

shaun huserShaun Huser, DVM, Clinical Associate Professor - Livestock Services, Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine

          • Dr. Huser graduated from Kansas State University with a DVM in 2004. From 2004 to 2017, Dr. Huser was in mixed animal practice, 11 years of which were spent at a mixed animal practice in Northeast Illinois. In 2017, Dr. Huser joined the faculty at Kansas State University, College of Veterinary Medicine. He is a field service clinician/instructor at the KSU Veterinary Health Center and also teaches two elective courses designed for large and mixed animal veterinary students, Advanced Bovine Palpation and Bull Breeding Soundness. Over the last three years, Dr. Huser has collaborated with the KSU diagnostic laboratory, Michigan State University, and CentralStar laboratories in the area of Bovine Leukemia Virus in beef cattle.

frank van der meerFrank van der Meer, DVM, PhD, University of Calgary, Veterinary Medicine

          • Frank van der Meer graduated from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Utrecht University in the Netherlands in 1996 and completed his PhD on the activity of antiviral compounds to Retro- and Nidoviruses in 2007. In 2008 he joined the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Calgary. His research focuses on bovine viruses such as bovine viral diarrhea virus, bovine leukemia virus and wildlife viruses in the Canadian arctic. He collaborates with researchers in Tanzania to study animal and human pathogens, where he also led a field school in Ngorongoro and the Lake zone.

Don NilesDon Niles, DVM, C0-Owner of Dairy Dreams LLC, Casco, WI

          • Dr Niles graduated from the University of Minnesota with a D.V.M. in 1982. From 2001 to 2019 Don was the co-owner and manager of Dairy Dreams LLC, a 3000 cow dairy in NE Wisconsin. Since 2019 Don has been the Dairy Operations Manager for all the Pagel’s Family Businesses. Dr Niles has been a featured speaker, both nationally and internationally on topics relating to proper cow care and practices that will help maintain healthy animals and the strong reputation of dairy products as being safe and nutritious for the consuming public.

Jen RobertsJen Roberts, DVM, Professional Services Veterinarian - Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health

          • Dr. Roberts grew up on a dairy farm in southern Michigan where she raised show cattle and participated in daily farm management. She attended Michigan State University and received her DVM degree in 2005. Dr. Roberts practiced in a food animal practice in southwest Wisconsin where her work focused on herd health and reproductive management of beef and dairy cattle. After 7 years in practice, including 4 years as a practice owner, she returned to Michigan State University to teach bovine and small ruminant reproduction and dairy production medicine. In 2019, she joined Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health. She continues to hold an adjunct professor appointment at Michigan State University. Her professional interests include reproduction, calf health management, and education and training of farm personnel. Dr. Roberts remains active in the family farm where they now raise Holstein steers and maintain a small cow/calf operation.

sporerKelly Sporer, PhD, Records Analysis Consultant - Central Star Laboratories

          • Kelly Sporer obtained her BS in Animal Science from Michigan State University and her PhD from University College Dublin, investigating the effects of transportation stress on cattle immune function. From 2017-2022, she was a Research Scientist at CentralStar Cooperative, leading field trials, coordinating custom diagnostic testing strategies, and providing technical support. Now as a Records Analysis Consultant, Kelly analyzes data to troubleshoot and monitor herd performance, bringing together key personnel to identify challenges and opportunities for dairy farms.