15th Annual White Coat Ceremony
May 8, 2015 2:00 p.m. Hilton Garden Inn, Main Ballroom
Members of the Class of 2016 have invited family and friends to attend the White Coat Ceremony (WCC). All faculty, staff and students in the college are encouraged to attend. The White Coat Ceremony has become an important tradition in the College of Veterinary Medicine and is supported by all members of our college community.
Class of 2015
History of White Coat Ceremony
On Friday, April 20, 2001, the KSU-CVM Class of 2002 participated in the First Annual White Coat Ceremony (WCC). Many medical schools and a few veterinary colleges have adopted this tradition in recent years. The purpose of the WCC is to provide a symbolic transition from the didactic to the clinical phase of veterinary education. Students were welcomed to the Veterinary Health Center by members of the clinical faculty.