August 2018 - Vol. 13, No. 8
Top Stories
Everybody Counts — Pets Too!
Veterinary team provides basic care at community event
The College of Veterinary Medicine participated Aug. 4 in a community outreach event called “Everybody Counts.” This event occurs yearly in Manhattan at the Douglass Community Center on the 900 block of Yuma street.
Everybody Counts is a grassroots effort to better coordinate social services and provide information about those services, and it is designed to assist community members who are in need.
The CVM was represented by (back row, from left): Taryn Oliver, Jordan Gebhardt, Amanda Hedricks, Sarah Greenway, Dr. Alyssa Comroe, Samantha (Sami) Moon, Katharine McIver, Dr. Susan Nelson, Dr. Kate KuKanich (white hat), Diane Beets. Front row: Janine Garcia, Kotie White, Allie Schmidtberger, Emma Winkley, Carley Charles, Rachel Wright, Gina Jensen

A team of clinicians/faculty members, technicians and veterinary students volunteer to help community members and their pets.
The event provides free health care services including sports physical exams for school kids, dental exams and hearing exams, as well as a free brunch, food distributions from Harvesters and the Flint Hills Breadbasket, and clothing for those in need.
“We were excited to join Everybody Counts this year to provide basic preventative veterinary services and make it a One Health community event, serving the people and pets of Riley County,” said Dr. Kate KuKanich, associate professor in small animal medicine. “It is a privilege to work with county agencies to identify and support residents that would otherwise not have access to veterinary services.”
The CVM team performed physical examinations, vaccines, and preventative care as indicated. Products were donated by generous pharmaceutical and nutrition/pet food corporations.
“We hoped by joining this event we would also help foster mental and physical well-being through ownership of healthy pets and minimize transfer of zoonotic disease in our community,” said Dr. Bonnie Rush, interim dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine.
Dr. Sara Gonzalez makes a connection with one of the pets. Gina Jensen from Clinical Sciences and Amanda Hendricks, class of 2020, work together for a quick examination.
How feces from healthy pigs could ward off disease in other pigs

Research in the CVM is proving the adage “waste not, want not” is not just about saving resources; it also can be applied to treating and preventing some troublesome swine diseases.
The researchers’ work has uncovered a novel benefit from a procedure called fecal microbiota transplantation, which is the process of transplanting fecal microbiota from a healthy individual into a diseased or young individual.

Dr. Megan Niederwerder leads a novel study on fecal microbiota transplantation.
Lead principal investigator Dr. Megan Niederwerder, assistant professor in DMP, and her team recently published their findings, “Fecal Microbiota Transplantation is Associated With Reduced Morbidity and Mortality in Porcine Circovirus Associated Disease,” in the journal Frontiers in Microbiology.
According to Dr. Niederwerder, widespread medical research in recent years has emphasized the impact of the gut microbiome on the general health of both humans and animals.
“Our research is novel in the use of fecal microbiota transplantation as a preventative medicine tool in pigs,” Dr. Niederwerder said. “Typically, in human medicine, fecal transplants are used to treat gastrointestinal diseases such as recurrent Clostridium difficile infection, but is never used prophylactically prior to diagnosis or before the onset of clinical signs.”
CVM researchers see a link between prophylactic fecal transplantation and the prevention of clinical signs associated with viral respiratory disease in pigs.
“This study broadens the potential application of fecal transplantation with regards to timing as well as disease type,” Dr. Niederwerder said. “It emphasizes the important relationship between gut health and overall health throughout the body.”
Dr. Niederwerder said that the two viruses examined in their research — porcine circovirus type 2 and porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus — are two of the most widespread and economically devastating pathogens in pigs worldwide. These viruses have caused billions of dollars in losses to the swine industry.

(Stock photo for illustration only) |
In the study, pigs treated with fecal microbiota transplantation showed fewer clinical signs of porcine circovirus associated disease, which was evidenced by a significant reduction in morbidity and mortality in transplanted pigs, along with increased antibody levels.
The researchers would like to expand this work and learn the mechanisms of how fecal microbiota transplantation may have disease-prevention benefits. Ultimately, Niederwerder wants this new research to lead to alternative tools and prevention strategies for disease control of these two viruses in the future.
"Future research will help us better understand these mechanisms and how large-scale microbiome modulation could be adapted to increase the health of herds that are endemic for these viruses in the field," Dr. Niederwerder said.
Co-authors from K-State include Laura Constance, a concurrent DVM/Ph.D. student in pathobiology; Dr. Bob Rowland, professor of diagnostic medicine and pathobiology; Dr. Maureen Sheahan, microbiologist; Dr. Richard Hesse, professor of diagnostic medicine and pathobiology and director of diagnostic virology; and Dr. Giselle Cino, assistant professor of anatomic pathology.
CVM grad students chosen for NBAF Scientist Training Program

When a federal laboratory comes to town, it fuels demand for highly educated and trained workers.
Kansas State University is helping meet that demand. Five graduate students from the College of Veterinary Medicine have been awarded National Bio and Agro-defense Facility Scientist Training Program fellowships. The awardees will receive tuition, stipends and funds for supplies and travel from a five-year, $1.6-million grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.
Kaitlynn Bradshaw, Laura Constance, Chester McDowell, Victoria Ayers and Christian Cook
Fellowship awardees were selected for their strong interest and expertise in emerging animal diseases, diseases that infect both animals and people, or foreign animal diseases that threaten global health and food security. Once they complete the fellowship program, they are committed to working at the Foreign Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory at the Plum Island Animal Disease Center in New York and, ultimately, the National Bio and Agro-defense Facility, or NBAF, which is under construction adjacent to the university's Manhattan campus. The selected students have already received training in high-containment facilities that work with pathogens that will be studied at NBAF.
The fellowship recipients will be mentored by their major professors, with whom they have worked with for at least one to three years.
The following students are recipients of the NBAF Scientist Training Program fellowships:
• Kaitlynn Bradshaw, master's student in veterinary biomedical science, Hill City. Her mentor is Sally Davis, assistant professor of diagnostic medicine and pathobiology.
• Chester McDowell, concurrent Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and doctoral student in diagnostic medicine and pathobiology, Corrales, New Mexico. His mentor is Juergen Richt, Regents distinguished professor of diagnostic medicine and pathobiology, Kansas Bioscience Authority eminent scholar and director of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Center of Excellence for Emerging and Zoonotic Animal Diseases.
• Laura Constance, concurrent Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and doctoral student in diagnostic medicine and pathobiology, Clyde, North Carolina. Her mentors are Bob Rowland, professor, and Megan Niederwerder, assistant professor, both of diagnostic medicine and pathobiology.
• Victoria Ayers, doctoral student in diagnostic medicine and pathobiology, Prague, Oklahoma. Her mentor is Dana Vanlandingham, associate professor of diagnostic medicine and pathobiology.
• Christian Cook, doctoral student in diagnostic medicine and pathobiology, Fort Worth, Texas. Her mentor is Dana Vanlandingham, associate professor of diagnostic medicine and pathobiology.
Beth Montelone, senior associate vice president for research at Kansas State University, said the fellowships are an effort to train future research scientists, veterinarians and research technicians. The program is also available at Iowa State and Mississippi State universities.
"K-State is very excited to partner with USDA APHIS on training the new generation of front-line researchers on transboundary animal diseases who will be working in the NBAF," Montelone said. "It is a great commentary on the strengths of our research and graduate educational programs that five of our students have been selected to participate in the first cohort of NBAF Scientist Training Program fellowships fellows."
The fellowships include a five-year $50,000 stipend for the concurrent Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and doctoral students; doctoral students receive a four-year $50,000 stipend; and master's students receive a three-year $35,000 stipend. All students also receive health benefits and funds for materials and supplies, travel and publication costs to further their research.
Carol Shanklin, dean of Kansas State University's Graduate School, said the NBAF Scientist Training Program provides an excellent opportunity for the recipients to gain valuable knowledge and skills while preparing them for scientific careers in national laboratories, including NBAF.
"Preparing graduate students to meet the specialized needs of both U.S. and international workforces is an essential role of graduate education," Shanklin said. "I look forward to working with the five recipients and their mentors to assure the success of the program."
Dr. Frank Blecha, associate dean for research at the College of Veterinary Medicine, said the college supports efforts to provide qualified staff for NBAF and other facilities that require agro- and biodefense expertise.
"The NBAF Scientist Training Program fellowship is a career-changing opportunity for selected students," Dr. Blecha said. "These students planned their graduate and professional programs to gain research and diagnostic expertise to work on select agents in high-containment facilities with the hope that there would be positions available when they graduate. We are fortunate that USDA APHIS, the university and the college invested in the personnel and infrastructure that will help them reach their goals."
The fellowship opportunities will be offered again in fiscal year 2019. More information about the program is available at k-state.edu/research/opportunities/NSTP.html.
More Headlines
CVM at International Symposium in China

This summer, an international meeting in China featured a visible group of researchers from the K-State College of Veterinary Medicine.
The 2018 International Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Symposium (IPRRSS) was held June 11-13 at the Yuelai International Convention Center, in Chongqing, China.

Dr. Bob Rowland delivers a keynote address at IPRRSS in China.
Dr. Raymond (Bob) Rowland, from the Department of Diagnostic Medicine and Pathobiology (DMP) joined Dr. Hanchun Yang from the China Agricultural University, Beijing, as the symposium organizers, along with the help from Dr. Ying Fang, also from DMP.
The four-day meeting featured talks from international experts on porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV), which has global impact on pork production. The conference hosted about 2,000 attendees from all over the world. The symposium was held in conjunction with the International Pig Veterinary Society (IPVS) conference. Drs. Rowland and Yang gave the welcome address.
The CVM was well-represented with seven attendees. Drs. Rowland and Fang chaired scientific sessions and delivered keynote presentations. Dr. Fang delivered the opening keynote on “Novel mechanisms of PRRSV infection: intercellular transmission and persistence,” while Dr. Rowland presented a keynote talk on “Models for understanding the genetics of the host response to PRRS.”
Student travel fellowships were awarded including three to DMP graduate students: Ana Stoian, Xingyu Yan and Fanfeng Yuan.
CVM students/postdocs/faculty gave a variety of presentations at the conference that are listed below.
Oral Presentations:
Ana Stoian, “Peptide sequence domains in SRCR5 of CD163 that contribute to recognition by PRRSV-2”
Jianfa Bai (KSVDL), “Genome diversity and multiplex detection assaydevelopment for PCV3 and PCV2 viruses”
Jianfa Bai, “Development of a Luminex multiplex assay forthe detection of PRRS and PCV viruses and for PRRS vaccine differentiations in the US”
Xingyu Yan, “Genetic characterization of emerging variants of PRRSV in the United States: new features of -2/-1 programmed ribosome”
Fangeng Yuan, “Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus nsp1alpha associated with mitochondrion dysfunction"
Fangeng Yuan, “A quantitative real-time RT-PCR assay for rapid detection of genetically diversified atypical porcine pestivirus strains in North America"
Scenes from the 2018 International PRRS Symposium held in Chongqing, China: Dr. Ying Fang (background photo) and Dr. Jianfa Bai (inset) were two of the K-State faculty members who spoke at the symposium.
Art collection imitates life for Dr. James Roush
By Gabriella Doebele

Growing up, people often collect baseball or Pokémon cards, but Dr. James Roush sparked an unusual collection tradition for his family.
The longtime professor of clinical sciences had just started his veterinary career when he stumbled upon a few veterinary statues and decided to purchase them. His acquisition inadvertently prompted a new quest for his parents who began seeking out veterinary statues for their son.

This statute depicts Dr. Jim Roush working a with a cat.
“I found one or two, and then they started looking everywhere they went on vacations or any kind of a trip,” said Dr. Roush, “They were two empty-nesters with nothing better to do, searching in every tourist trap in America and England.”
Dr. Roush has collected 104 over the years. He believes he only purchased 10 or so, meaning the rest were gifts from his parents.
“It was an easy way for my parents to buy something for me for Christmas instead of a tie,” said
Dr. Roush “At times they had purchased so many that they didn’t give them all to me at once, but spread them out over several gifts. Other times they forget they had stashed one in a closet and didn’t remember till weeks after the occasion.”
Dr. Roush’s collection even has a few ties to K-State veterinary alumni.
“There is a limited-edition, AVMA commemorative pewter from the 1960s that I had someone bid on and won at an auction in Topeka – I think it was owned originally by a former faculty member here,” said Dr. Roush. “There is a hand-carved wood statue that Dr. Steve Swaim, a K-State alum, carved and donated to the exotics auction one year that I purchased, too.”
The statues are made of china, porcelain, steel, pewter, rock, papier-mâché and wood. Dr. Roush keeps the statues in a few display cabinets at his home, but his collection hasn’t grown much lately as he no longer actively seeks new statutes.
“I occasionally will buy one if it is unusual or has other intangible value to me,” Dr. Roush explained.
There are several statues that were custom made to resemble him, including one that was crafted by his daughter in high school art class. Dr. Roush mentioned that only a few of his statues are female – he didn’t see a female statue until the late 1990s. He assumes that there will be more in the future. A few obscure ones in the collection feature dogs, clowns and Santa Claus as veterinarians.
Dr. Jim Roush (inset) and some of his favorite veterinarian statues he has collected over the years.
Student passes test – with her dog
By Gabriella Doebele

Not all heroes wear caps, but they may have paws! MaRyka Smith, concurrent Ph.D. and first-year veterinary student, and her dog, Hazzy, recently passed the Search and Rescue Dogs of the United States (SARDUS) certification test to be a human-remains detection team.
MaRyka said she has been involved in search and rescue since 2011.

MaRyka Smith and Hazzy

Hazzy celebrates a find by getting to play with her favorite (training) toy and gets rubbed all over. Watching in the background is Teresa MacPherson, one of the instructors for the seminar. "Teresa has been on hundreds of searches from the Oklahoma City federal building to earthquakes in Haiti and Nepal," MaRyka says.

At a seminar at Crisis City, Kansas, with Ann Wichmann, Hazzy's breeder and seminar instructor.
“As a youth, I was involved as a volunteer ‘victim’ for handlers with live-find or area search dogs; while my parents were handlers and trainers with our family dogs,” MaRyka said.
MaRyka knew she eventually wanted a dog of her own and finally brought Hazzy home in June 2017. Hazzy is Jenner’s Run Labrador, and according to MaRyka, “was bred to work.” Hazzy’s relatives can be found in the search-and-rescue missions all over the world, including the World Trade Center catastrophe. With her relative’s long history with search and rescue, and MaRyka’s background, Hazzy completed her initial training faster than the expected period.
“The length of time spent preparing for a certification test really depends on the dog and the handler's experience,” MaRyka explained. “Certifying with a just-under 15-month-old dog is not the norm. However, since I have spent several years observing other handlers, her [Hazzy's] natural ability really helped expedite the process for her. Usually dogs are closer to 2 years old before they are truly mission ready.”
MaRyka and Hazzy took the initiative to go beyond their normal training to strengthen their skills further.
“Hazzy and I have a collection of scent sources that we train with at the various dog-friendly parks around Manhattan and the surrounding area,” MaRyka said. “We have also attended training seminars to get insight from other handlers and exposure to training aids that are different from mine.”
While MaRyka has been involved with search and rescue for eight years, she would rather her training not be necessary. “In all honesty, I hope that all of my training is never needed,” MaRyka said. “If there is never another lost person in the area that needs my help, I wouldn't be heartbroken at all. However, I am proud to be a resource for the local law enforcement agencies to call to help bring answers to those who have lost loved ones.” MaRyka will continue to train with Hazzy in the evenings and on the weekends to keep their skills sharp.
For more news about search and rescue, information is posted on the Facebook page for Kansas Search and Rescue (KSAR), which includes information on other dogs in the area and opportunities on how to get involved.
A training source is in the rusty barrel. Hazzy barks to alert Maryka that she had found it. Maryka's mother (tan pants) presents Hazzy with her favorite toy (that is only used for training). "We like to have someone else besides the handler give the toy so the dog doesn't learn to depend on the handler for reward," Maryka says.
Sept. 19 seminar looks at antibiotic stewardship in animal health
Antibiotic stewardship is the central theme of an upcoming seminar tailored to professionals in the animal health industry.
"Antibiotic Stewardship in Animal Health" is from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 19, at the K-State Olathe campus. It brings together thought leaders in industry, government and academia to discuss and provide multiple perspectives on the past, current and future issues related to antibiotic stewardship, regulatory implications and how the industry may adapt in response.

Dr. Mike Apley speaks at a seminar at K-State Olathe earlier this year.
Speakers include:
• Dr. Mike Apley, Frick professor of production medicine/clinical pharmacology in Kansas State University's College of Veterinary Medicine
• John Butler, CEO of the Beef Marketing Group
• Bill Flynn, deputy director of the Science and Policy Center in the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's Center for Veterinary Medicine
• Nadyne Hagmeier, quality improvement consultant for the Kansas Foundation for Medical Care Inc.
• Elizabeth Hermsen, head of global antimicrobial stewardship for Merck
• Mike Morris, global quality assurance for Yum! Brands
• Dan Rice, owner of Prairieland Dairy
• Rick Sibbel, president and owner of Executive Veterinary and Health Solutions and former executive director for the U.S. Food Animal Business Unit of Merck Animal Health
• Jeff Watts, research director of external innovation – anti-infectives at Zoetis Inc.
This is the fifth seminar in a series that provides topical information in animal health regulatory affairs. The seminars are designed to connect the animal health industry to the federal regulatory agencies, with the goal of facilitating a dialog that may help craft solutions and actions that improve aspects of the regulatory process.
More than 350 professionals from animal health companies and affiliated industries across the world have attend previous regulatory affairs seminars. Participant feedback has shown that the information is impactful and making a difference in the industry.
To register for the seminar, visit olathe.k-state.edu/regaffairs. |
Researchers help discover unique antibody effect with Zika and dengue viruses

Antibodies are supposed to help the body fight infection and reinfection by viruses, but new research suggests that the antibodies we produce to fight two mosquito-borne viruses may worsen — rather than guard against — reinfection.
Drs. Yan-Jan S. Huang, Dana Vanlandingham and Stephen Higgs from the diagnostic medicine and pathobiology department and the Biosecurity Research Institute co-authored the paper with Joseph Mattapallil, associate professor of microbiology, and William Valiant, doctoral student, from Uniformed Services University and others from the Department of Defense and industry partner Bioqual.

Mosquitoes are one of the vectors to transmit Zika and dengue viruses.
The paper was published on July 13 in Emerging Microbes & Infections, a Nature publication.
Dengue viruses infect millions of people a year in tropical areas such as Latin America, Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands. The mosquito-borne virus causes dengue fever, which can develop into a fatal hemorrhagic disease. The virus comes in four closely related varieties, and when people are infected the first time, they develop antibodies that guard against reinfection with the same variety. Infection with a different variety, however, could be worsened because the antibodies that helped the first time bind poorly to the slightly different virus and help deliver it to other areas of the body.
Zika and dengue are closely related, so scientists are interested in finding out whether Zika antibodies will also be "cross-reactive" and help enhance dengue virus infections, and vice versa.
According to Dr. Stephen Higgs, director of the Biosecurity Research Institute and university distinguished professor of diagnostic medicine and pathobiology, this research is crucial to improve knowledge related to the use of vaccines against these viruses.
"When vaccines become available and are approved, it may be advantageous to vaccinate people with vaccines for Zika and Dengue at the same time, because this could reduce the chance of enhancement," Dr. Higgs said.
Results from the study provide more information on the types of antibodies involved in enhancement, the effect of the time after initial Zika infection, and whether Zika antibodies could project against dengue virus infection enhancement.
"Research in this area is ongoing. It's going to take more studies to unravel how the two viruses' antibodies affect each other," Dr. Higgs said.
Drs. Huang, Higgs, and Vanlandingham have been collaborating with Uniformed Services University scientists for the past three years and published a seminal manuscript in Nature Scientific Reports in 2017 that for the first time demonstrated enhancement of dengue infection after infection with the Zika virus.
Regular features
Alumni Events, Development and Continuing Education
The Veterinary Medical Alumni Association organizes alumni receptions at several of the national annual conferences plus continuing education events and more. This month's section includes an update on the recognition awards coming up plus an invitation to our Cat Town Pregame Tailgate events and more.
News Ticker
More activities and accomplishments in the College of Veterinary Medicine:
The Veterinary Health Center is sponsor of the Clear the Shelters event being promoted on KSNT-TV in Topeka. Watch for VHC mentions on KSNT affiliate stations.
The College of Veterinary Medicine Staff Council is excited to announce the establishment of eight CVM Staff Awards to be distributed annually beginning in the Fall of 2018. Nominations will be accepted from Sept. 1 through Sept. 30. See more details here: https://www.vet.k-state.edu/about/staff-council/docs/Award-Summary-Staff-Council.pdf
Lesa Reves passed her Certified Registered Central Service Technician (CRCST) test offered through the International Association of Healthcare Central Sterile Material Management (IAHSCMM) on Aug. 3.
Michaela Musselman’s, CPhT (Pharmacy Student Technician Worker) National FFA Proficiency Award has been accepted as a national finalist (four finalists total). She will travel to Indianapolis for an interview in October before the National Award is determined.
Dr. David Eshar was named the new Exotic Companion Mammal Regent for the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners effective July 1.
Dr. Raghavendra Amachawadi was an invited speaker at the International Association for Food Protection Annual Meeting on July 8-11 in Salt Lake City, Utah. His presentation was titled, “Heavy metals as growth promotants in cattle and swine: Could they contribute to antimicrobial resistance?”
Dr. Manuel Chamorro attended the 2018 AVMA convention in Denver, Colorado, July 13-17 where he presented four lectures: Treatment of abdominal distention in calves, Failure of passive transfer in calves, strategies to prevent respiratory diseases through vaccination in calves, and Treatment of calf diarrhea in the field.

Dr. Sue Nelson (pictured above) presented, “Making a pet first aid kit” to the kids at the “All About Animals” Summer Camp at K-State Olathe on July 19. She said the campers really enjoyed the activity! Drs. Kate KuKanich, Ryane Englar, Callie Rost and veterinary technician Jennifer Free also led four rotating, interactive stations at the “All About Animals” camp. Student learned about the veterinary profession, including animal welfare and emergency medicine, dog-bite prevention, foreign body ingestion and retrieval via endoscopy, radiographic interpretations, toxicology, and basic palpation skills. Students gained an appreciation for the diversity of roles that veterinarians play in the community as well as the diversity of species that they treat. The students in attendance were energetic and eager to participate.
Dr. Ryane Englar was a contributing author on, “Development of Veterinary Anesthesia Simulations for Pre-Clinical Training: Design, Implementation, and Evaluation Based on Student Perspectives,” that was published in the summer Journal of Veterinary Medical Education edition.
Social Media Blitz! Drs. Brad Crauer, Alyssa Comroe, veterinary technician Gillian Campbell and fourth-year students in the Shelter Medicine course were followed by Audrey Hambright and Shelby Mettlen to capture their day for a social media blitz. Stories and pictures were posted to K-State Snapchat and the KSU Shelter Med Instagram. It was a great showcase of the K-State Mobile Surgery Unit in action!
Drs. Tara Mauro and Chris George passed their ACVIM certification exams. Drs. Olga Norris and Sabina Sheppard both passed their ACVIM general examination.
Joe Montgomery was nominated and elected as vice president of the executive committee for the Association of Veterinary Advancement Professionals (AVAP) at the annual conference held July11-13 in Denver, Colorado.

Briana Anderson from Langston University Oklahoma spent her summer at the lab of Drs. Antje Anji and Meena Kumari performing research as a Summer Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (SUROP) student. During this time, she participated in the SUROP outreach program twice at the Sunset Zoo. On the first occasion, Briana visited with elementary school children about the dangers of drug abuse (pictured above). On the 2nd occasion, she visited along the similar lines to general public who were visiting the Sunset Zoo that day and other SUROP students. On July 27, Briana presented her research data and her presentation was entitled: “The Characterization of Exosomal Proteins from P19 Cells.” The final SUROP meeting was held July 27 meeting from 9:30 AM to noon at Regnier Hall on the K-State campus (also pictured above). Dr. Kumari (far right) attended the meeting on behalf of Dr. Anji, also pictured with K-State Graduate Studies Dean Dr. Carol Shanklin.
VHC welcomes new residents/interns

Meet (back row, from left) Drs. Gail Huckins, exotics intern; Nathaniel Kapaldo, anesthesiology resident; and Katie Hetrick, small animal medicine resident. Front row: Drs. Haileigh Avellar, equine surgery resident; Evan Ross, cardiology intern; and Lauren Aldrich, small animal surgery resident. Inset, left: Dr. Jordan Roberts, ophthalmology resident and on the right, Dr. Hannah Turner, radiology resident.
Veterinary Research Scholars Program this year included: Keith Lewy, Kaitlyn Hastings, Jacob Herford, Meghan Lancaster, Ally Fitzgerald and Sarah Stuebing The VRSP students gave poster presentations at the conclusion of the summer session, including Kaiwen Chen, bottom left, who shared a poster on collaborative project he performed with researchers at the University of Missouri.

Kudos to Amy Burklund in the KSVDL. "July 27, I completed my second 50k in Wichita at the UrbanICT race," Amy says. "I work up in the Bacteriology Lab in Mosier Hall and have been an employee there a little over 10 years. I began running a few years ago and have completed 21 half marathons, two 50ks, three full marathons, and a 'Tough Mudder' (along with a bunch of 5ks and 10ks, too!). On Aug. 4, I did the 'Brew to Shoe' 10k in Manhattan and then up next on the horizon is a half marathon in Wyoming in September, and then a full marathon in Wichita in October."
 Vet Med ROCKS (Recruitment and Outreach Club of Kansas State) hosted a a one-day camp for elementary school, middle school, high school and preveterinary college students. The club has pictures posted on its Facebook page. The students encourage you to like their page and share with other Facebook friends. Above, grade school students participate in a radiology session with second-year student Eleanor Selanders in the microanatomy laboratory.
New Arrivals/Recent Departures
Lifelines is published each month by the Marketing and Communications Office at the College of Veterinary Medicine. The editor is Joe Montgomery, jmontgom@vet.k-state.edu.
Lifelines index
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