All applicants to the DVM degree program, both Kansas residents and non-Kansas residents, must apply through the Veterinary Medical College Application Service by visiting the VMCAS site . The VMCAS application is open to applicants in January. Additionally, an online supplemental application for Kansas State University must be completed. A $50 nonrefundable application fee must accompany the supplemental application.
Only those students who can complete the required 64 credit hours of required pre-requisite courses by the end of the Spring term of the year in which they are seeking admission will be considered to the professional curriculum. Official transcripts must be received by the VMCAS deadline each year. GRE scores are no longer required by KSU College of Veterinary Medicine.
Applicants are selected as members of the incoming class of veterinary medicine students after completion of the required 64 credit hours of pre-professional requirements. To be eligible for an interview, applicants must attain at least a 2.8 grade point average in the pre-professional requirements and at least a 2.8 grade point average in the last 45 hours of undergraduate and graduate college work. Any grade less than a “C-” in a required course is not accepted. A grade of D or F in a required course on a transcript at the time of application will disqualify the application.
KSU College of Veterinary Medicine Admissions Formula:
Primary Application Evaluation
The primary application evaluation will be completed prior to the interview and determines interview invitation.
60% Academic Evaluation
- Science GPA calculation, based only on the KSU CVM science prerequisites.
- 2.8 GPA minimum
- KSU CVM prerequisite GPA
- 2.8 GPA minimum
- Last 45 credit hour GPA
- Graduate courses will be considered in this calculation
- Entire semester to include 45 credits used for calculation
- 2.8 GPA minimum
- Retakes within the last 6 years at the time of application will be averaged for GPA calculation. Higher level courses within the same prefix or topic can replace lower level courses for GPA calculation. For confirmation, please send syllabus to
- Grades on transcripts at the time of application will be used for GPA calculation.
- Fall and Spring grades during an application cycle will not be considered.
- A grade of D or F in a prerequisite course on a transcript at the time of application will result in disqualification.
- All prerequisite courses must be completed at the end of the spring semester prior to beginning the DVM program.
11% Application Evaluation
- Veterinary experience: Veterinary experience includes any veterinary clinical, agribusiness, and health science experiences that took place under the supervision of a veterinarian. Research conducted under the supervision of a veterinarian should also be listed. Veterinary Experiences should be different from those entered for Animal and Employment experiences. It is strongly recommended that applicants pursue experiences with veterinarians in multiple areas of the profession, have a good understanding of the profession, the challenges faced by the profession and current issues affecting veterinary medicine. KSU CVM does not have a minimum requirement for hours of veterinary experience.
- All other experiences will be evaluated prior to interview invitation including Employment, Research not under the supervision of a veterinarian, Extracurricular Activities, Animal Experiences and Volunteer/Community Enrichment. Animal experience includes farm and ranch experience, 4-H membership, animal training, or similar activities that were not under the supervision of a veterinarian. Experiences listed as Animal Experience should be different from those entered for Veterinary and Employment experiences. Simply caring for a pet should not be listed.
- All experiences should be reported from the timeframe of High School through College or within the 8 years prior to application.
- All experience categories on the VMCAS application will be evaluated for both depth and breadth.
Interview invitations will be extended according to results from the Primary Application Evaluation.
Secondary Application Evaluation
29% Application evaluation and interview
- Interview teams will review the quality of all experiences listed on the VMCAS application along with evaluating the essay responses, personal statement, evaluations and letters of reference.
- On campus interviews are required to complete the application process and to be considered for admission.
Offers, alternate positions and denials will be determined based on the results of the primary and secondary evaluations and interview.