Graduating Class of 1950
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50-Year Reunion
First Row: Ralph L. Barrett, Jack D. Groff, James R. Olin, James F. Neal, Dearrold I. F. Palmer, Calvin C. Gatz, William E. Snodgrass, Henry W. C. Newberry, Wayne B. Chapin, Charles W. Downing, Harold P. Peffly, Andrew C. Wheeler, Charles Reid, Arthur Carlson Jr., Paul A. Schoonhoven, James A. McKitterick Jr.
Second Row: Daniel Paradee, Harlan D. Ellis, William P. Kirkeminde, Arden G. Kemler, William W. Harris, Howard H. Furumoto, Frank C. Stiles Jr., Miles H. Agee, Manuel Bendersky, Robert J. Weaver.
Third Row: Donald E. Torkelson, Richard C. Groff, Joe W. Atkinson, Frank F. Sutton, Ralph L. Bishop, Benjamin R. Brake, Don F. Lee Jr., Charles C. Bickley, Bernard F. Mowery, Robert C. Boobar, Dean I. Newton, Sidney Marlin, Frank A. Murry, Victor A. Miller, William C. Gross.
Fourth Row: Robert D. Schupbach, John Gail Wadsworth, Sydney R. Byrd, Ned W. Rokey, Leonard O. Goodloe, Robert H. Williams, Harold V. Henderson, Sidney Galinko, Michael H. Roller, John W. Gamby, Lester J. Barger, Donald W. Mills, Richard D. Elliott, William F. Thogmartin, Robert M. Crispell.
Fifth Row: Melvin Dietrich Jr., Clifford H. Eby, Herndon P. Honstead, Raymond M. Parker, Fredrick I. Skinner, Charles F. Parker, James L. Palotay, Walter J. Gough, Robert E. McCutcheon, Joe W.Selby, Charles G. Nace, James M. Barclay, Andrew N. Vedros, Wendell O. Kelly, Alex Hogg.