It is your privilege to identify candidates for the alumni association’s awards. With this in mind, we ask your help in nominating the alumnus you think deserves to be recognized. There are several award categories, each with their own criteria. There are links beside each award for criteria and past recipients for your convenience.
Please fill out the background information if you can on your candidate. If you are limited on information, please just fill in what you can and submit (at the bottom of the form).
To honor those veterinarians who have contributed positively and significantly to Veterinary Medicine through their long term service to the Kansas State University, College of Veterinary Medicine.
Criteria for Nomination
Nomination may be made by any alumnus of the Kansas State University, College of Veterinary Medicine.
Nominees should be individuals who have enjoyed a long-standing (³15 years) relationship with the college. This relationship may include service, either current or prior, as a member of the faculty. Individuals need not be an alumnus of Kansas State University to be nominated and considered for this award.
Nominees should have a noteworthy record of significant service and contribution to both the profession and Kansas State University, and be recognized for achieving their success in an unassuming and unpretentious manner that emulates the professional essence of Dr. E. R. Frank.
Seated administrators would not be considered as nominees during their term of administrative appointment.
There is no limit to the number of time an individual may be nominated.
Any individual may receive this award only once in their lifetime.
The recipient is selected by the Executive Board of the Veterinary Medical Alumni Association (VMAA), or at the pleasure of the VMAA President, selection may be accomplished by an awards committee established by the Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine which includes the VMAA President or his/her designated representative.
The honoree is presented their award at Heritage Evening during the Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine’s Annual Conference for Veterinarians the first weekend of June.
The Distinguished Alumnus Award provides an avenue for recognizing one or as appropriate, more than one alumni of the Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine for their outstanding achievements.
Only living alumni of the College of Veterinary Medicine shall be eligible. This includes not only those who obtained their professional degrees but also those who received advanced degrees at Kansas State;
An alumnus who holds any one of the following State offices is not eligible for the award as long as he/she holds office:
Governor, Member of Senate, Lieutenant Governor, Member of House of Representatives, Attorney General, Member State Board of Regents, Printer, Member State Board of Education, Insurance Commissioner, State Dept. of Admin., Auditor, Director, Department of Budget, Treasurer, Governor's Staff, Secretary of Agriculture;
Members of the Selection Committee are not eligible to receive the award during their period of service on the committee;
Except in cases of rare and unusual circumstances, a period of at least fifteen (15) years should elapse after receipt of degree before an individual is eligible for the award.
Humanitarian services and contributions to the veterinary profession and society rather than material success alone;
Direct service to the College and/or University should receive consideration, but such contributions shall not be mandatory nor conclusive in making the selection;
Political success alone shall not be considered as an adequate measure of service;
Selection shall be based upon the life career of a nominee rather than upon a single activity or incident.
The recipient is selected by the Executive Board of the Veterinary Medical Alumni Association (VMAA), or at the pleasure of the VMAA President, selection may be accomplished by an awards committee established by the Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine which includes the VMAA President or his/her designated representative.
Presentation of Award
The honoree is presented their award at Heritage Evening during the Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine’s Annual Conference for Veterinarians the first weekend of June.
The recognition awards are in grateful recognition of the time and effort devoted to advancing the profession of veterinary medicine and for being an exemplary role model for future alumni of the College of Veterinary medicine at Kansas State University in a professional and community setting.
Alumni Recognition Awards were instituted by the College of Veterinary Medicine's Veterinary Medical Alumni Association at Kansas State University in 2001.
The recipients are selected by the Executive Board of the Veterinary Medical Alumni Association (VMAA), or at the pleasure of the VMAA President, selection may be accomplished by an awards committee established by the Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine which includes the VMAA President or his/her designated representative.
Recognition Awards are presented at each of the eight major conferences or meetings that the college participates in annually. Awardees are chosen and presented awards at the K-State Alumni Reception in conjunction with a conference or meeting that best represents their life's work and/or community involvement.
Your Information
First Name:
Middle Name:
Last Name:
Address Line 1:
Address Line 2:
Zip Code:
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
E-Mail Address:
Fax Number:
Nominee Information
* Optional
Graduating Class Of:
First Name:
Middle Name:
Last Name:
*Spouses Maiden Name:
Address Line 1:
Address Line 2:
Zip Code:
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
*E-Mail Address:
*Fax Number:
*Birthday (MM/DD/YYYY):
*Birth Place (City,State)
*Father's Name:
*Mother's Maiden Name:
*List the names of their children and birthdates:
Nominee's Education Other Than K-State
Nominee's Current Professional Memberships
Check All That Apply:
Nominee's Current Professional Memberships
Nominee's Board Certifications
Other Information About Nominee
History of professional activity:
Participation in civic and community:
Animal and human health related public service:
Involvement in veterinary educational research and/or service:
Contributions to the local community, state, or nation:
Honorary societies, honors/special awards or recognitions
Note: Only complete nominations will be considered by the committee.