About Our College
Exceptional teaching. Impactful research. Outstanding service. Extraordinary graduates.
The Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine takes pride in a rich history of tradition, excellence and innovation. Established in 1905, we are the sixth oldest veterinary college in the United States. Today we claim nearly 8,000 men and women who have been granted the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree.
Our Mission
Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine is dedicated to the advancement of health and welfare of animals, people, the environment, and the veterinary profession through excellence in teaching, research, service and outreach.
We are committed to a professional degree program with broad training opportunities across a comprehensive range of companion and exotic animals, and livestock species. Our focus is on initiatives that address important societal needs at a local, national and global level.
Our Vision
Exceptional teaching. Impactful research. Outstanding service. Extraordinary graduates.
How We Operate
We strive to create an environment that is fulfilling and rewarding, while we focus on good communication, productive collaboration, mutual respect, diversity, integrity and honesty.
The college consists of three academic departments: anatomy and physiology, clinical sciences, and diagnostic medicine/pathobiology; and two professional service units: the Veterinary Health Center and Kansas State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory. Each unit is staffed by professional and highly skilled faculty and staff.
To carry out our mission, we offer nationally recognized instructional and research programs to provide the highest standards of professional education. The college benefits from having a rich, varied and extensive agricultural program in the region surrounding the college, a city with many pets and a zoo, and referrals from surrounding states that provide a wealth of clinical material for professional education in veterinary medicine.
Our Success at Educating Veterinarians
The College of Veterinary Medicine at Kansas State University has "full accreditation" status by the Council on Education of the American Veterinary Medical Association.
The pass rate for K-State graduates on the North American Veterinary Licensing Examination for the class of 2023 was 92 percent.