May 2016 - Vol. 11, No. 5
Top Stories
CVM hosts State Department Ambassador Bonnie Jenkins
Seminar addresses impact and development of Global Health Security Agenda
A full house heard U.S. Department of State Ambassador Bonnie Jenkins list the efforts of the Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA) during a lecture titled, “Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Terrorism – efforts to reduce the threat,” on Wednesday, May 4, at noon in the Mara Conference Center. The audience included scientists and students from a number of faculties across K-State campus such as leadership studies, veterinary medicine and nuclear engineering, and representatives from the local community including law enforcement officials, the security sector and the USDA.
Ph.D. student learns about science and engineering policymaking at workshop in Washington, D.C.
Dr. Izabela Ragan has a driving passion to work at a place that doesn’t fully exist yet: the National Bio and Agro-defense Facility (NBAF). This federal animal disease research facility is being built in Manhattan and is expected to be operational by 2023. As a veterinarian scientist and Ph.D. student in the College of Veterinary Medicine at Kansas State University, Dr. Ragan’s passion is so strong she decided she needed to learn how policy decisions are made in Washington, D.C., so she applied for an opportunity to attend an annual workshop held April 17-20 called Catalyzing Advocacy in Science and Engineering (CASE), which is sponsored by the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences.
Video Feature
BRITE program - Basic Research Immersion Training Experience
At the Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine, students open doors to new possibilities and careers, such as through the Basic Research Immersion Training Experience, or BRITE. This program grants funds for a year-long research experience so motivated veterinary student might begin their journey into a PhD program.
To learn more about the BRITE program and how to apply, please visit the program’s webpage (
Video produced by Joseph Chapes and Kent Nelson, technology coordinators from
Computing and Technical Support (CATS). See more CVM videos at our YouTube site:
Biosecurity Research Institute awards fellowships to CVM faculty
The Biosecurity Research Institute, or BRI, presented awards to 13 researchers as inaugural members, including several CVM faculty and/or alumni, of the Marty Vanier and Bob Krause BRI Research Fellows Program at a ceremony and reception on April 29. The purpose of the program is to foster interdisciplinary research and educational opportunities and activities associated with the work the fellows are doing in areas such as high-consequence plant and animal diseases, foodborne disease agents, arthropod-borne diseases, and pathogens that can be passed from animals to humans.
More Headlines
CVM names Dr. Rush executive associate dean
Kansas State University (KSU) College of Veterinary Medicine has named Dr. Bonnie Rush, DVM, MS, Dipl. ACVIM, as executive associate dean.
VHC appoints clinical trials coordinator
The Veterinary Health Center announces the appointment of a clinical trial coordinator, Misty Bear. She will offer support to all investigators with current or upcoming clinical trials. This can include assistance with study design, CRF generation and data capture, creating and maintaining study binders, trial promotion and patient enrollment, in addition to facilitating daily study visit activities for each patient.
CVM begins new Strategic Planning initiative
The College of Veterinary Medicine announces a new strategic planning initiative. We are seeking your input to help us develop a new vision for our college by responding to a special survey that will help direct our resources and define our priorities for the next three years. What does the future of veterinary education, animal health, teaching, research and service look like? Where do we need to be? Your participation and thoughtful opinions can help make our College the elite institution that it should be.
K-State’s Beef Cattle Institute to Host International Symposium on Beef Cattle Welfare
The Beef Cattle Institute at Kansas State University is set to host the 5th International Symposium on Beef Cattle Welfare (ISBCW) in Manhattan, Kansas at the K-State Alumni Center on June 8-10, 2016. Held in one of the world’s leading beef cattle production regions, the event will provide a valuable opportunity for beef industry leaders and influencers to learn, gain fresh insight and actively participate in addressing beef cattle welfare.
CVM recognized at All-University Awards ceremony
Provost April Mason hosted the All-University Awards Ceremony and reception Monday, May 2, in the Alumni Center Ballroom. Awardees recognized at the ceremony included: Coffman Chair for Distinguished Teaching Scholars; K-State Mentoring; Presidential Awards for Teaching, Advising and Department Head; Big 12 Faculty Fellowships; Excellence in Engagement, Putting Students First; and other awards from the president's and provost's offices.
International Programs launches 'Veterinarians around the world' photo competition
The CVM's office of International Programs announces the launch of the "Veterinarians around the world" photo competition. The theme for the competition is international veterinary medicine. Entries should capture efforts to improve animal health, public health or wildlife/ecosystem health; food security (sustainable production systems); food safety; capacity building; animal welfare; or biological threat reduction. Any other subjects relating to international veterinary medicine will also be considered.
Regular features
Alumni Events and Continuing Education

Pet Friendly License Plate program in Kansas
The College of Veterinary Medicine has a new way to support shelter medicine in Kansas. The Pet Friendly license plate is available to Kansas residents statewide by visiting your local Kansas county treasurer's office.
News Ticker
More activities and accomplishments in the College of Veterinary Medicine:
Fourth-year student Caroline Meyer received a KSU Extraordinary Student Award designed to recognize and honor students who have shown extraordinary courage and persistence in the pursuit of their education. Caroline finishes all DVM requirements on May 1. The Exotic Companion Mammal Symposium was held at the College of Veterinary Medicine. The conference was organized by and sponsored by Oxbow Animal Health. Dr. James W. Carpenter and Ashley McCowan were the local hosts and organizers. More than 90 veterinarians, technicians and veterinary students attended. Speakers included Drs. Natalie Antinoff (Keynote Speaker; Gulf Coast Veterinary Specialists, Houston), Micah Kohles (KSU DVM ’01, Oxbow), James W. Carpenter, and David Eshar. The symposium was RACE approved. Dr. Anne Sally Davis, diagnostic medicine/pathobiology department, received $3,000 from the Kansas State University Office of International Programs in its spring 2016 Incentive Grant awards. Grant awards can be used by faculty to develop international collaborations, research, teaching and study abroad opportunities, as well as elevate international global learning opportunities and experimental short term co-teaching grants. Dr. Davis was awarded for a Rift Valley Fever Virus research collaboration with the University of Pretoria. Dr. Davis also reports a recent first-author publication, "1918 Influenza receptor binding domain variants bind and replicate in primary human airway cells regardless of receptor specificity." Dr. Roman Ganta will serve as the chair for the National Institutes of Health special emphasis panel for reviewing R15 Academic Research Enhancement Award applications. Application topics include virology, bacteriology, parasitology, vector biology and drug discovery. Ganta will serve in July and November 2016. Dr. Bob Larson presented at the National Institute for Animal Agriculture in Kansas City, Missouri, on BVD consult. Dr. Mike Apley met with veterinarians in the swine executive veterinarian program at the University of Illinois. His topics were the veterinary feed directive, antibiotic resistance, upcoming changes in regulations, and antibiotic stewardship. He also spoke at the Colorado Livestock meeting in Loveland. He was on a panel on consumer communications regarding major issues involving beef production. Dr. Walter Renberg presented at the WVC Oquendo Center in Las Vegas. He presented topics in hind-limb orthopedic surgery. Dr. David Biller presented at the Federation of Asian small animal veterinarians meeting in Kuala Lampur, Malaysia. His topics were on interpretation of a normal thorax; abnormal pulmonary patterns; radiographic techniques; and understanding contrast studies. Dr. David Eshar presented at the Paris University. Topic: GI-stasis in rabbits. He also attended the European College of Zoo Medicine Meeting in Mons, Belgium. Topic: Evaluation of the effects of body position on trends of selected physiological parameters during isoflurane anesthesia in black-tailed prairie dogs. Amy Brusk presented at the Region IV National Council of University Research Administrators in Kansas City on Monday, May 2. Her presentation title was: “Today’s Research Environment: Implications for Research Administrators” Kristin Loving gave a presentation on Willie's Pet of the Week and "Bringing Your Brand to Life Through Social Media" at the University Communicators conference at the Harvard Faculty Club in Cambridge, Massachusetts, held April 12-13. |
Class of 2018 surprises Dr. Steve Stockham
The class of 2018 surprised Dr. Steve Stockham, who is retiring this summer. Dustin Renken announced the class is going to have a stone installed in honor of Dr. Steve Stockham in the Centennial Plaza – it will be placed in about the location he usually stands when he lectures outdoors on the plaza. A video of the presentation is posted at this Facebook link. |
CORE program hosts special seminar by Dr. Stuart Reid
Developing Scholars Research Symposium features several CVM participantsUndergraduate research took enter stage at Kansas State University's 16th annual Developing Scholars Program Research Poster Symposium on April 17 in the K-State Student Union's Ballroom. The Developing Scholars Program is an undergraduate research program that provides opportunities for highly motivated students from diverse backgrounds to participate in research projects with a faculty mentor. Students receive academic, social and financial support while participating in the discovery and creation of new knowledge at Kansas State University. Developing Scholars is housed in the university's Office of Undergraduate Research & Creative Inquiry. "The Developing Scholars Symposium has become an anticipated spring tradition at K-State where the campus and community come together to celebrate the diverse contributions of Kansas State undergraduates and their faculty research mentors," said Anita Cortez, director of the Office of Undergraduate Research & Creative Inquiry. "Their research ranges from cutting edge cancer research to prison reform to food insecurity in Kansas to marketing of toys to girls. We encourage all undergraduates to seek out research opportunities while they are at K-State surrounded by so many gifted faculty. K-State's faculty are well known for their generous support of undergraduates in research." Below is a list of student participating at the CVM and their mentors: Eric Charboneau, Michael Zuniga and Jake Jimenez: Dr. Mark Weiss (our longest serving mentor) Patrick Guvele: Nancy Monteiro-Riviere Mya Masterson: Dr Sally Davis Tera Brandt: Dr. Tom Schermerhorn Carolina Garcia: Dr. Weiping Zhang Melissa Riley: Dr. Bruce Schultz Maira Cotton-Caballero: Dr. Bonto Faburay Jennifer Delzeit: Dr. Masaaki Tamura Delia Hernandez: Dr. Peying Fong Miriam Macedo: Dr. Deryl Troyer Arisa Yamashita: Dr. John Gonzalez (ASI)
CVM holds annual White Coat Ceremony - Congrats and Good Luck to class of 2017
The Nanotechnology Innovation Center and the Institute of Computational Comparative Medicine Faculty and Postdoctoral Awards, Grants, Book Chapters and Publications from January 2016 - April 2016Honors and Awards:
Research Publications:
Book Chapters:
Invited Presentations: 1. Dr. Aryal “Rational Design of Polymeric Nanoparticle as a Theranostic Device”, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju, South Korea, April 2, 2016. 2. Dr. Aryal “Polymeric Nanomedicine as a Therapeutic and Diagnostic Modality”, Yonsei University, Wonju, South Korea, April 4, 2016. 3. Dr. Aryal “Polymeric Nanomedicine for Targeting Bone Microenvironment”, Polymer Society of Korea, Daejeon, South Korea, April 8, 2016.
New Arrivals/Recent Departures
Lifelines is published each month by the Marketing and Communications Office at the College of Veterinary Medicine. The editor is Joe Montgomery,
Lifelines index
Download a printable version of Lifelines (this is condensed and has less information than above)