse Batty
American Association of Feline Practitioners Award
Given to an outstanding student in feline medicine/surgery.
Awarded To:
Charlotte Krayer
American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists Award
Given to a student who has demonstrated proficiency in ophthalmology.
Awarded To:
Iulia Osipova
American College of Veterinary Radiology Award
Is given to a student with enthusiasm for and understanding of diagnostic and therapeutic radiology.
Awarded To:
Zackery Bieberly
Dechra Excellence in Small Animal Internal Medicine
Is given to a 4th-year student who has exhibited an interest and proficiency in internal medicine, including small animal endocrinology.
Awarded To:
Emma Munyan
Dechra Excellence in Dermatology
Is given to a student who has exhibited interest and enthusiasm for veterinary dermatology, and who has exhibited above-average proficiency in the diagnosis and management of dermatological conditions.
Awarded To:
Tori Matta
Kansas City Veterinary Medical Radiology Association Award
Goes to a student for demonstrated proficiency in veterinary radiology.
Awarded To:
Iulia Osipova
Dechra Excellence in Equine Sports Medicine
Is given to a student who has exhibited above-average proficiency in the diagnosis and management of Equine Sports Medicine, rehabilitation, and lameness disorders.
Awarded To:
Cierra McClure
Nestle Purina Award for Excellence in Companion Animal Nutrition
Is given to a student for their interest in small animal nutrition.
Awarded To:
Caroline Pawlowski
Society for Theriogenology - Proficiency in Theriogenology Award
Is awarded to a student for illustrated proficiency in clinical theriogenology.
Awarded To:
Leah Metzger
Veterinary Cancer Society Student Award - Bob Rosenthal Senior Student Award
Is presented to a student for outstanding aptitude for, and competence in, the diagnosis, treatment and general care of companion animals affected by malignant disease.
Awarded To:
Ryan Swanson
Veterinary Medicine Class of 1977 Scholarship
Is given to a student who has financial need emulating hard work and diligence in pursuing their veterinary degree.
Awarded to:
Colton Hull
Dr. Steven Joseph Compassionate Animal Care -sponsored by the Kansas City Veterinary Medical Association
Is given to a student for demonstrated compassionate animal care.
Awarded To:
Paige Schoonveld
Dr. Harry D. and Alberta F. Anthony Award
Is presented to a student interested in feedlot medicine. This student has either published or had an article accepted for publication in relation to bovine or swine medicine. Dr. Anthony was a former Director of the Diagnostic Laboratory at Kansas State University.
Awarded To:
Abraham Padilla
Dr. A.D. and Nadine Apley Veterinary Scholarship
Is presented to a student with a desire to practice mixed animal medicine in a rural Kansas community.
Awarded To:
Jacob Bornschlegl
Melba Cornwell Budge Memorial Award
Is awarded to a student who is cited for special proficiency and concern in providing health care to cats.
Awarded To:
Christopher Clarkston
Dr. Joseph A. Bogue Memorial Award
Is presented to a student who has demonstrated exceptional achievement in nutrition as applied in companion animal therapeutics
Awarded To:
Anna Kucera
Dr. Wayne and Druecillia Burch Memorial Award
Is awarded to 6 students with a professional goal of entering some phase of veterinary medicine dealing with Food Animal Production Medicine. All of these students are in the top 50% of their class.
Awarded To:
Lacey Buckwalter
Shaylee Flax
Sarah Krueger
Abraham Padilla
William Patterson
Keri Woofter
Dr. James and Terry Carpenter Scholarship in Excellence in Zoo, Wildlife, and/or Exotics
Is given to a student who excels in zoo, wildlife, and/or exotic animal medicine.
Awarded To:
Tori Matta
Dr. Ruthanne Chun Oncology Scholarship
Is awarded to a student with an interest in oncology.
Awarded To:
Jessica McCall
The Paul and Phyllis Curd Memorial Awards
Are presented to 12 students with an emphasis in small animal medicine.
Awarded To:
Zackery Bieberly
Jana Gigliotti
Meredith Glaister
Carolyn Mark
Rachel Miller
Eden Opie
Amanda Preczewski
Sarah Rogg
Ryan Swanson
Melissa Tye
Meagan Wood
Nicole Bastien
Dr. Frederick Gerry Day Scholarship
Is given to a student with an interest in large animal work.
Awarded To:
Paige Schoonveld
R.C. Dillman Award
Goes to a student who has demonstrated proficiency in diagnostic pathology in the solution of disease problems of livestock and horses.
Awarded To:
Colton Hull
Dr. R.R. and Karen Domer Award
Is given to a student pursuing a career in Large Animal practice.
Awarded To:
Seth Shriwise
Dr. Michael W Dryden Veterinary Parasitology Scholarship
Is given to a student who has displayed an exceptional interest in and aptitude for veterinary parasitology.
Awarded To:
Sarah Myers
Dr. Thomas Edwards Memorial Scholarship
Is given to a student with success in veterinary school while supporting a family.
Awarded To:
Zackery Bieberly
Brittany Kovar
Dr. O.M. Franklin Memorial Epidemiology and Public Health Award
Is given to a student who has demonstrated proficiency in epidemiology and public health.
Awarded To:
Amanda Preczewski
Dr. O.M. Franklin Memorial Theriogenology Award
Is presented to a student who has demonstrated proficiency in theriogenology.
Awarded To:
Elizabeth Flaherty
Dr. O.M. Franklin Memorial Toxicology Award
Is given to a student who has demonstrated proficiency in toxicology.
Awarded To:
Sydney Bigger
Dennis A. Evans Memorial Award
Is presented to a student who has demonstrated compassion in the treatment and handling of clinical patients.
Awarded To:
Brittany Kovar
Luke Fry Memorial Award
Is presented to a student interested in small animal practice.
Awarded To:
Victoria Stone
Chris Gruber Memorial Scholarship in Veterinary Medicine
Is presented to a student interested in practicing mixed animal medicine in a rural area. Chris Gruber was the Senior Director of Development for the College of Veterinary Medicine from 2006 – 2013. He tragically died in a plane crash in April 2013.
Awarded To:
Colton Hull
Dr. Kenneth Harkin Scholarship
Is given by an alumnus in honor of Dr. Harkin for his continued mentorship of current and former students, and for always answering the call for continued scholarship and excellence in Veterinary Medicine. This award is given to a student who excels in their demonstration of skills and client relations.
Awarded To:
Daria Hinkle
Douglas Hoppas Memorial Award
Is given to a student for demonstrated professionalism and leadership. The recipient of this award is a Kansas Resident.
Awarded To:
Sydney Bigger
Barbara Horn Scholarship in Veterinary Medicine
Is given to a student with an interest in canine medicine.
Awarded to:
Samantha Butrico
Dr. and Mrs. Gordon C. Howell Memorial Award
Is for a student who has demonstrated proficiency in practice management and case records. Dr. Howell graduated from our college in 1947.
Awarded To:
Arturo Garza
Dr. L. Derald and Mary Ellen Jernigan Award
Is given to a student with enthusiasm, determination to achieve, and sensitivity to the needs of others.
Awarded To:
Whitney Sloan-Plummer
Dr. Jody Johnson Veterinary Medical Leadership Award
Is presented to a student for demonstrated leadership while a student. Dr. Johnson hopes that the recipient will continue to give of their time and talents as they demonstrate leadership in organized veterinary medicine and in the community in which they serve.
Awarded To:
Elizabeth Flax
Dr. Kenneth R. Kimbell Memorial Scholarship
Is awarded to a student who will pursue companion animal private practice after graduation. The student must be a Kansas resident and have at least a 3.0 GPA.
Awarded To:
Shaylee Flax
Dr. Kathryn Morton Krista Equine Veterinary Award
Is given to a student interested in pursuing a career in equine medicine.
Awarded To:
Amanda Bennett
Dr. William F. and Helen R. Irwin Memorial Award
Is given to a student based on academic attainment in Small Animal surgery and Surgical Anatomy, and demonstrated proficiency in small animal surgery during their clinical years. Dr. William F. Irwin graduated from KSU in 1933 while Dr. Helen Irwin was the first female graduate of our college in 1932.
Awarded To:
Samantha Butrico
John S. Koen Memorial Award
Is given to a student for demonstrated proficiency in swine medicine and surgery.
Awarded To:
Raymond Pottios
Francis Lucille Koss Memorial Award
Is given to a student for demonstrated proficiency in both large and small animal medicine and surgery.
Awarded To:
Brittany Kovar
Dr. James T. Marsh Memorial Award
Is awarded to a student for demonstrated proficiency in equine theriogenology.
Awarded To:
Victoria Maurath
Dr. and Mrs. Nelson S. Mayo Memorial Equine Award
Is awarded to a student for demonstrated proficiency in equine medicine and surgery.
Awarded To:
Shain Powell
Dr. and Mrs. Nelson S. Mayo Memorial Exotic Animal Award
Is awarded to a student for demonstrated proficiency in zoo and exotic animal medicine and surgery.
Awarded To:
Daria Hinkle
Dr. and Mrs. Nelson S. Mayo Memorial Food Animal Award
Is presented to a student for demonstrated proficiency in food animal medicine and surgery.
Awarded To:
Jason Paine
Mellenthin-Chapman Award
Is awarded to a student for demonstrated interest in the area of shelter medicine.
Awarded To:
Ronald Orchard
Dr. Hugh and Beulah Meredith Veterinary Medicine Scholarship
Is given to a student from Lincoln or Montgomery County in KS with an interest in working in or establishing a large or mixed veterinary practice.
Awarded To:
Brittany Kovar
Dr. J. Sidney Michum Memorial Award
Is presented for demonstrated proficiency in food animal practice
Awarded To:
Lindsey Ennen
Dr. Bishan Das and Ram Bai Minocha Memorial Award
Is awarded to a student in good academic standing and has maintained an interest in virology. Dr. Bishan Das Minocha was in the Army for 35 years, serving as a Sgt. Major while his duties were many he served during the time of WW II.
Awarded To:
Shaylee Flax
Marie Mohr Memorial Award
Is given to a student who has demonstrated proficiency in providing clinical care while a student, based on knowledge of medicine, demonstrated skills, and compassionate care for patients.
Awarded To:
Meagan Wood
The Rodney K. Morgan Memorial Award
Is awarded to a student demonstrating proficiency in clinical pathology.
Awarded To:
Brooke Bailey
Dr. Jake and Betty Mosier Award
Is presented to a student for their demonstrated interest in geriatrics and pediatrics.
Awarded To:
Ronald Orchard
Dr. F.P. and Jane Moynagh Award
Is awarded to a student who has demonstrated interest in practice management.
Awarded To:
Emma Munyan
Dr. Jay Richard Olson Memorial Award
Is given to a student who has an interest in bovine mastitis. Dr. Olson graduated from the College of Veterinary Medicine at K-State in 1945 and passed away in 1977.
Awarded To:
Audra Jones
Chester Peterson Jr. Small Animal Research Scholarship
This student will be attending post-graduate training to obtain either a master's or Ph.D. with the goal of conducting small animal research.
Awarded To:
Alexandria Zabiegala
Irene and Marsh Plumlee Award
Is presented to a student interested in equine or Large Animal medicine.
Awarded To:
Natasha VanGundy
Dr. Jerry Rains Memorial Award
Is presented to a student who has demonstrated a sincere interest in either beef cattle production medicine or equine reproductive physiology.
Awarded To:
Sydney Bigger
Dr. John and Mary Jo Cortelyou Rust Avian Pathology Award
Is given to a student for demonstrated proficiency in avian pathology pathology.
Awarded To:
Jacob Bornschlegl
Dr. John and Mary Jo Cortelyou Rust Laboratory Animal Pathology Award
Is given to a student for demonstrated proficiency in laboratory animal pathology.
Awarded To:
Madeline Burke
Dr. Don Spangler Memorial Award
Goes to a student who has demonstrated the principles of veterinary ethics, advanced the image of KSU and the College of Veterinary Medicine and is active in the Student Chapter of the American Veterinary Medical Association.
Awarded To:
Haley Bartlett
Dr. Glenn Ray Teagarden Memorial Award
Is presented to a student who is outstanding in equine medicine.
Awarded To:
Cierra McClure
Donald and Marilyn Trotter Award
Is given to a student who has an interest in graduate study in anatomy or morphological pathology and plans to teach.
Awarded To:
Iulia Osipova
Shika – Vanier Scholarship
Is for a student who has an interest in canine medicine.
Awarded To:
Violet Rettmer
Dr. Albert Francis and Clara I. Wempe Memorial Award
Is presented to a student interested in a career as an equine practitioner.
Awarded To:
Colter Haman
Wempe - Luckeroth Family Award
Is given to a student who has demonstrated proficiency in mixed animal practice.
Awarded To:
Alexis Pedrow
Stephen White Scholarship
Is presented to a Kansas student who has an interest in practicing small animal medicine and shows integrity, compassion, and professionalism towards clients, patients, and colleagues.
Awarded To:
Tera Brandt
Kallie Woodruff
Military Appreciation Award
Given to a student in honor, recognition and appreciation of your commitment, loyalty, and service to the United States Military and the Veterinary Profession
Awarded To:
Anna Kucera
Iulia Osipova
Amanda Preczewski
Dr. Richard and Pam DeBowes Professional Leadership Award
Given to a student who has demonstrated leadership
Awarded To:
Raymond Pottios
Kind Touch Award
Is awarded to a student for demonstrated abilities in relating to clients and patients. The recipients of this award are selected by the senior class.
Awarded To:
Brittany Kovar
Merck Veterinary Manual Award
These are presented to students who are on the Honors List because of their high academic achievement
Awarded To:
Lacey Buckwalter
Samantha Butrico
Daria Hinkle
Colton Hull
Iulia Osipova
William Patterson
Shain Powell
Sarah Rogg
Matthew Stokes
Ryan Swanson
Alvin A. Lidolph Award
Given to the top student in the fourth year of the professional curriculum of the College of Veterinary Medicine.
Awarded To:
Iulia Osipova
Pet Tribute Student Awards
Presented to students who have demonstrated compassion and professionalism in support of clients who have suffered the loss of a pet.
Awarded To:
Lindsey Ennen
Laura Schultz
Laura Sellers
Brandon Verkinderen
Kaylee Visser
Kallie Woodruff
Pet Tribute Faculty Award
The Pet Tribute Faculty Award provides graduating seniors an opportunity to honor a faculty member who distinguishes themselves through their exceptional role modeling as a compassionate caregiver and healthcare professional.
Awarded To:
Dr. Stefanie Durbin
Pet Tribute House Officer Awards
The 2021 Pet Tribute House officer award is presented to two house officers to acknowledge excellence in teaching, clinical service, clinical proficiency and professionalism. The awards are determined by a vote of the senior class.
Awarded To:
Dr. Veridiana Nadruz, Equine Medicine Resident
Dr. Mackenzie Whyte, Small Animal Surgery Resident
Pet Tribute Award Veterinary Nurse Award
Is presented to a veterinary nurse or technician demonstrating excellence in compassion, sensitivity and empathy while caring for patients. The award is determined by a vote of the senior class.
Awarded To:
Deb Cobb, Small Animal Surgery
Cassidy Goering, Anesthesia
Jimmy the Cat Award
Established by Mike Luce, who worked for Kansas State University for over 30 years. He was a security guard for the College of Veterinary Medicine when he passed away in 2007. Luce established this award to help graduating students with the end of the year expenses such as moving, fees for licenses, and board examinations.
Awarded To:
Mia Cuccaro
Alyssa Lee
Ravneet Dhillon
Calla Reilly
Zoetis Distinguished Veterinary Teaching Award
At each of the veterinary colleges throughout the United States each year since 1963, the Zoetis Distinguished Veterinary Teaching Award has been presented to an outstanding teacher who advances the veterinary profession by inspiring students to their highest levels of achievement and professionalism.
Awarded To:
Dr. Bryan Weaver, Clinical Associate Professor, Livestock Services
Dr. William and Deanna Pritchard Veterinary Service and Outreach Award
The Dr. William and Deanna Pritchard Veterinary Service and Outreach Award was established in 2012 to emphasize the importance of service and outreach in the veterinary profession. Dr. Pritchard, a 1946 K-State DVM alumnus (1987 K-State CVM Alumni Fellow), was a professor and dean emeritus of the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of California at Davis.
Awarded to:
Dr. Gregg Hanzlicek, clinical associate professor for the Kansas State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory and diagnostic medicine/pathobiology department