2014 Alumni Fellow
Dr. James Coffman, DVM 1962
A Kansas native, Dr. James Coffman is retired from a career as an educator and veterinarian. He earned a bachelor’s degree in 1960, DVM in 1962 and master’s degree in pathology in 1969, all from K-State. After earning his DVM, he operated a private equine practice in Wichita from 1962-1965. He served on the faculty of the department of surgery and medicine from 1965-1969. After two years in private practice in Oklahoma City, Dr. Coffman served as professor of equine medicine at the University of Missouri from 1971-1981. He also was director of the Equine Center there from 1973-1977. Dr. Coffman returned to K-State in 1981 as the head of the Department of Surgery and Medicine. This marked the beginning of his 28 year tenure at K-State where he has served as dean of the college of veterinary medicine from 1984-1987 and provost from 1987-2004.
Dr. Coffman also served as president of the American Association of Equine Practitioners, the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine, and as member and chair of the AVMA Professional Liability Insurance Trust. He was one of 10 founding diplomates of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine and served as the president and chair of the board of regents of the ACVIM. He also served on numerous professional committees and task forces, recently chairing an AVMA task force on foreign veterinary school accreditation.
Dr. Coffman has been recognized with numerous awards throughout his career. In 1969, he was a recipient of the Norden Distinguished Teaching Award in veterinary medicine. Dr. Coffman was awarded an Alumni Recognition Award by the K-State College of Veterinary Medicine at the AAEP convention in 2002. He is a Distinguished Life Member of AAEP. He has received the Iverson Bell Award from the Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges in 2005. During that same year, Dr. Coffman received K-State’s E.R. Frank Award. In 2010, Coffman Commons was dedicated on the K-State campus in honor of Dr. Coffman. Coffman Commons is an outdoor plaza with seating and garden areas located south of Hale library.
Dr. Coffman also has lectured nationally and internationally and has written or co-written more than 120 professional articles and two books. He has a bachelor’s degree in veterinary medicine, a master’s degree in pathology and a doctor of veterinary medicine, all from K-State. Dr. Coffman and his wife, Sharon, have three sons, all K-State alumni.