Pre-Conference Sessions
Registration for this lab is limited. Space will be reserved on a first-come, first served basis.
Ophthalmology Examination Techniques
Dr. Katelyn Fentiman & Dr. Emily Sharpe
Saturday 1-4 p.m.
12 Spaces Available
Radiographic Diagnosis of Common Conditions Encountered in the ER
Dr. Katherine Tucker, Dr. Paxton Harness & Dr. Mackenzie Hallman
Saturday 1-4 p.m.
12 Spaces Available
Imaging is an essential part of the diagnostic workup in small animal emergency cases. This laboratory will focus on helping the emergency and/or the general practitioner more effectively use radiography and ultrasound in the emergency setting. A short lecture will be given at the beginning of the session covering important principles of radiology and ultrasound in the ER. Participants will then break into small groups where they will have the opportunity to review cases demonstrating key points and potential pitfalls in the diagnosis of common and uncommon cases seen in the ER. Participants will have an opportunity to practice Focused Abdominal Sonography in Trauma (FAST) exams. Simple but valuable additional tools such as the addition of non-standard radiographic views and compression radiography will also be covered.
BRDC Case-Based Diagnostic Sampling and Result Interpretation - THIS WET LAB HAS BEEN CANCELLED
Sponsored by the Kansas State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory
Dr. Gregg Hanzlicek
Saturday 1-4 p.m.
This wet lab will focus on hands-on exercise concerned with appropriate sampling techniques for both ante and post mortem BRDC diagnostic workups. In addition, this lab will include discussions concerning the interpretation of PCR Ct test results, using real-life cases.
"Joint Injections for Small Animals" How to Process and Utilize Platelet Rich Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)
Dr. Chanran Ganta & Dr. Corey Orava
- This joint injection lab will focus on maximizing chances of getting the needle intra-articular, while minimizing the risk of doing harm.
- Cadavers and anatomic models (canine/feline) will be used to demonstrate anatomy and approaches to various joints.
- Attendees will receive hands-on training injecting hip, knee, elbow, shoulder, carpo-metacarpal and tarso-metatarsal joints
- Lab will cover: sedation/anesthesia options, anatomic landmarks, how to prep/drape a patient for joint injections, needle selection, volumes to inject as well as discussions about common intra-articular therapeutics.
USDA-APHIS National Veterinary Accreditation Program Supplemental Training Certification
Saturday 1-4 p.m.
Limited Space Available
APHIS, Veterinary Services will provide APHIS-approved supplemental training to accredited veterinarians to allow them an avenue to obtain a portion of the necessary hours for Veterinary Accreditation Renewal. Category I accreditation renewal requires three hours. Category II accreditation renewal requires six hours. The courses being offered are:
Module 9: Interstate and International Health Certificates for Category I Animals
Module 11: Sheep and Goats: Disease Awareness and Health Certificates
Module 27: Bovine Trichomoniasis