K-State Alerts is Kansas State University's emergency notification system that gives campus authorities the ability to communicate emergency information quickly to the university community using many different channels.
If you are ever uncomfortable walking on campus alone, a KSUPD Officer will meet you and walk you to another on-campus destination or up to two blocks off-campus. This service operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
The mission of the SafeRide Program is to save lives and prevent injuries and damage to property by offering students and their guests a safe alternative to drunken driving and other threatening situations.
The purpose of the K-State's Safe Zone program is to create allies for oppressed, marginalized, and silenced groups. Allies are remarkably effective at promoting positive change in the dominant culture.
Rave Guardian is an app for the K-State community that provides a direct connection to K-State police so that everyone can easily communicate all their safety needs. Its easy-to-use features help you and your friends stay safe every day.
KSU Police monitor numerous blue light phone call located throughout the campus. You can also use these boxes to ask for directions, or report a crime or accident.