Hotel Information
Room blocks are available at the following locations. Please make sure that you indicate you are with the College of Veterinary Medicine to receive the discounted rate:
Hilton Garden Inn - $117/night +tax
410 South 3rd Street
Manhattan, KS 66502
Book your room by May 6, 2022
Holiday Inn at the Campus - $119.95/night +tax
1641 Anderson Ave
Manhattan, KS 66502
Use the code "Vet" when making your reservation
Book your room by May 8, 2022
Holiday Inn Express & Suites - $129/night + tax
115 Blue Earth Plaza
Manhattan, KS 66502
Use the group code "VMA" when making your reservation
Book your room by May 8, 2022
Bluemont Hotel - $115/night + tax
1212 Bluemont Ave
Manhattan, KS 66502
Book your room by May 4, 2022