The Beef Cattle Institute
Practical, Knowledgeable and Committed service.
The purpose of the Beef Cattle Institute is to create a collaborative environment at Kansas State University to tackle today and tomorrow’s issues facing the beef industry through education, research and outreach.
This institute enhances the education and the value of the degrees of K-State students, increases information access and training opportunities for people working in the beef industry today through research and practical engagement, and improves the cultural and intellectual diversity of our student body. The Beef Cattle Institute strives to provide beef producers with the most current education, research and outreach available.
BCI's mission is to provide educational tools and outreach opportunities through online resources and annual issues meetings to address current topics to engage and support a welfare-centered, economically sustainable, and environmentally responsible beef industry in its mission to produce safe and wholesome beef products.
The BCI develops a multidisciplinary, nimble infrastructure within the university to solve complex, real-world problems in the beef industry through education, research and outreach. The BCI currently provides research funding/stipends for 22 graduate students.
The institute is well versed with issues facing the beef industry and maintains strategic partnerships with the beef industries leading professional organizations such as National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, the Livestock Marketing Association, the American Association of Bovine Practitioners and the National Food Animal Veterinary Institute.
Creating global understanding the center brings world experts through BCI’s International Symposiums on beef cattle welfare and antibiotic usage and develops international bilingual, online training programs to improve beef cattle production, health, safety and global sustainability.
The BCI recently developed and now manages the Beef Quality Assurance online program to serve cattlemen with easy-to-use modules to teach sound management techniques that can be applied to every day beef and cattle operations.