April 2016 - Vol. 11, No. 4
Top Stories
Dr. Yunjeong Kim helps pave the way to identify antiviral treatment for deadly infectious cat disease
A new research project in the College of Veterinary Medicine at Kansas State University has been successful in treating a deadly cat disease that has previously been nearly 100 percent fatal. Dr. Yunjeong Kim, an associate professor in the diagnostic medicine and pathobiology department, has worked with collaborators in diverse fields to develop an antiviral compound for feline coronavirus associated with feline infectious peritonitis, more commonly known as FIP
Kansas State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory researchers evaluate space-time pattern and environmental drivers of bovine anaplasmosis
Researchers in the Kansas State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory and the Center of Excellence for Vector-borne Diseases have established a set of models to evaluate the space-time pattern and environmental drivers of bovine anaplasmosis in the Midwestern state of Kansas. The results have recently been published in PLOS ONE as “Bayesian Space-Time Patterns and Climatic Determinants of Bovine anaplasmosis.” Data used in the study were from diagnostic samples submitted to the diagnostic laboratory between the years 2005–2013. The study results indicate the number of bovine anaplasmosis positive submissions in Kansas have steadily increased and have originated from newer geographic areas during the same period.
Video Feature
Dr. Raelene Wouda examines cancer in clinical setting
Meet Dr. Raelene Wouda, assistant professor of oncology in the Clinical Sciences department. She is s actively involved in pilot, phase I, II and III clinical trials. Her research interests include the utilization of new and existing chemotherapeutic agents in innovative roles and combinations, novel immunotherapeutic approaches, individualized and intensified therapeutic protocols, the development of personalized diagnostics and therapeutic plans, and chemotherapeutic drug resistance.
Video produced by Joseph Chapes and Kent Nelson, technology coordinators from
Computing and Technical Support (CATS). See more CVM videos at our YouTube site: youtube.com/KSUCVM
Drs. Eshar and KuKanich to receive mentoring award
More Headlines
SCAVMA students fly-in for AVMA’s legislative session in Washington
The American Veterinary Medical Association’s (AVMA) Governmental Relations Division teamed up with the Student AVMA to host a joint 2016 Legislative “Fly-in” to bring veterinary students and veterinarians to Washington, D.C., to participate in a two-day workshop.Three students from K-State joined a group of nearly 70 students from different veterinary colleges in the U.S. for the event which took place Feb. 28- March 1.
Students build and decorate dog houses for local shelters
Purina and the Shelter Club held its annual dog house decorating event on Friday, April 1 in the lawn between Trotter and Coles halls in which students came and assembled/painted dog houses donated by Purina. The dog houses will then be donated to local animal shelters. Enjoy some of the colorful photos from this worthwhile tradition.
Kansas State University and Kansas beef industry to host anaplasmosis meeting in Salina
The meeting is designed to educate, plan coordinated effort to control the crippling disease in Kansas
A meeting to sync up the Kansas beef industry and veterinary profession in combatting anaplasmosis infections in Kansas cow herds will be held May 11, 2016 at the College Conference Center at the Kansas State University Polytechnic Campus located at 2310 Centennial Road in Salina. The meeting is hosted by the Kansas State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory and K-State Research and Extension involving beef-focused faculty from K-State’s College of Veterinary Medicine and College of Agriculture along with leadership from the Kansas Livestock Association, the Kansas Farm Bureau and the Kansas Veterinary Medical Association.
Hot Topic: 9 things to know about animal vaccine development from Kansas State University experts
Animal diseases pose significant threats to health and food security. Here are nine things to know about animal vaccine development according to three Kansas State University scientists involved in vaccine research.
Frontier program equips students to meet food system challenges
From understanding the intricacies of global trade policy to fighting antimicrobial resistance, maintaining the safety, security, and ongoing operation of the global food system is a daunting challenge. The Frontier program at Kansas State University works to ensure that students are prepared to keep the system up and running.
Regular features
Alumni Events and Continuing Education
The VMAA recognized the late Dr. Ross Mosier at the Western Veterinary Conference, and the Development Team hosted a special new night called the Kind Heart Celebration. See our monthly "In Memoriam" feature to help keep you updated on dearly departed classmates and friends of the college.
Pet Friendly License Plate program in Kansas
The College of Veterinary Medicine has a new way to support shelter medicine in Kansas. The Pet Friendly license plate is available to Kansas residents statewide by visiting your local Kansas county treasurer's office.
News Ticker
More activities and accomplishments in the College of Veterinary Medicine:
Dr. Mofazzal Hossain Received Best Award from University of Kansas
Dr. Mofazzal Hossain, a postdoctoral research associate in Dr. Bob Rowland’s lab in the Department of Diagnostic Medicine /Pathobiology, is conducting research on the design and development of multiplex serological assays for the detection of antibodies in Rift Valley fever virus and other high consequence animal diseases. Recently, he has been involved in a collaborative research program between Kansas State University and the Arthropod-Borne Animal Disease Research Unit (ABADRU), USDA in Manhattan, Kansas. In collaborative studies, a multiplex fluorescence microsphere immunoassay (FMIA) was used to detect bovine and ovine IgM and IgG antibodies to several Rift Valley fever virus (RVFV) proteins, including the major surface glycoprotein, Gn; the nonstructural proteins, NSs and NSm; and the nucleoprotein, N. The experimental results demonstrate the utility of FMIA for the detection of antibodies to RVFV structural and nonstructural proteins, which can be applied to the development of diagnostic tests that differentiate vaccinated from infected animals (DIVA). Currently, Dr. Hossain’s research focuses on the development of FMIA for the detection of antibodies to reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) and porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) using protein A, G, and A/G as an alternative to antibody conjugates. With the lead of Dr. Rowland, Dr. Hossain discovered a new function of old proteins of microbial origin. Protein A was isolated from bacterial cell walls almost 75 years ago; however, no one knew of its application in FMIA. In these studies, conjugates A, G, and A/G were used to detect IgG antibodies: Protein A, which is derived from Staphylococcus aureus (SPA); Protein G, which is derived from a Streptococcus species; and a genetically engineered recombinant form of Protein A and G, called Protein A/G. Conjugates/Protein A, G, and A/G can bind to Fc receptors of mammalian immunoglobulins. One of the advantages of using these proteins is that negative samples show low background. Our studies show that the use of proteins A, G, and A/G in the place of secondary antibody are an efficient and cost-effective approach to PRRSV and PCV2 surveillance. Using IgG as a secondary antibody, multiple samples of one species (for example, cattle or sheep) can be run in a 96 well plate. In the case of Protein A or G, one sample per species can be run in a 96 well plate at once. Therefore, alternative conjugate-based FMIA have wide applications in the veterinary diagnostic laboratory because of the multiple species of mammals that are dealt with in veterinary professions. Recently, Dr. Hossain presented his research findings at the Kansas University Postdoctoral Association (KUPA) Research Day Symposium 2016, School of Pharmacy at the University of Kansas. The title of the presentation was “Discovery of non-species specific antibody capturing reagents in fluorescent microsphere immunoassay (FMIA): a powerful tool for veterinary diagnostic virology.” He received the best award for the best presentation from the symposium. This award highlights the importance of the work and brings wonderful recognition to the Rowland lab. |
Right: Dr. Lin receives the award certificate from the vice president of this specialty section, Dr. Eva D. McLanahan. |
Kansas State University promotes faculty members and awards tenureEarning promotion to full professor his year are Dr. Ying Fang, diagnostic medicine/pathobiology (first row, left), shown with Dean Tammy Bekcham and Department head Dr. M.M. Chengappa; Dr. Philip Hardwidge, diagnostic medicine/pathobiology (second row, left); Dr. Sanjeev Narayanan, diagnostic medicine/pathobiology (second row, right); and Dr. Brad White, clinical sciences (third row, right), shown with Dean Beckham and Department Head Dr. Bonnie Rush; Dr. David Rankin, clinical sciences, (third row, left) has earned promotion to clinical associate professor, and Dr. Diane Mason, clinical sciences, (bottom row) has earned promotion to clinical full professor. Congratulations to all.
Therio Club and Bovine Palpation Team head to SAVMA Symposium in Iowa
The College of Veterinary Medicine’s student Bovine Palpation Team recently competed in the Bovine Palpation Competition that occurs annually at SAVMA Symposium held this year at Iowa State University from March 17-19. All students from AVMA-accredited institutions are welcome to attend and compete. The K-State team currently consists of six members from the Classes of 2017, 2018, and 2019: Ben Suchsland, Erin Jobman, Joyce Wick, Matt Temaat, Jessie Lyne and Kotie Wootten. All but Eric Jobman were able to attend this year. They competed in three rounds of competition consisting of a multiple choice exam, a lab practical style exam, and a final round where competitors palpated live cows and judged their stage of pregnancy. Questions are written by the host school focusing on bovine theriogenology work. Teams can be eliminated each round of the competition. “We were proud that K-State made it to the final round,” said Sara Alves, president of the Theriogenology Society, “We placed in seventh after Auburn University, University of Tennessee, Oklahoma State, and three teams from Virginia-Maryland (respectively). The University of Wisconsin followed K-State in eighth.“ The event is sponsored by the Society for Theriogenology. “Our K-State Student Governing Association (SGA) was generous enough to sponsor our travel costs to Iowa State University,” Sara aid. “We had approximately 45 students from Kansas State University attend the symposium this year, and the total for the entire symposium was a little more than 1,000 in attendance.” The K-State Therio Club adviser is Dr. Robert Larson, while the Bovine Palpation Team Adviser is Dr. Emily Reppert. “This is Dr. Reppert’s first year teaching the Bovine Palpation Team at Kansas State University, so we are thrilled to say she did a fantastic job,” Sara proclaimed.
Dr. Keith Hamilton gave a presentation on "One Health: An International Perspective" for the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology on March 25 in Washington, D.C. A PDF and podcast of his presentation and the rest of the meeting are available online. https://www.whitehouse.gov/administration/eop/ostp/pcast/meetings/past Dr. Greg Grauer presented at the 132nd Annual Meeting for the New Jersey Veterinary Medical Association in Florham Park, New Jersey, and the Hawaii Vet Symposium at Turtle Bay Resort on the north shore of Oahu. Topics for both meetings: Reassessment of Normal Values in Kidney Disease; CKD: A tale of Two Cats; UTI Top Ten Questions Addressed; Cats, Calcium, and Kidneys; Use of NSAIDs in Dogs with Liver and Kidney Disease; Early Diagnosis of CKD; Staging and Management of CKD; Importance of Proteinuria and Hypertension in CKD; ACEI and CKD: The Good, Bad, and Ugly; Hyperthyroidism and CKD. Dr. Bob Larson presented at the Western Veterinary Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada on the role of momentum, BSE of Bulls, BVD and Trich consult. Dr. Susan Nelson presented at the KSU Olathe Campus: Small Animal First Aid. This lecture was open to area high school students, parents, teachers and the general public. She was also featured in the The Riley County Humane Society March newsletter for disaster preparation for your Pet. Dr. Mike Apley spoke at the 47th Annual Meeting at the American Association of Swine Veterinarians. Topics: Preparing for an FDA inspection. Antibiotics Breakout session: Antibiotics in food animals. He also presented to the Beef Industry Food Safety Council in Austin, Texas on the topic of Antibiotics in food animals: Where we are, how we got here, and where we are going. At the Oregon Veterinary Medical Association in Corvallis, Oregon. he addressed Residues in food animals with an emphasis on milk and cull dairy cows; Regulatory changes for drugs in food animals with a focus on the VFD; Antibiotic resistance in humans and food animals, and how they are related; What antibiotics actually do in cattle; and Evaluation of pneumonic calf videos followed by postmortem pictures and microbiological diagnostic results. Dr. David Eshar presented and participated in a wet lab at the Wisconsin Exotic Animal Veterinary Conference in Madison, Wisconsin. His topics were Rabbit GI Stasis - No such thing; Sugar Glider Medicine 101; General considerations of small mammals surgery; Rabbit & Rodent soft tissue surgery; and Urinary diseases of small mammals. Current VHC residents, Drs. Katie Delph and Jessica Monday passed the 2016 ACVIM-Large Animal Certifying examination. Recent VHC residents, Drs. David Upchurch, Matt Sherwood, and Patrick Loftin all passed the 2016 ACVS board certification examination. Susan Rose reports several activities this spring involving her artwork. From April 8-June 6, she will participated in the MVIS National Juried Exhibit: Albrecht Kemper Museum of Art, 2818 Frederick Avenue, St. Joseph, Missouri. The opening reception is April 8 from 6-8 p.m. The website is at: http://albrecht-kemper.org/exhibitions/missouri-valley-impressionist-society-juried-exhibitionz From April 16 to June 11 she will have work at the Symphony in the Flint Hills Art Exhibit and Auction. The exhibit opens April 16 in Cottonwood Falls Art Opening Reception: April 16. Gallery and Auction on June 11. www.symphonyintheflinthills.org/art/ In May 2016 she will have a solo show as the featured artist for the Junction City Arts Council, at the C.L. Hoover Opera House. The opening reception is May 13 from 6-7 p.m. http://www.jcoperahouse.org/#!community/cnek And from May 3 - July 2 her work will be part of "30 Women Artists Paint Kansas" invitational exhibit at the Coutts Museum of Art, in El Dorado Kansa. The opening receptin will be May 2. http://couttsmuseum.org/ |
Undergraduate student in Davis Lab receives travel award at national Experimental Biology conference
Elizabeth Stietzle, Long Island, New York, senior in animal sciences and industry, received a travel award from the Histochemical Society to attend its annual society meeting held at Experimental Biology 2016, a national scientific conference in San Diego on April 3. The $1,000 award was selected on the basis of merit for a scientific abstract submitted by Stietzle, who has worked as an undergraduate research assistant in the lab of Dr. A. Sally Davis, assistant professor of experimental pathology in the diagnostic medicine and pathobiology department of the College of Veterinary Medicine. For the last year, Stietzle has been working on Rift Valley Fever Virus Immunohistochemistry (IHC) as well as digital microscopy analysis of IHC for an influenza A research project. She was also requested to present her poster at the Immunohistochemistry and Microscopy Scientific Interest Group meeting during the conference. “It was an honor to be the only undergraduate student recognized for the Histochemical Society's travel award,” Stietzle said. “Experimental Biology was an amazing opportunity for me to be exposed to many different fields of science and research and network with professionals while I am still very early in my career. I'm very grateful to the Histochemical Society as well as Kansas State University's Office of Undergraduate Research and Inquiry and especially Dr. Davis for supporting me.” “This is wonderful recognition and a great opportunity for Lizzy to present her work,” Dr. Davis said. “The society has but one annual award for undergraduate research, so it’s very exciting to have a student who has been selected for this award.” After Stietzle graduates this May, she will start work on a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree at Kansas State University as a member of the class of 2020. |
New Arrivals/Recent Departures
Lifelines is published each month by the Marketing and Communications Office at the College of Veterinary Medicine. The editor is Joe Montgomery, jmontgom@vet.k-state.edu.
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