Laura Constance – Cochlear pendrin expression is not a requirement for maintaining hearing after noise exposure
Ellen Heinrich – Effect of Sucralfate on the Relative Bioavailability of Minocycline in Greyhound Dogs
Susumu Ishiguro
Basic Science Research Presentations:
1st place:
Vinay Shivanna – Host Factors Required for Entry of Caliciviruses into Host Cells
2nd Place
Qinfang Liu – Newcastle disease virus-vectored H5 and H7 live vaccine completely protect chickens from viral replication and shedding after challenge with the H5N1 and H7N9 avian influenza
3rd Place:
Pavan Rajanahalli – Derivation and Characterization of Rat IPS Cells Using a Mouse STEMCCA Reprogramming Vector
Case Report:
Ellie Nuth, DVM – Diagnostic Imaging of Canine Iliopsoas Abscess
Clinical Science/ Applied Research Companion Animal/Other Presentations:
1st Place:
Megan C. Niederwerder – Clinical response of 4-week old pigs following challenge with porcine epidemic diarrhea virus
2nd Place
Jennifer M. Reinhart – Mean corpuscular volume difference (dMCV) as a marker for serum hypertonicity during water deprivation in dogs
3rd Place:
Ellen Heinrich – Public health campaign to promote hand hygiene before meals in a college of veterinary medicine
Clinical Science/ Applied Research Food Animal Presentations:
1st Place:
Megan C. Niederwerder – Characterizing the effects of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) modified-live virus vaccination on the response of 8-week old pigs to co-infection with PRRS virus and porcine circovirus type 2
2nd Place:
Aaron Schaffer – The association between calfhood BRDC and subsequent departure from the herd, milk production, and reproduction: an observational, retrospective, study
3rd Place
Pragathi B. Shridhar – Prevalence and characterization of E. coli O104 in cattle feces
Other Special Awards
Benjamin and Catherine Kurz Research Scholarship - Michael Porta
A.S.R. Ganta Graduate Student Award - Scott Ferguson
A.S.R. Ganta Veterinary Student Award - Michelle Pavlick
Miller Pathology Scholarship Award - Ashlea Berry
Dr. Harish C. and Ved K. Minocha Scholarship - Vinay Shivanna
Zoetis Research Award for Excellence in Research by a Faculty Member - Dr. Timothy I. Musch,Anatomy and Physiology
Dr. Cornelius Graduate Student Travel Award - Ellen Heinrich
Mahlon Vorhies Production Animal Award - Shane Terrell
Phi Zeta Manuscript Competition Clinical/Applied Manuscript - Dr. Neena Kanwar