St. Joseph Veterinary College Graduates
Dr. John Henry Gillman (SJ 1916) was born in Jackson, Tennessee. He graduated from St. Joseph Veterinary College in 1916 and held Tennessee license number 224. Dr. Gillman served in World War I where he attained the rank of major. He practiced veterinary medicine at Somerville, Tennessee, and then established a clinic with Dr. E. B. Mount in Memphis in 1930. The last thirty years of his life he spent with Jensen-Salsbery Laboratories where he did research. While performing an autopsy on cattle in San Angelo, Texas, he contracted anthrax and recovered. In 1938, Dr. Gillman was influential in bringing to Memphis the 76th Annual Meeting of the AVMA in 1939, of which he was general chairman. At this meeting, he was elected a vice president of the AVMA.
Dr. John J. Riordan (SJ 1917) enrolled in the St. Joseph Veterinary College in the fall of 1914 and graduated from St. Joseph Veterinary College in 1917. On April 6, 1917 the United States entered the war against Germany and all eligible men were required to register for the draft. In August of that year, Dr. Riordan received a commission as a second lieutenant in the United States Veterinary Corps with orders to report to Camp Sheridan, Montgomery, Alabama. He served with the American Expeditionary Forces in Europe. After the war, he was in practice in Fillmore, Missouri and later in Tarkio, Missouri. His son, John F. Riordan thought he had one of the largest large animal practices in the state of Missouri. He stated "In the year 1951 alone, he "shot" over one million cc's of hog cholera serum in addition to vaccinating for swine erysipelas."
Dr. Charles T. Riordan (SJ 1918) was the co-owner of a hog cholera serum company in Des Moines, Iowa. He was killed in a gas explosion at the plant in February 1931.
Dr. Clarence H. McElroy (SJ 1919) served as the first dean of the School of Veterinary Medicine at Oklahoma State University from 1947-53. He was born on March 26, 1886 in Tulsa. He enrolled for the fall semester of 1900 in the college preparatory school at Oklahoma A&M College. Money was scarce so he worked as a janitor in Old Central for ten cents an hour and his "room" was a bed in the attic of the building. He recalled, "My board and room cost $2.50 a week. One year I spent only $90!" He went on to study general science and received his B.S. degree in June 1906.
Dr. Joseph E. Weinman (SJ 1921) taught veterinary students at the Kansas City Veterinary College and the St. Joseph Veterinary College and served as head of the Department of Anatomy for three years at St. Joseph Veterinary College until it closed in 1923. He subsequently was in private practice for nearly 25 years and left his practice in Lincoln, Nebraska, in 1946 to join the embryonic faculty when the School of Veterinary Medicine opened at the University of Missouri.
Dr. W.R. Lawrence (SJ 1923) was originally from Mississippi and in general practice in Kosciusko. He was president of his senior class at the St. Joseph Veterinary College. He served the federal government in tuberculosis eradication work and moved to Tennessee in the mid 1940's. He was assistant to the state veterinarian in 1949 and practiced until his death, April 14, 1964. Dr. Lawrence was president of the TVMA from 1949-50 and was named "Veterinarian of the Year" in 1961.
Dr. Grant Ackerman enrolled at St. Joseph Veterinary College in 1923, but transferred to Kansas State College and then Colorado State University when St. Joseph closed. His son, Ed Ackerman graduated from Kansas State College in 1955.